ORAS New Teams for Gym Leaders / Elite Four


Aspiring Trainer
I would like new gym leader teams because there are new pokemon like probopass and roserade,and I would like to see some new gym leader/elite four teams (including rematches,the new games could include that.)
(these teams arent confirmed theyre just what i hope to see)
Glacia's Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Team
Glalie level 50
Sealeo level 50
Froslass level 52
Dewgong level 52
Walrein Level 54
RE: New teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

One can dream, but I may as well join this potentially great bandwagon.

I decided to add Egg Moves, TM Moves, and potential Tutor Attacks to heighten the difficulty of the bosses.

----GYM LEADERS-----

Lileep (Lv. 13; Rock Tomb, Mega Drain, Astonish, Acid)
Anorith (Lv. 13; Rock Tomb, Fury Cutter, Scratch, Harden,)
Geodude (Lv. 15, Rock Tomb, Magnitude, Tackle Rock Polish)
Nosepass (Lv. 15; Rock Tomb, Block, Harden, Thunder Wave)

NOTE: Roxanne's first Pokémon depends on which Starter you chose. (Lileep for Mudkip, Anorith for Treecko, and Geodude for Torchic)

Machop (Lv. 19; Bulk Up, Foresight, Karate Chop, Low Sweep)
Meditite (Lv. 19; Bulk Up, Mind Reader, Brick Break, Zen Headbutt)
Makuhita (Lv.20; Bulk Up, Vital Throw, Knock Off, Whirlwind)

Magnemite (Lv. 25; Shock Wave, Mirror Shot, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb)
Voltorb (Lv. 25; Shock Wave, Spark, Screech, Rollout)
Manectric (Lv. 27; Shock Wave, Flamethrower, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave)

Slugma (Lv. 28; Overheat, Recover, Flame Burst, Ancient Power)
Combusken (Lv. 30; Overheat, Double Kick, Night Slash, Sand Attack)
Camerupt (Lv. 32; Earth Power, Overheat, Rock Slide, Magnitude)
Torkoal (Lv. 33; Overheat, Body Slam, Attract, Rapid Spin)

Vigoroth (Lv. 34; Facade, Fire Punch, Aerial Ace, Shadow Claw)
Zangoose (Lv. 34; Facade, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Brick Break)
Spinda (Lv. 34; Dizzy Punch, Facade, Hypnosis, Swagger)
Slaking (Lv. 36; Facade, Counter, Slack Off, Ice Punch)

Pelipper (Lv. 37; Water Pulse, Air Cutter, Supersonic, Roost)
Skarmory (Lv. 38; Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Spikes, Agility)
Swellow (Lv. 37; Facade, Aerial Ace, U-Turn, Quick Attack)
Tropius (Lv. 37; Leaf Blade, Aerial Ace, Synthesis, Body Slam)
Altaria (Lv. 39; Dragon Breath, Aerial Ace, Dragon Dance, Earthquake)

Liza and Tate:
Gardevoir (Lv. 44; Psychic, Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind)
Gallade (Lv. 44; Psycho Cut, Brick Break, Leaf Blade, Swords Dance)
Claydol (Lv. 45, Earth Power, Psychic, Ice Beam, Calm Mind)
Xatu (Lv. 45; Psychic, Air Cutter, Sunny Day, Calm Mind)
Lunatone (Lv. 46; Ancient Power, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind)
Solrock (Lv. 46; Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt, Solar Beam, Calm Mind)

Walrien (Lv. 48; Water Pulse, Avalanche, Body Slam, Protect)
Ludicolo (Lv. 48; Leech Seed, Water Pulse, Energy Ball, Focus Blast)
Crawdaunt (Lv. 48; Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Water Pulse, Swords Dance)
Gyarados (Lv. 49; Waterfall, Bounce, Earthquake, Dragon Dance)
Milotic (Lv. 50; Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Toxic, Recover)


Mightyena (Lv. 55; Crunch, Ice Fang, Poison Fang, Fire Fang)
Shiftry (Lv. 56; Seed Bomb, Feint Attack, Taunt, Extrasensory)
Cacturne (Lv. 56; Needle Arm, Sucker Punch, Focus Punch, Substitute)
Sharpedo (Lv. 56; Waterfall, Crunch, Earthquake, Aqua Jet)
Absol (Lv. 57; Night Slash, Play Rough, X-Scissor, Superpower)

