BW/BW2 New My Pokemon Ranch for BW?

I want a neatly-organized, easy to navigate system. Where I can store my Pokemon in an obsessively logical order. Not some ranch or city with all hundreds of Pokemon running around being chaotic and unsorted....

I've never played Pokemon ranch, because I sold my Wii when I realized that Zelda was the only decent game that would be released for it. But Pokemon ranch sounds and looks like it would drive me totally insane.

I really liked Pokemon box. It was very user friendly and did everything it was supposed to do. I know it was also incredibly dull and had no gaming elements... but it was just very useful. I hope something similar will be released when we have Pokemon Black and White. Although I hope they won't charge the price of a normal game, like they did back then.
On that note, I hope the new Pokemon Colosseum/Revolution/whatever is on the wii. I really don't want to buy a new system.
runeon12 said:
I hope it's like a "Pokemon Mansion."
That can be a whole game! You could control a pokemon by clicking on it and using the nunchuck, and you could walk around a big city, talking to other pokemon and upgrading your mansion with additions. You could throw parties, and even hold festivles if you get enough money.
Leafy101 said:
That can be a whole game! You could control a pokemon by clicking on it and using the nunchuck, and you could walk around a big city, talking to other pokemon and upgrading your mansion with additions. You could throw parties, and even hold festivles if you get enough money.

I wasn't too keen about the city part, as if it was made it would probably just be a WiiWare game, but everything else was absolutely perfect!
Maybe, you could transfer Pokemon from the old Ranch, like how you migrate Pokemon form Gen III to IV, IV to V.
888eddyx said:
Maybe, you could transfer Pokemon from the old Ranch, like how you migrate Pokemon form Gen III to IV, IV to V.

The connecting of Wii Channels...Seems like a great idea that they yet have to do!
I would like them to give us a program on our PC / the internet. Seeing as we will be able to connect our Pokemon games to our computer with Black & White.
Wolf616 said:
I would like them to give us a program on our PC / the internet. Seeing as we will be able to connect our Pokemon games to our computer with Black & White.
Maybe Dream world is our new Pokemon Ranch :(
I would hate that.
rockinpikachu said:
Maybe Dream world is our new Pokemon Ranch :(
I would hate that.

I don't think you're able to store Pokemon in the Dream World, I think it's only one that you take with you.
I never bothered with it before, it seemed like a glorified Pokemon Box....

If they actually added nintendog/animal crossing style features to it. (Like maybe a Pokemon Hotel?) then I might be more interested.
My opinion: NO spells no:p:p Reasons why.
1. lost my pearl -.- so I don't wan't that to happen again.
2.SUPER ANNOING! Been like 3 months ceince(sorry) I playd it.
and 3.pokemon didn't look real with miis runing aroud feding pokemon crackers. Remembr MY opinions!
Sniperfrog said:
The only thing i truly liked about My Pokemon Ranch was the Mew you get after you have a certain amount of pokemon

Thats what most people use pokemon ranch for.