BW/BW2 New legendary

Grass Dragon said:
I want it to be blue...maybe an ice dragon?

Oh I was just saying grey because of how Reshi's white and Zekrom's black =b I was thinking a silverish grey so it could be an dragon/ice

kriffix said:
The silhouette was shown. As expected it was the orange thing.

Ughh u_u that's silly.. jk it ain't.
Like what those who took the effort to read should know, it wasn't nor was it ever going to be the third legendary.

Looks like I shall be eating no hats~

rockinpikachu said:
Is that all that was shown or are they going to show more?

There'll be more at the end. I'll translate any quick info instantly and post it as close to live as possible :p
(doubt there'll be much though, name and hopefully type atleast~)
They'll probably show it at the end of the show. Hopefully they'll also tell us it's name, type etc.

here he is :D its the rat animal thingy-ma-bob
rockinpikachu said:
I love this little guy.
Along with Kibago he is awesome!
Glad we get to see the new small legendary.

I wanna give him a hug. Also, 2ch rumors. Tsutaja's final evo is grass/ground (OH GOD NO..). Pokabu's final is fire/dark and Miju's will be water/fight. I hope they are rumors.. though they sound a lil realistic..
About 40 minutes until the section of the show where they show it.
Also they said they'll be testing out triple battles, so we have that to look forward two beforehand as well!
They just showed the silhouette for it, so yes, it is the Mew/Celebi/Jirachi/Shaymin legendary of this gen.
After they have their little Poke-dress-up show, they'll go for commercial then show triple battles. After that there'll be another commercial where they'll reveal the silhouette to be the Orange guy.
TrainerofFury said:
They just showed the silhouette for it, so yes, it is the Mew/Celebi/Jirachi/Shaymin legendary of this gen.

lol it hasn't been confirmed at all if it is, but it might be XD
Mucrush said:
lol it hasn't been confirmed at all if it is, but it might be XD

It has been confirmed. Two weeks ago they called it a "Maboroshi" Pokemon, which means it is.
Ryu Shoji said:

It's the one that WPM saw at the movie.
Ahh its that baby legendary.
I don't really know what to think of it really,its cute :p
but It seems alright,I'll just have to wait for the offical artwork and see if I like the look of it.
Hmm there's still some more of the dress-up contest. Their section on triple battle will probably be VERY short o__0
The silhouette reveal only needs a few seconds though so it's probably that section is probably not going to make much of a difference on the overall ep time.

20 mins left until show ends~