Dusclops (Lv. 57; Trick Room, Shadow Punch, Will-O-Wisp, Toxic)
Banette (Lv. 57; Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Thunderbolt, Payback)
Sableye (Lv. 57; Shadow Claw, Feint Attack, Double Team, Swagger)
Gengar (Lv. 58; Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball)
Dusknoir (Lv. 59; Shadow Punch, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Rock Slide)

Glalie (Lv. 59; Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Hail, Explosion)
Froslass (Lv.59; Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Spikes)
Glaceon (Lv. 60; Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Hail, Mirror Coat)
Mamoswine (Lv. 60; Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Superpower, Stone Edge)
Walrien (Lv. 61; Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Curse, Surf)

Shelgon (Lv. 61; Dragon Claw, Zen Headbutt, Crunch, Protect)
Altaria (Lv. 61; Dragon Pulse, Air Cutter, Cotton Guard, Safeguard)
Kingdra (Lv. 62; Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Body Slam)
Flygon (Lv. 62; Earthquake, Dragon Claw, U-Turn, Steel Wing)
Salamence (Lv. 63; Outrage, Aerial Ace, Fire Blast, Iron Tail)

Claydol (Lv. 63; Earth Power, Psychic, Rest, Calm Mind)
Aggron (Lv. 65; Iron Tail, Head Smash, Ice Punch, Dragon Tail)
Cradily (Lv. 63; Ancient Power, Energy Ball, Protect, Barrier)
Armaldo (Lv. 63; Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Aqua Tail, Cross Poison)
Skarmory (Lv. 64; Steel Wing, Brave Bird, Stealth Rock, Taunt)
Metagross (Lv. 66; Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Fire Punch, Agility)
RE: New teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

I feel like the gym/E4 teams should stay true to using mostly Gen 3 Pokemon, with maybe one or two from outside the region. It would be cool though if they keep the feature from Pokemon Emerald where you could re-challenge the gym leaders with their new teams, that way you can then fight a new and more powerful team that uses a wider range of Pokemon from other regions besides Hoenn. Hopefully if the E4 actually gets harder once you've beaten it for the first time (I'm not so sure it'll happen, seeing as XY didn't change their E4 at all after you beat it), you can fight teams with the same change as the gym's, so it feels like an entirely new challenge!
RE: New teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

I hope they keep the double battle with Tate and Liza, and I bet their teams will be: Tate: Solrock / Gallade / Bronzong Liza: Lunatone / Gardevoir / Claydol
RE: New teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

Its not as necessary to change much, but the chances of it happening are higher (Kyogres/Groudons appearances aren't identical either).

What I mean is, in HGSS, they were extremely strict about keeping the rosters the same, even though A LOT of them in GS felt poorly thought through.
HGSS could have addressed that. For example you'd expect that the Johto Gym leaders/E4 would at least have a single gen2 pokemon in their teams, yet there we have Falkner using not just the most generic gen 1 bird, but two of the same line (Pidgey and Pidgeotto), which was completely boring given that there are enough Flying types around.
I mean they could have done the obvious and given Morty a Misdreavus (instead of FOUR of the Gastly line), Chuck a Heracross etc.. the one single thing they did change was replace one of Claires 3 Dragonairs with a Gyarados (sure she already has a fancy Kingdra, but adding Gyarados as a pseudo-dragon on there just makes her even more similar to Lance... a Lapras or something would've been more interesting)
Meaning that if ORAS turn out to be generic remakes, don't expect any change to trainers teams unless they have 3 of the same pokemon, lol.

There is a few repetitions there, with Phoebe having 2 dusclops, 2 banettes, and Glacia having 2 Glalies and 2 Sealeos along with a Walrein... but nothing as extreme and monotone as Claire and Morty in GS.

Also, Id expect the Emerald rosters being featured instead of RS (so Wattson using Electrike/Magnemite/Manectric/Magneton for example).

