New Game - Avatar Fight! (YPPY)

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Beet charges itself with too much solar power, and explodes into your sombrero, which is now very dirty!
Raikou eats your beet to increase its PWNing power that it uses against non-PokeChampists.
Umm... no you don't. My Poke-Body says you get tails! :(

*Attaches two Pluspowers on Shiftry, and uses second attack
@Azul: what PokeChamp said

@PokeChamp: Raikou just stares at it. It decides to use Calm Mind followed up with HP Ice.
Mewtwo and Deoxys ATK Forme stops their fighting and starts attacking Raikou.

Raikou starts crying like a little kitten :p
Shiftry uses Bonding Beam (jap. version) to confuse the two legendaries. That and my Poke-Body, and I'm set.
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