BW/BW2 New Pseudo-legendary(s)?

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Personally I'd like to see some pseudo-legendary wolves like my Fakemon Metalupus and Canersia (bad art, I know, but they're the only pics I've got), which evolve from a basic Pokemon at certain levels depending on whether or not the creature loves its trainer (Metalupus being the result of love, Canersia the result of hate). I know that this is pretty much not going to happen, but I think that dragons have had too long of reign over the pseudo-legendary scene (not that I have anything against them, especially since Garchomp is one of my favorite fourth generation Pokemon) and something else should be done for a change. But then, I say that and in the second gen Tyranitar appeared...and then Metagross in the third (though, I guess I could argue that Salamence overshadowed it quite a bit).
Hm... I don't know why, but in that Dark/Ground crocodile that was revealed lately (don't remember his name), I see a pseudo-lengendary...
Yeah, maybe evolve into Drago/Ground and have some type of Alligator that stands on 2 legs and has wings, it would look wierd and cool at the same time. Personally I've always wanted a Grass/Electric, Water/Fire, Fire/Electric. The only one that has a chance is Water/Fire with the whole steam concept.
According to Serebii, there is a pokemon that has a base stat of 600 and also its type is Dark/Dragon. I think this one is the Fifth Generation's Pseudo-Legendary. To me, although I wish it was a different type coverage and ability (it's Levitate), this could be good. :D

The name's Sazando (Pokemon #635), along with its pre-evolved forms, Monozu and Jiheddo.


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Hydra is the confirmed pseudo. Sweet to. Like many people posted, wanted a drk/drg, and a hydra is icing on the cake.
Cool that it has a strong attack stat but also higher special attack. Thats new.
Dragon/dark pulse combo! All it needs is flamethrower and i got me self a demon of destruction!:]
Indeed. This is truly a rise for Dark-type Pokemon this generation, and with Sazando aka Hydra along with old school powerhouse Tyranitar, I just can't wait to get my hands on this game! ^^ Dark FTW! :D
I know right? Most darks and that strong, and since unbreon didnt get intimidate, the hydra must be mine. The ability levitate is great to. No need for flying moves or the weaknesses that come with it. I also like how it has great attack stats so its more capeable of moves. Whether its a dragon/dark pulse and flamethrower combo or dragonclaw/crunch/firefang, opponents will never know. Also no double ice weakness, an unsued bug weakness, and immunity to psychic is amazing.
THe thing is gonna be good. With Specs (assuming they are in B/W) this thing is a total beast. LIke a Specs Latias except strogner and not pursuit weak. That STAB Draco Meteor is gonna hurt.
How could i have forgotten draco meteor? Hydra is a definite win. Onkouso is gonna be so overshadowed. I like it to, but it cant compete with legends like sazando can.

How could i have forgotten draco meteor? Hydra is a definite win. Onkouso is gonna be so overshadowed. I like it to, but it cant compete with legends like sazando can.

How could i have forgotten draco meteor? Hydra is a definite win. Onkouso is gonna be so overshadowed. I like it to, but it cant compete with legends like sazando can.
Yeah someelse uses the name axel! Maybe sazando will get dragon dance. However, i still reallly like my axel. Lets see...
Sazando axel
dragonpulse dragonclaw
dracometeor outrage
good resistances less weaknesses
higher stats dragon dqnce/sworddance
They both have a lot of parralles like giga impact/hyperbeam.
the hydra is just what i wanted: dark/dragon type pseudo that is SPA based while all other pseudos have been attack based
and is ono. a pseudo?
Technically, no. Its stats are pretty high up there but fall a bit short to pseudo legends. It is pretty strong when it comes to attack, and not to shabby anywhere else either. Its overshadowed by the hydra, but with less weaknesses then most dragons, itll be great in the metagame. Look at the chandeleer, its not that strong, but already guranteed. Also it gets sworddance/dragon dance and no one is sure if the hydra can learn either.
No time to train both since the hydra will take 64 levels to get.
WTF?! level 64?! you've got to be kidding me! is this confirmed to be true?!
flying spaghetti monster, i hope its not
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