But if they do any adjustments, it also depends on whether the dex is expanded. I think both are likely, but lets wait for E3. It should clear up just what these games are supposed to be (boring remakes or a fresh take on Hoenn).
RE: New teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

They could do rematches like in emerald.
Also a new pokedex could eliminate having 2 of the same pokemon on a team(drake having 2 shelgon,for example.)
Example of a rematch team(levels are usually higher on these)
Brawly's Rematch Team
Machamp level 56
Medicham level 56
Heracross level 57
Primeape level 57
Hitmonlee level 58
Hariyama level 60

make sure to put 'rematch team' in the team name('Drake's rematch team',for example) if its for a postgame rematch.

I also hope they can include megas in the rematches,like Sidney getting Mega Absol or Brawly getting Mega Heracross.
just put "with (mega stone needed for that pokemon)" after the pokemon's name.
Wattson's Rematch Team
Magneton level 57
Electivire level 57
Luxray level 57
Electrode level 58
Eelektross level 58
Manectric (with manectricite) level 60
RE: New teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

I'm going with Mitja about the Emerald bit. I don't see why they would return to the RS rosters when the rosters in Emerald are superior. I assume ORAS aren't going to be exact remakes before the post-game, simply because they already use alternate forms (or perhaps mega evolutions) of Kyogre and Groudon on the covers, but also like Mitja said, we need to wait until the E3 (or some later event) for certainty about the exact nature of these games.

To save space I'll only show how I hope Liza & Tate will look like (Poké Entry rematches included and based on Emerald's Liza & Tate), because they are my favorite 3rd gen Gym Leaders and this is what the OP asks for.Behold my (awful) teambuilding skills! :p
First time:
1. Claydoll lvl 44
Nature: Careful
Ability: Levitate
Held Item: Light Clay
-Zen Headbut
2. Xatu lvl 44
Nature: Modest
Ability: Synchronize
Held Item: -
-Calm Mind
-Heat Wave
3. Gardevoir lvl 44
Nature: Timid
Ability: Synchronize
Held Item: -
-Calm Mind
-Focus Blast
4. Lunatone lvl 45
Nature: Modest
Ability: Levitate
Held Item: Sitrus Berry
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Toxic
5. Solrock lvl 45
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Levitate
Held Item: Sitrus Berry
-Rock Polish
-Stone Edge
-Sunny Day
-Zen Headbut

Second Time:
Claydoll lvl 54 (Unchanged)
Xatu lvl 54 (Now holds a Life Orb)
Gardevoir lvl 54 (Now holds a Life Orb)
Lunatone lvl 55 (Unchanged)
Solrock lvl 55 (Unchanged)

Third Time (Post-Game):
Claydoll lvl 64 (Unchanged)
Xatu lvl 64 (Unchanged)
Gardevoir lvl 64 (Unchanged)
Lunatone lvl 66 (Unchanged)
Solrock lvl 66 (Unchanged)
Sigilyph lvl 65
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magic Guard
Held Item: Flame Orb
-Cosmic Power
-Psycho Shift
-Stored Power

Fourth Time:
Claydoll lvl 76 (Unchanged)
Xatu lvl 76 (Unchanged)
Gardevoir lvl 77
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
Held Item: Gardevoirite
-Hyper Voice
-Echoed Voice
Lunatone lvl 78 (Unchanged)
Solrock lvl 78 (Unchanged)
Sigilyph lvl 77 (Unchanged)
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

Why would they have EVs? Have any NPCs ever had EVs?
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

Cinesra said:
Why would they have EVs? Have any NPCs ever had EVs?

Now that you mention it, I've never heard about NPCs having Pokémon with EVs outside of the Battle Facilities. I didn't occur to me when I wrote that list, I'll remove the EV bits to avoid confusion.
I suppose that it would make the game too difficult, as most players don't EV train their Pokemon before the post-game. We have Super Training now, but I don't know whether people use it or not (I think the latter).
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

My predictions:

Roxane's Team:

Geodude: Level 12
Cabrink: Level 13
Nosepass: Level 14

Roxane Rematch:

Golem: Level 63
Gigalith: Level 63
Cabrink: Level 63
Aggron: Level 64 @Aggronite (Alpha Sapphire only)
Tyranitar: Level 64 @Tyranitarinite (Omega Ruby only)
Probobpass: Level 66 @Sitrus Berry

After the rematch, Roxxane gives you either her spare Tyranitarnite or Aggronite depending on the version.

