New Shiny Pokemon, Great Tusk ex, Iron Treads ex, Mime Jr., and More from “Shiny Treasure ex!”

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Yes, i was hoping they would give Iron treads and Great tusk a Future and ancient card. Cause i thought printing them in the base set was a waste when they could have waited till they were releasing all the other Paradox Pokemon. Thank you TPCI for making up for that and giving them an Ancient and Future card.

Now they can have a card to be able to use the ancient and future booster tools and supporters and everything. :)
The connected HYGONOSUKE artworks continue with Mime Jr! Looks like we may be missing just one more to complete the whole image

Edit: never mind it’s complete now lol
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Yes, i was hoping they would give Iron treads and Great tusk a Future and ancient card. Cause i thought printing them in the base set was a waste when they could have waited till they were releasing all the other Paradox Pokemon. Thank you TPCI for making up for that and giving them an Ancient and Future card.

Now they can have a card to be able to use the ancient and future booster tools and supporters and everything. :)
In relation to the video games it makes sense that both of them appeared in the base set first - in both Scarlet and Violet, before the player gets to go to Area Zero, there's a Paradox Pokemon "loose" in the present day world wreaking havoc and the player has a quest mission to stop the pokemon - and recognizes that "they look like Donphan, but something's different". I think it's really cool they printed them both in both sets as a little nod to the games' storylines :)
Maybe we’ll get a card similar to plasma badge, but instead allows paradox Pokémon to use attacks of all cards with their initial name to give them more options. These cards make me think that is a huge possibility.
Is really interesting to have an "evolved" or variant version of an attack but unfortunelly is too weak, even if you are able to save one last Wattrel until the very end it will only cause 110 damage and it could be easily blocked by Manaphy, I suppose it make sense to finish a previous wounded Pokemon

Maybe if it were counters that you can distribure however you want, I mean Sableye do that in easier conditions...
Great Tusk ex - still stuck on "Fighting decks had no decent energy acceleration" limbo. The ability is only good if you hit had as fast as possible, on which it'll be unlikely. Be glad that Sada fixes one part of the problem, the other part is the damage output. Because you discard cards every end of your turn, you'll lose some important key cards you might next turn, increasing the cause of bricking your turn, why? Double Turbo cuts the damage to 240 and what if you faced a Charizard that lives an atk and probably next turn you'll losing Boss' or 1 Counter Catcher for the endgame, you'll have to divert your strat there.

Iron Treads ex - like F, M still don't have any. Even worse that it costs MMC, MCC just only need 1 Double Turbo and some random M to accelerate, This ain't. Which makes it fell to the Mirage Gate territory. 170 still fell short tho for 3 energy, just saying.

Mime Jr. - decent 1-of inclusion. Best since the existence of Cleffa. Possible comeback card.

Charmeleon - doesn't matter since Stage 1s often gets dumped in Stage 2 decks, unless you're Kirlia.

Kilowattrel - United Wings is a decent deck with a decent dmg output of 240 maximum (not enough to OHKO a Charizard). Sniping would be nice if you can OHKO. Bet it can only OHKO support mons. I love sniping bench attackers so that the opponent will go desperate to retaliate you, especially if the ones get KOed banked energy already.
Is really interesting to have an "evolved" or variant version of an attack but unfortunelly is too weak, even if you are able to save one last Wattrel until the very end it will only cause 110 damage and it could be easily blocked by Manaphy, I suppose it make sense to finish a previous wounded Pokemon

Maybe if it were counters that you can distribure however you want, I mean Sableye do that in easier conditions...
we still don’t know what the potential honchkrow or flamingo of the set will do. This at least confirms that they are willing to expand the united wings mechanic with different attacks and abilities to boost its viability.
In relation to the video games it makes sense that both of them appeared in the base set first - in both Scarlet and Violet, before the player gets to go to Area Zero, there's a Paradox Pokemon "loose" in the present day world wreaking havoc and the player has a quest mission to stop the pokemon - and recognizes that "they look like Donphan, but something's different". I think it's really cool they printed them both in both sets as a little nod to the games' storylines :)
Yeah, it is great they have given them another ex that is future and Ancient.
This Great Tusk is really cool and powerful, the Ability can be worked around with Path. The Iron Treads is also a lot better than the original, but unfortunately we don't have good Energy acceleration for Metal Pokémon, maybe this set can provide some of that for Metal or at least Future Pokémon. Now, I'm expecting a Future and Ancient version of Miraidon and Koraidon for this set, I'm just hoping that they are Tera Dragon bc that would be so cool.
Kilowattrel does 120 damage total (realistically 110) which is the equivalent of brilliant stars regieleki but with more effort
Technical Maschine: Crisis Shot: One of the best technical maschines and can be busted in Lost Box.

Charmeleon: Best Charmeleon for Charizard ex variants that run Technical Maschine: Evolution.

Great Tusk ex: Could be a nice addition to Sandy Shock ex decks as a cleaner with Thorton.

Frigibax: Decent alternative for Chien Pao ex decks.
Great Tusk ex - still stuck on "Fighting decks had no decent energy acceleration" limbo. The ability is only good if you hit had as fast as possible, on which it'll be unlikely. Be glad that Sada fixes one part of the problem, the other part is the damage output. Because you discard cards every end of your turn, you'll lose some important key cards you might next turn, increasing the cause of bricking your turn, why? Double Turbo cuts the damage to 240 and what if you faced a Charizard that lives an atk and probably next turn you'll losing Boss' or 1 Counter Catcher for the endgame, you'll have to divert your strat there.

Iron Treads ex - like F, M still don't have any. Even worse that it costs MMC, MCC just only need 1 Double Turbo and some random M to accelerate, This ain't. Which makes it fell to the Mirage Gate territory. 170 still fell short tho for 3 energy, just saying.

Mime Jr. - decent 1-of inclusion. Best since the existence of Cleffa. Possible comeback card.

Charmeleon - doesn't matter since Stage 1s often gets dumped in Stage 2 decks, unless you're Kirlia.

Kilowattrel - United Wings is a decent deck with a decent dmg output of 240 maximum (not enough to OHKO a Charizard). Sniping would be nice if you can OHKO. Bet it can only OHKO support mons. I love sniping bench attackers so that the opponent will go desperate to retaliate you, especially if the ones get KOed banked energy already.
At the same time, Charizard is not the biggest threat right now, and the Iron Treads has a decent secondary ability on it's attack.
This Great Tusk is really cool and powerful, the Ability can be worked around with Path. The Iron Treads is also a lot better than the original, but unfortunately we don't have good Energy acceleration for Metal Pokémon, maybe this set can provide some of that for Metal or at least Future Pokémon. Now, I'm expecting a Future and Ancient version of Miraidon and Koraidon for this set, I'm just hoping that they are Tera Dragon bc that would be so cool.
There is ASR Magnezone which is a fairly reliable engine.
Mime Jr is one Pokémon I am pleased to see back. It is also good that Great Tusk ex and Iron Treads ex are being recognised as Ancient and Future Pokémon respectively. The Great Tusk ex and Iron Treads ex cards from Scarlet and Violet Base Set you could say represent them as Titan Pokémon rather than Paradox Pokémon.
Mime Jr. is one Pokemon I wish would get retconned out of existence. The card sounds like it could be useful but since your opponent can just pick Manaphy or something, it's totally garbage. Zero Geodudes.
Somewhere deep in the Pokemon TCG's purgatory, Lysandre's Trump Card is violently shaking in its cage and ramming itself head first into the metal bars, but to no avail...