The new Solgaleo-GX fixes almost every problem for Pure Solgaleo / Solgross decks. The ability is amazing, having no fire weakness whatsoever. No more using Altar of the Sunne for the Volcanion match-up in
hopes that my opponent will not use a Field Blower or play a Scorched Earth, Volcanion doesn't lock abilities at all, so having one of these babies out makes the Volcanion match-up
soooooo much better. And the good doesn't even stop there. 2 of any energy and not only can you use that attack easily next turn, unlike Metagross-GX and SUM Solgaleo-GX, It gets you 2 energy from the discard pile to charge up SUM Solgaleo
again! As if GUR Rayquaza wasn't enough. It gets even better! The GX attack
heals? IT HEALS! ALL POKEMON YOU HAVE! Is that even a Solgaleo thing to do? I don't care! That's great for healing Metagross and other Solgaleos when you don't have access to Max Potion or it would be one more item for GUR Garbodor. Sure, I've never really used Tapu Lele's GX attack to Heal Metagrosses. Perhaps I shouldn't make a big deal out of it, I just didn't expect Solgaleo of all things to heal pokemon. Fantastic card, fixes every problem for that kind of deck (I think you can make an argument for the Greninja MU since you can just 2HKO Greninja BREAKs easily, but it's not as great as what it does for the Volc MU)
I even like the new Lunala-GX! It fixes one of the main problems with any deck using the old lunala: Power. This new Lunala is straight up damage, 200 damage or 250 damage for all your knock-out needs. Doing only 120 before was kind of a pain, but now with this I think we can make something work here so long as we get both Lunalas out and keep our energies well and alive (Max Elixir / GUR Rayquaza seem to be good options so far). You can definitley get both of these lunalas out since they all evolve from the same thing, just run a 4-3-4 line with candies and an alolan vulpix (the new Salazzle maybe?) and you should be good to go. Also, one of the good things Lunala has is that it's weak to Dark, not Psychic. So long as you don't fight any Darkrai Decks you have that nice, clean 250 HP to work with, and even then you can use the SUM Lunala's GX attack to knock out a Darkrai-EX and get a good advantage. Overall, I'd still be shocked if Lunala ever became meta afterwards, but now with this Lunala there's definitley possibilities.
So of course Solgaleo is the one that gets all the praise from me. I'll probably try a 3-2-3 line now with 2 SUM Solgaleos and 1 of the new Solgaleo. I was so excited to look at these, this made my day.