BonesPwns said:
I'm not allowd to give you a decklist so I'l give you a basic idea. A good starting deck is torterra (sunshine songand then another one of your choice). first you want torterra for big damage, drawpower like claydol and a few other good grass or a small amount of fighting pokemon that you think you would work well with. Then get some trainers, supportters, and stadiums that work well with most or all of your pokemon and then get all the right energy!
TAADAA! A torterra deck.
Why would you need a Fighting Pokemon in a Torterra deck? I'm not counting the SF Terra, though.
A good deck should have a noticable strategy, or at least a strategy that is explainable. Not a strategy like, "Get out all of your Pokemon and strike them with ultra powerful atttacks." But something like, "Use Luxray GL Lv.X to switch your opponent's active Pokemon and either attack that new Pokemon with Luxray, Blaziken, or any other of your main attackers. Or, just stall with that Pokemon."~ That example was BlazeRay. Also, your deck should include 16-22 Pokemon (around-ish), 13-16 energy (depends on the deck, though. Some decks need like 10.) And the rest T/S/ST.
To build a good deck, don't run stage-2 decreasing pyaramid lines. Something 3-2-1 Torterra is a decreasing pyaramid line, where you have more copies of your basic Pokemon than the final stage. If you are going to do that, you might as well play 3-2-3 Torterra, where you have 3 Turtwig, 2 Grotle, and 3 Torterra. There are exceptions to this, though.
Finally, don't start with a complicated deck. Try go with an easy-to-play deck, and soon build yourself up to more advanced decks. Have fun!