Brawly's Team:

Machop: Level 19
Makuhita: Level 19
Either Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, or Hitmonchan Level 21 depending on your friend code's first digit. (0-3 = hitmonlee, 4-6 = hitmontop, 7-9 = hitmonchan)

Brawly Rematch:

Machamp the champion: Level 64
Haryama: Level 64
Medicham: Level 64 @Medichaminite
Hitmonchan: Level 65 @Fighting Gem
Hitmonlee: Level 65 @Fighting Gem
Hitmontop: Level 65 @Black Belt

After the match, Brawly gives you a spare Medichaminite

Wattson's Team:

Magnemite: Level 24
Electrabuzz: Level 24
Magneton: Level 25
Elektrike: Level 26

Wattson Rematch

Luxray: Level 65
Magnezone: Level 65
Electivire: Level 65
Rotom: Level 66 @Choice Scarf
Magnezone: Level 67
Manetric: Level 67 @Manetricnite

After the first match, Wattson offers you the opportunity to trade for his Magnezone. It is the only way to obtain Magnezone in game, so accept! The Magnezone will be holding Wattson's spare Manetricnite

If the trade is accepted, Wattson uses a new team for future rematches:

Luxray: Level 66
Electrode: Level 66
Electivire: Level 66
Rotom: Level 67 @Choice Scarf
Magnezone: Level 67
Manetric: Level 68 @Manetricnite

More to come soon???
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

I hope they keep up with Emerald in terms of teams but instead of limited rematches, I would like to see another Battleground or just the possibility to keep challenging the gyms.
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

Reggie McGigas said:
Brawly's Team:

Machop: Level 19
Makuhita: Level 19
Either Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, or Hitmonchan Level 21 depending on your friend code's first digit. (0-3 = hitmonlee, 4-6 = hitmontop, 7-9 = hitmonchan)
Which one would you face if you don't have a friend code?
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

Seven is a Color said:
Reggie McGigas said:
Brawly's Team:

Machop: Level 19
Makuhita: Level 19
Either Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, or Hitmonchan Level 21 depending on your friend code's first digit. (0-3 = hitmonlee, 4-6 = hitmontop, 7-9 = hitmonchan)
Which one would you face if you don't have a friend code?

Every 3DS automatically comes with a friend code, so if you're playing the game, you'd kind of have to have one by necessity.

I don't actually think they would base a Gym Leader's Pokémon off of the game's friend code, but there is precedent for using that data in games in some way, with the friend safari and all, so it's a cool idea.
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

Athena said:
Every 3DS automatically comes with a friend code, so if you're playing the game, you'd kind of have to have one by necessity.

I don't actually think they would base a Gym Leader's Pokémon off of the game's friend code, but there is precedent for using that data in games in some way, with the friend safari and all, so it's a cool idea.
Oh. I always thought you had to set up a wifi connection to get a friend code.
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

they should include legendaries on the rematch teams after you beat the champion twice.
Norman's Rematch team (legendaries included)
Spinda level 76
Pidgeot level 76
Diggersby level 77
Kangashkan level 77 with kangashkhanite
Slaking level 78
Arceus level 80

im thinking they should trade their legendary after you win.

Normans Rematch team no legendary
Spinda level 76
Pidgeot level 76
Diggersby level 77
Kangashkan level 77 with kangashkhanite
Watchog level 78(replaces arceus)
Slaking level 80

another hoped team
Liza and Tate storyline team
Lizas team
Claydol level 44
Meowstic level 44
Solrock level 46
Tates team
Bronzong level 44
Mr.Mime level 44
Lunatone level 46
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

It's going to depend on what happens with the Pokedex really. If they do nothing with the Pokedex, they probably won't change much like with HGSS. If they just add the cross gen evolutions, we'll probably just see a few tweaks to the Elite 4 rosters (Phoebe would replace one of her Dusclops with Dusknoir, Glacia would add a Froslass), that'd be about it. It's only if we see a significantly larger Hoenn Dex with new families where things would get interesting. If we see Challenge Mode again, that might also affect things. Here's what I'm thinking:

