Finished New game- Are YOU popular? (Updated first post with new forum positions) (You-person-person-you)

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RE: New game- Are YOU popular?

What's with all the people suddenly coloring their text?

Normal Member.
RE: New game- Are YOU popular?

Newbie. Don't take the SAT until you improve your reputation to the positive range. I'm speaking from experience; I have a good grasp of English mechanics and I got a 780 on the New SAT Writing (80 M/C and 8 Essay).
RE: New game- Are YOU popular?

Normal Member. If you want to get any higher then you should probably start posting in something other than the Game Corner, lol.
RE: New game- Are YOU popular?

pikalax said:
I have a good grasp of English mechanics and I got a 780 on the New SAT Writing (80 M/C and 8 Essay).
I didn't went over 700 in the writing!
My math is only 740 :/

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