BW/BW2 new info from serrebii?

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Aspiring Trainer
There are 156 new Pokémon within this generation; 153 within normal gameplay and further 3 event Pokémon (#647, #648 & #649) that will be distributed in a manner similar to Darkrai, Shaymin & Arceus in the previous generation In regards to a few numbers and details; #633 through #635 are a Dark/Dragon-type evolution chain #638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary #639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary #640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary #641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary #642 is an Electric/Flying-type Legendary Reshiram is to be #643 Zekrom is to be #644 #645 is a Ground/Flying-type Legendary #646 is a Dragon/Ice-type Legendary #647 is a Water/Fighting-type Event Legendary #648 is a Normal/Psychic-type Event Legendary #649 is a Bug/Steel-type Event Legendary-what do you guys think?imo thats alot of legendarys
Wow that is a lot of legendaries! XD probably even more than DP, wow the Last Pokemon ever in the Pokedex now is going to be Bug/Steel, im guessing its not going to be as God like as Arceus
While it may be a lot of legendary Pokemon, it will make competitive battling different. Ubers has always been my main metagame I play. It also provides for more diversity in types.
Ah yeah I guess it would change the metagame quite a lot
Oh just realised, a Dark/Dragon evolution chain... Sweet!
Man, this is major bs! I don't believe any of this. Why? Because, where's Victini on that list? Where's the Psychic/Fire event legendary on that list?
And it'll be #494 Nationally.

Why would it be at the end, after being #000 in the regional dex?
(Steel/Rock/Grass)/Fighting trio I suppose. The type-combination make me curious, some too look ordinary to be a legendary normally.

Also.. the pure Flying.. could it be really?
I love the Dark/Dragon evolution chain the most! I think it could be Isshu's Tyranitar or Garchomp.
Water/Fighting Legendary? We have Poliwrath but this is totally different...
I can see a Fighting trio and a Flying trio. If this is real, and there is a Dark/Dragon evo chain, I am happy :]
I hope these are real! 156 pokemon!? That's a lot - in fact, it would be the most amount of pokemon introduced in a single generation! Zekrom and Reshiram are both part-Dragon, so theoretically the third member should also be part legendary. I honestly thought this 3rd legendary would be either Dragon/Steel or Dragon/Ice, and Dragon/Ice is on that list 2 entries below Zekrom! :) Does anyone think that there could be a total of 3 legendary trios this gen?

1. Yin/Yang trio
2. Fighting Trio
3. Flying Trio

Also, I thought and still do think that Ononokusu is the final evolution of the pseudo-legendary chain, and I think that Kibago is its base stage. Being part-Dragon wouldn't surprise me, and they look like they could be part-Dark type as well! Before all those legendaries mentioned on that list, we are told that there is a Dark/Dragon evolution chain, so it makes sense! :)
You guys gotta be kidding... Victini is #000 in Isshu REGIONAL Dex, not NATIONAL DEX, and if it is an Event Legendary why would it be before Tsutaaja and not in the end like every event legendary??
Also, the starters have always been after the last pokémon of the previous region. Why would they change that? Just because it is #000 in regional dex? That means nothing! Just turn your brain on...
@Timeshift. There's only one trio, the figting trio. Reshiram, Zekrom and their 3rd counterpart do somewhat make a trio.. but yeah.. not the trio like Legendary Birds, Beasts etc. Also I don't see a flying trio. Yes there may be 3 Flying Pokemon, however one is pure Flying(?) and the other have Flying as their second type plus two different first types, not enough in common to classify them as a trio. Probably just three separate legendaries.

@Metalizard. Victini would be behing Arceus and before Tsutarja. To be honest, that doesn't look too awkward, I mean it isn't that Victini is placed in the middle of the other Pokemon.

Nevertheless, the isn't confirmed.. although highly believable. Many legendaries = GameFreak :D
This info is cool my dream came true with the bug legendary, even if it's event.
Also I don't think Kibago is pseudo-legendary any more, I think that Dark/Dragon is though.

I think this is 1 or 2 legendaries more than DPPt.
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