Finished New game- Are YOU popular? (Updated first post with new forum positions) (You-person-person-you)

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Mimebread said:
Banned Member. :( (to Meaty)
ElectroManiac said:
Member... Who are you? (to Mimebread)

Yeah.. I really haven't seen you before Mimebread, and I don't think you've seen me. But that doesn't mean no one knows me. People who didn't know you said you were a member.
Mimebread said:
Oh sorry. But now I'm seeing you more often so strategist.

Yeah it's fine I'm just like "Banned member? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? :("

Anyway, mod for Bob franklin.
Joeypals!! said:
Banned. Never seen you.

Aww come on! You too? Why is it the only people who judge me are the people I've never seen?

Oh and Clan Council.
Galefail said:
Admin: VERY popular
Super-mod: Pretty prestigeous
Mod: Popular
Jr. Mod: So close to popular it isn't even funny.
Clan Council: Sub - Popular
TCG Rules Master: A fair amount of people know you
Trade Council: A known person
Strategist: People might say "Hi! I know you"
Normal member: Normal rank
Warned member: Hardly known
Banned member: No one knows who they are.
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