Roxanne (Normal Mode): Geodude Lv. 13, Nosepass Lv. 15
Roxanne (Challenge Mode): Geodude Lv. 15, Aron Lv. 15, Nosepass Lv. 17
Brawly: Meditite Lv. 16, Makuhita Lv. 18
Brawly (Challenge Mode): Meditite Lv. 18, Croagunk Lv. 18, Makuhita Lv. 20
Wattson: Magnemite Lv. 24, Joltik Lv. 24, Manectric Lv. 26
Wattson (Challenge Mode): Magnemite Lv. 26, Joltik Lv. 27, Electabuzz Lv. 27, Manectric Lv. 29
Flannery: Darumaka Lv. 31, Torkoal Lv. 31, Camerupt Lv. 33
Flannery (Challenge Mode): Darumaka Lv. 33, Vulpix Lv. 34, Torkoal Lv. 34, Camerupt Lv. 36
Norman: Vigoroth Lv. 33, Loudred Lv. 33, Slaking Lv. 35
Norman (Challenge Mode): Vigoroth Lv. 35, Loudred Lv. 36, Zangoose Lv. 36, Slaking Lv. 38
Winona: Swellow Lv. 36, Skarmory Lv. 36, Altaria Lv. 38
Winona (Challenge Mode): Swellow Lv. 38, Skarmory Lv. 39, Togetic Lv. 39, Altaria Lv. 41
Tate & Liza: Solrock Lv. 45, Lunatone Lv. 45
Tate & Liza (Challenge Mode): Solrock Lv. 46, Lunatone Lv. 46, Gallade Lv. 48, Gardevoir Lv. 48
Wallace (Omega Ruby only): Tentacruel Lv. 47, Gastrodon (East Sea) Lv. 48, Waillord Lv. 48, Milotic Lv. 50
Wallace (Challenge Mode): Tentacruel Lv. 51, Gastrodon (East Sea) Lv. 52, Starmie Lv. 52, Waillord Lv. 52, Milotic Lv. 54
Juan (Alpha Sapphire only): Tentacruel Lv. 47, Gastrodon (West Sea) Lv. 48, Waillord Lv. 48, Milotic Lv. 50
Juan (Challenge Mode): Tentacruel Lv. 51, Gastrodon (West Sea) Lv. 52, Starmie Lv. 52, Waillord Lv. 52, Milotic Lv. 54
Sidney: Mightyena Lv. 50, Houndoom Lv. 51, Sharpedo Lv. 51, Absol Lv. 53
Sidney (Challenge Mode): Mightyena Lv. 54, Houndoom Lv. 55, Sharpedo Lv. 55, Weavile Lv. 55, Absol Lv. 57
Phoebe: Banette Lv. 53, Mismagius Lv. 54, Jellicent Lv. 54, Dusknoir Lv. 56
Phoebe (Challenge Mode): Banette Lv. 57, Mismagius Lv. 58, Jellicent Lv. 58, Chandelure Lv. 58, Dusknoir Lv. 60
Glacia: Vanilluxe Lv. 55, Glalie Lv. 57, Froslass Lv. 57, Walrein Lv. 59
Glacia (Challenge Mode): Vanilluxe Lv. 60, Glalie Lv. 61, Froslass Lv. 61, Lapras Lv. 61, Walrein Lv. 63
Drake: Druddigon Lv. 59, Flygon Lv. 60, Kingdra Lv. 60, Salamence Lv. 62
Drake (Challenge Mode): Druddigon Lv. 63, Flygon Lv. 64, Kingdra Lv. 64, Garchomp Lv. 64, Salamence Lv. 66
Steven: Skarmory Lv. 64, Claydol Lv. 64, Cradily Lv. 65, Armaldo Lv. 65, Metagross/Aggron Lv. 65, Mega Aggron/Mega Metagross Lv. 67
Steven (Challenge Mode): Skarmoy Lv. 68, Excadrill Lv. 68, Cradily Lv. 69, Armaldo Lv. 69, Metagross/Aggron Lv. 69, Mega Aggron/Mega Metagross Lv. 71

And then there's the rematch teams:

