makka said:
Gale said:
And yes, that is the new shiny. The 3 new shinies are Duskull, Drifloon, and Voltorb. Check Pokebeach for more info, and congrats on pulling a very rare card
am I the only one that sees that starly also is shiny??? ( so its 4 shinies in the new set 0.o )
Um, I don't think the Starly is shiny. One, it doesn't actually look shiny, and two, if it was, it would probably follow the same theme as the other three, meaning, there's a common, non-shiny version of the pokemon, and a shiny verison as as well. Get what I mean?
Plus, I'm sure plenty of people that have bought IFIDS boxes can tell you that Starly is just any old common.