New Rotation Information?

Oh yeah, right. If this was really done right, those changes wouldn't go into effect until HG/SS on anyway. (That would be optimal at least.)

dmaster out.
Dnub, that would make our format much different than Japan's format. Our formats are merging... so keeping that big thing different would be a bad idea. By your suggestion, we would get the rule changes 2 years after Japan... That isn't very good. We'd already have had B/W for a LONG time. I'm hoping we have only 1 year of pain which comes from SPs being a T1 deck (probably during worlds too) and then we remove SPs altogether.
@Gliscor: That was before SP, though. It's going to be tough to win against some SP if it's RR-on (clearly, the SP engine won't be there from Platinum, but there'll still be a good number of used SP cards).
I like SP, but I think by the end of this format it would have had it's time. I'd like to see a RR-on rotation, but POP always suprise us so it's difficult to guess.
Well whatever it's called, there are always surprises. We probably won't get anything definite on the rotation for quite a bit.
Yea, If platinum is rotated SP would stop dominating and the meta would be dominated by lost world. Unless SP engine is reprinted in CoL then SP would go on for one or two more rotations.
I really doubt any SP will be reprinted at all. I think that was just for the Platinum expansions...
As for Lost World, I don't think people know if it's going to come out. Personally, I think it won't, but there's nothing definite yet.
It should at least as a promo, although my guess would be that call of legends would just include the special shiny legends. But you never know, although SP (considering the value) reprints might push sales on CoL but whatever. I just want platinum on.
off topic: @Lou Cypher: I did that today in a top 4 game..won both times by donking with ambipom/crobat both games.

on topic: I hope pt on..sure we'll lose uxie..but sps will find a workaround..
^Almost all decks would be hurt by the lose of Uxie.

Magnegatr will be the only deck with extra drawpower.
If it is HGSS on I'd be really happy, then I finally can go with Professor Elm's Trainning Method. :)
Scizorlicous said:
@Gliscor: That was before SP, though. It's going to be tough to win against some SP if it's RR-on (clearly, the SP engine won't be there from Platinum, but there'll still be a good number of used SP cards).

SP decks NEED the SP engine. Without the SP engine, SP decks lose their speed boost from Energy Gain, locking from Power Spray, and the ability to keep pickup your SP's to keep reusing Luxray or Garchomp over and over again without Poke Turn. With Cyrus gone, SP decks won't be able to consistently get their Energy, Supporter, or SP Radar.

Basically, SP decks are slower and much less consistent without the SP engine.
^ Yeah, SP decks lose a ton of support. But the loss of BTS hurts a lot for evo decks, too.
I think the rise in decks with a good number of SP techs will rise, but perhaps not a full-out SP deck. We'll still see a lot of GCX/LGLX/BFBX/DGX in some decks if the rotation is Platinum-on.
Well, the way I see it is..
A) PUSA said they're rotating 4 sets per year
B) Black and White is the new "base set"
1) This year's rotation would be: MD, LA, SF, PL
2) Next year's: RR, SV, AR, HGSS
3) The following's: UL, UD, TM, Call of Legends
D) That would start at B&W-on 3 years from now


This. If you read the press release on the Pokemon site after they announced the rotation last year, they clearly state that they want to keep each format between 9-13 sets, which means that, for the next format, we will have RR-on. Take it to the bank.
@glaceon: DGX is to counter Spititomb lock. (which would be broken if the format was RR on) (no regice, dgx, etc)
I'm pretty sure it will be PL-on or RR-on, it's not POP's style to rotate out loads of sets at once.