Roxanne: Aerodactyl Lv. 62, Golem Lv. 62, Crustle Lv. 63, Gigalith Lv. 63, Rhyperior Lv. 63, Probopass Lv. 65
Brawly: Medicham Lv. 62, Poliwrath Lv. 62, Pangoro Lv. 63, Machamp Lv. 63, Toxicroak Lv. 63, Hariyama Lv. 65
Wattson: Magnezone Lv. 62, Eelektross Lv. 62, Heliolisk Lv. 63, Galvantula Lv. 63, Electivire Lv. 63, Manectric Lv. 65
Flannery: Torkoal Lv. 62, Darmanitan Lv. 62, Talonflame Lv. 63, Arcanine Lv. 63, Ninetales Lv. 63, Camerupt Lv. 65
Norman: Stoutland Lv. 62, Zangoose Lv. 62, Bouffalant Lv. 63, Exploud Lv. 63, Snorlax Lv. 63, Slaking Lv. 65
Winona: Swellow Lv. 62, Skamory Lv. 62, Braviary Lv. 63, Drifblim Lv. 63, Togekiss Lv. 63, Altaria Lv. 65
Tate & Liza: Meowstic (Male) Lv. 62, Meowstic (Female) Lv. 62, Solrock Lv. 63, Lunatone Lv. 63, Gallade Lv. 65, Gardevoir Lv. 65
Wallace: Alomomola Lv. 62, Gorebyss Lv. 62, Tentacruel Lv. 63, Gastrodon (East Sea) Lv. 63, Waillord Lv. 63, Milotic Lv. 65
Juan: Alomomola Lv. 62, Huntail Lv. 62, Jellicent Lv. 63, Gastrodon (West Sea) Lv. 63, Waillord Lv. 63, Gyarados Lv. 65
Sidney: Mightyena Lv. 63, Houndoom Lv. 63, Scrafty Lv. 65, Krookodile Lv. 65, Weavile Lv. 65, Absol Lv. 67
Phoebe: Banette Lv. 67, Spiritomb Lv. 67, Mismagius Lv. 68, Jellicent Lv. 68, Chandelure Lv. 68, Dusknoir Lv. 70
Glacia: Vanilluxe Lv. 70, Mamoswine Lv. 70, Glalie Lv. 71, Froslass Lv. 71, Lapras Lv. 71, Walrein Lv. 73
Drake: Druddigon Lv. 73, Dragalge Lv. 73, Flygon Lv. 74, Haxorus Lv. 74, Hydreigon Lv. 74, Salamence Lv. 76
Steven: Skarmory Lv. 77, Excadrill Lv. 77, Forretress Lv. 78, Bastiodon Lv. 78, Metagross/Aggron Lv. 78, Mega Aggron/Mega Metagross Lv. 80
RE: New teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

CF1994 said:
One can dream, but I may as well join this potentially great bandwagon.

I decided to add Egg Moves, TM Moves, and potential Tutor Attacks to heighten the difficulty of the bosses.

----GYM LEADERS-----

Lileep (Lv. 13; Rock Tomb, Mega Drain, Astonish, Acid)
Anorith (Lv. 13; Rock Tomb, Fury Cutter, Scratch, Harden,)
Geodude (Lv. 15, Rock Tomb, Magnitude, Tackle Rock Polish)
Nosepass (Lv. 15; Rock Tomb, Block, Harden, Thunder Wave)

NOTE: Roxanne's first Pokémon depends on which Starter you chose. (Lileep for Mudkip, Anorith for Treecko, and Geodude for Torchic)

Machop (Lv. 19; Bulk Up, Foresight, Karate Chop, Low Sweep)
Meditite (Lv. 19; Bulk Up, Mind Reader, Brick Break, Zen Headbutt)
Makuhita (Lv.20; Bulk Up, Vital Throw, Knock Off, Whirlwind)

Magnemite (Lv. 25; Shock Wave, Mirror Shot, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb)
Voltorb (Lv. 25; Shock Wave, Spark, Screech, Rollout)
Manectric (Lv. 27; Shock Wave, Flamethrower, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave)

Slugma (Lv. 28; Overheat, Recover, Flame Burst, Ancient Power)
Combusken (Lv. 30; Overheat, Double Kick, Night Slash, Sand Attack)
Camerupt (Lv. 32; Earth Power, Overheat, Rock Slide, Magnitude)
Torkoal (Lv. 33; Overheat, Body Slam, Attract, Rapid Spin)

