*NEW GAME* How Much Does Pokebeach mean to YOU?


Okay, as a special thanks to WPM and all the mods, this game is just what the title says; How much does it mean to you? the goal of this game is to get 100 dedications, then 200, 300, etc.

Like this:

total rating of Pokebeach:
10/10 (-somthing like this)

Summary of what you think:

and somthing else you want to add...like a picture or somthing? (optional!)

No Spamming
No insulting PB
other Pokebebeach rules apply.

I'll Start:


Pokebeach is the greatest. Although I don't play the card game and I just go on the forums, I love it here, And the only reason I don't go on an Invader ZIM forum is because it was cancelled and there is so many "y did dey do it? i luved dat show duh" threads and a bunch of ZATRs (ZIM and TAK romance...even though the creator comfimed that they will always hate eachother), DATRs (Dib and TAK romance...even though Dib hates aliens and TAK is one), and ZADRs (ZIM and Dib romance...oh my god who thought of this? they are both male). BACK TO SUBJECT: Pokebeach rocks.
This was the first forum site I ever joined and certainly the one I am most loyal to. I don't know what I would do with out it this site, WPM and the mods do a great job and this is a very cool place!
pokebeach gets a 1/10
this place is horrible....

just kidding! 100/10.
this is the best forum,its very active and has nice members :).whats not to like here?well holy star is not to like but...whatever.
What does Pokebeach mean to me? It means Zilla continuously pelting me with Avatar spoilers, logging DFB's hissy fits, flame wars with Silver (does it count as war if there's no competition?), talking about Amt behind her back, swearing bloody murder on z-man's annoying uno-bot and KG's swelled head, alternatively flirting and hating on certain unmentionable people, getting jealous and exasperated over all the Brawl talk and generally raising hell.

In other words, a 10 out of 10.
Hmm...of course I have to say 10/10. This was my first website to actually participate in Forums, they have almost ALL of the card scans(unlike Serebii who just CAN'T keep up), many great Pokemon lovers come and talk, and we also have the BEST artists here too! Without Pokebeach, I would NEVER go on the internet...:D
You can almost be sure everyone will say 10/10+... that's what I'm going to say. Geez, I learned so much here: Noobnerd taught me not to spam and mini-mod, many teams helped me learn the TCG, KG and SvN helped me learn the video game, and Aqua Smeargle helped me learn how to sprite and such!

I also met a few people that I didn't know who live near me in real life (Spirit of Mew, pika2, Espeonshock, etc)

So, yeah. 10/10. I don't care what Serebii (respectively) and Pokegym (respectively) say. They are both respective sites, but flame us too much =/
Not much to say 10/10 ^^

+Nice Page
+Looks good
+Much parts =)
+WiFi League
+Game Corner
+Can do some good trades
+Friendly Users

-Have to pay much to ship overseas =/

But anyway a GREAT side =)


really 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000/1
This place is a place where I can just chill and have fun.
There's games and clans but there's one problem.
Too many n00bs
This place is still awesome

Theres tons of stuff to do here, a community that know each other. WPM is an amazingly dedicated webmaster, and the mods do an awsome job too!
11/10 because I was already registered here and it was good (I was Mewthree, then changed my username to Darkness Pokemon Master), but 1/10 because I got banned for...nothing? Being inactive probs.

10/10 ATM.
I say 8/10 for the forums. 10/10 for the mods and creator. I think the creator is WPM. Is he? They do they`re job and make sure things run smoothly. I don`t play card games so I can`t rate that.