New supermod


~I see a little silhouetto of a man~

I have no objections [/dickcheney]

Cheers to Raikou! He will do very well! [/notsuckup]
lol Zack, I just looked at a Trade Council thread and saw your name and never even noticed the changed name. Wow, I'm blind. You'll do great, I know it.
I would like to hand out what you call the Congrats. On my planet Tamaran, we would celebrate with a traditional gorbax feast.

Lol cookie for whoever got that, but congrats SR! Also, RIP!! Haha! I RIPed! Haha! Congrats man.
Congrats, Shining Raikou. You deserve this job more than anything (and that's the truth).

I'm sure you will enjoy your new Super Moderator powers (such as banning, warning, and walking on water).