Vigoroth (Lv. 34; Facade, Fire Punch, Aerial Ace, Shadow Claw)
Zangoose (Lv. 34; Facade, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Brick Break)
Spinda (Lv. 34; Dizzy Punch, Facade, Hypnosis, Swagger)
Slaking (Lv. 36; Facade, Counter, Slack Off, Ice Punch)

Pelipper (Lv. 37; Water Pulse, Air Cutter, Supersonic, Roost)
Skarmory (Lv. 38; Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Spikes, Agility)
Swellow (Lv. 37; Facade, Aerial Ace, U-Turn, Quick Attack)
Tropius (Lv. 37; Leaf Blade, Aerial Ace, Synthesis, Body Slam)
Altaria (Lv. 39; Dragon Breath, Aerial Ace, Dragon Dance, Earthquake)

Liza and Tate:
Gardevoir (Lv. 44; Psychic, Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind)
Gallade (Lv. 44; Psycho Cut, Brick Break, Leaf Blade, Swords Dance)
Claydol (Lv. 45, Earth Power, Psychic, Ice Beam, Calm Mind)
Xatu (Lv. 45; Psychic, Air Cutter, Sunny Day, Calm Mind)
Lunatone (Lv. 46; Ancient Power, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind)
Solrock (Lv. 46; Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt, Solar Beam, Calm Mind)

Walrien (Lv. 48; Water Pulse, Avalanche, Body Slam, Protect)
Ludicolo (Lv. 48; Leech Seed, Water Pulse, Energy Ball, Focus Blast)
Crawdaunt (Lv. 48; Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Water Pulse, Swords Dance)
Gyarados (Lv. 49; Waterfall, Bounce, Earthquake, Dragon Dance)
Milotic (Lv. 50; Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Toxic, Recover)


Mightyena (Lv. 55; Crunch, Ice Fang, Poison Fang, Fire Fang)
Shiftry (Lv. 56; Seed Bomb, Feint Attacl, Taunt, Extrasensory)
Cacturne (Lv. 56; Needle Arm, Sucker Punch, Focus Punch, Substitute)
Sharpedo (Lv. 56; Waterfall, Crunch, Earthquake, Aqua Jet)
Absol (Lv. 57; Night Slash, Play Rough, X-Scissor, Superpower)

Dusclops (Lv. 57; Trick Room, Shadow Punch, Will-O-Wisp, Toxic)
Banette (Lv. 57; Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Thunderbolt, Payback)
Sableye (Lv. 57; Shadow Claw, Feint Attack, Double Team, Swagger)
Gengar (Lv. 58; Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball)
Dusknoir (Lv. 59; Shadow Punch, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Rock Slide)

Glalie (Lv. 59; Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Hail, Explosion)
Froslass (Lv.59; Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Spikes)
Glaceon (Lv. 60; Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Hail, Mirror Coat)
Mamoswine (Lv. 60; Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Superpower, Stone Edge)
Walrien (Lv. 61; Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Curse, Surf)

Shelgon (Lv. 61; Dragon Claw, Zen Headbutt, Crunch, Protect)
Altaria (Lv. 61; Dragon Pulse, Air Cutter, Cotton Guard, Safeguard)
Kingdra (Lv. 62; Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Body Slam)
Flygon (Lv. 62; Earthquake, Dragon Claw, U-Turn, Steel Wing)
Salamence (Lv. 63; Outrage, Aerial Ace, Fire Blast, Iron Tail)

Claydol (Lv. 63; Earth Power, Psychic, Rest, Calm Mind)
Aggron (Lv. 65; Iron Tail, Head Smash, Ice Punch, Dragon Tail)
Cradily (Lv. 63; Ancient Power, Energy Ball, Protect, Barrier)
Armaldo (Lv. 63; Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Aqua Tail, Cross Poison)
Skarmory (Lv. 64; Steel Wing, Brave Bird, Stealth Rock, Taunt)
Metagross (Lv. 66; Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Fire Punch, Agility)

Ooh I agree with this! And their rematch teams would all have megas! Roxanne would have a Mega Cradily/Armaldo/Golem in her rematch, Brawly would have Mega Medicham, Wattson would have Mega Manectric, Flannery would have Mega Blaziken, Norman with Mega Slaking, Winona with Mega Pelipper, Liza and Tate with a combo of Mega Lunatone and Mega Solrock (their battle will count as a double battle vs 2 different trainers, thus 2 mega evolutions), and Wallace with Mega Milotic/Gyarados! And for the Elite Four, same thing! Sidney with Mega Absol, Phoebe with Mega Gengar, Glacia would have Mega Walrein, Drake would have Mega Flygon/Salamence and for Steven he would have a Mega Metagross no matter what, even in his storyline battle!
I decided to do a rematch version of my first list.

