New Lucario and Riolu from ‘Star Birth!’

Still haven't brought up a valid point. Volca and Reena v are, at the end of the day, not good options in general. Tsareena has to discard benched Pokemon which, in case you didn't know, takes a while to re-do. Revive, rescue stretcher, brock's grit and other cards along this vein are nowhere near as viable options as energy retrieval or fisherman for Pokemon that discard energy. That's literally not up for debate. Sure, Tsareena V has Sky Field but so does every deck in expanded but without having to discard benched Pokemon. As for Volcarona v- as I said, even bringing that thing up immediately disqualifies your argument because it's just downright awful. Sorry. You know, I've noticed something about this situation: people are taking everything far too literally and only looking at the surface level. At the end of the day Lucario is a wonderful stage 1, fighting type attacker and that is INFINITELY cooler and more interesting than a mediocre v that nobody plays. Besides I'm pretty sure nobody here but me has played PTCGO because ever since Roaring Resolve Charizard was released noobs have been buying the deck and just playing expanded (standard when it was legal) with it and doing just fine. I still see a new account use it every once in a while and if you aren't using a busted deck or a water type deck, you run the risk of actually getting your ass beat. Now imagine that but as a fighting type stage 1.

Case closed.

???? Volcarona V is tier 1-tier 2 at the moment in expanded. Tsareena V plays 4 copies of LOT Giratina and Dragonite EX to recover benchable fodder without needing to play anything other than two Rescue Stretcher.

The fact that you call Tsareena and Volcarona V "mediocre Vs that nobody plays" shows me that you're actually the one not playing PTCGO, because these decks are literally everywhere aside from Dragonite V and Mad Party. Are you some kind of bad troll? The fact that you think TEU Charizard is "busted" when it's literally nothing but a bad petdeck in expanded is kind of revealing.