----GYM LEADERS-----

Cradily (Lv. 70; Ancient Power, Giga Drain, Substitute, Ingrain)
Armaldo (Lv. 70; Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Cross Poison, Rock Polish)
Archeops (Lv. 71: Stone Edge, Acrobatics, Iron Tail, Dragon Claw)
Carracosta (Lv. 70: Rock Slide, Waterfall, Avalanche, Aqua Jet)
Golem (Lv. 70, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Stealth Rock)
Probopass (Lv. 71; Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Zap Cannon, Lock-On)

NOTE: Roxanne will now have both Cradily, Armaldo and Golem on her team regardless of your chosen Starter.

Machamp (Lv. 71; Dynamic Punch, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Payback)
Medicham (Lv. 71; High Jump Kick, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Fire Punch)
Breloom (Lv. 71; Seed Bomb, Focus Punch, Spore, Substitute)
Scrafty (Lv. 71; Crunch, Drain Punch, Poison Jab, Iron Tail)
Hawlucha (Lv. 71; Flying Press, Fly, X-Scissor, Swords Dance)
Hariyama (Lv.72; Close Combat, Knock Off, Earthquake, Whirlwind)

Magnezone (Lv. 72; Thunder, Flash Cannon, Reflect, Lock-On)
Electrode (Lv. 72; Shock Wave, Screech, Substitute, Explosion)
Ampharos (Lv. 72; Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Cotton Guard)
Lanturn (Lv. 72; Hydro Pump, Thunder, Blizzard, Thunder Wave)
Luxray (Lv. 72; Wild Charge, Fire Fang, Crunch, Iron Tail)
Manectric (Lv. 73; Thunder, Overheat, Signal Beam, Hidden Power)

Magcargo (Lv. 73; Overheat, Ancient Power, Recover, Toxic)
Blaziken (Lv. 73; Flare Blitz, High Jump Kick, Night Slash, Swords Dance)
Talonflame (Lv. 73; Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, U-Turn, Roost)
Delphox (Lv. 73; Overheat, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball)
Camerupt (Lv. 73; Overheat, Earth Power, Solar Beam, Substitute)
Torkoal (Lv. 74; Overheat, Iron Tail, Attract, Sunny Day)

Exploud (Lv. 74; Hyper Voice, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast)
Blissey (Lv. 74; Softboiled, Aromatherapy, Seismic Toss, Safeguard)
Zangoose (Lv. 74; Slash, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Brick Break)
Bouffalant (Lv. 74; Head Charge, Wild Charge, Megahorn, Iron Head)
Pyroar (Lv. 74; Fire Blast, Hyper Voice, Dark Pulse, Noble Roar)
Slaking (Lv. 75; Return, Hammer Arm, Earthquake, Ice Punch)

Pelipper (Lv. 75; Water Pulse, Air Cutter, Supersonic, Roost)
Crobat (Lv. 75; Cross Poison, Fly, U-Turn, Confuse Ray)
Skarmory (Lv. 75; Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Spikes, Stealth Rock)
Aerodactyl (Lv. 75; Rock Slide, Fly, Fire Fang, Ice Fang)
Tropius (Lv. 75; Solar Beam, Air Slash, Synthesis, Sunny Day)
Altaria (Lv. 76; Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace, Dragon Dance, Earthquake)

Liza and Tate:
Malamar (Lv. 76; Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Superpower, Payback)
Espeon (Lv. 76; Psychic, Wish, Refresh, Shadow Ball)
Gardevoir (Lv. 77; Psychic, Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind)
Gallade (Lv. 77; Psycho Cut, Brick Break, Fire Punch, Swords Dance)
Lunatone (Lv. 78; Ancient Power, Psychic, Ice Beam, Protect)
Solrock (Lv. 78; Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Explosion)

Whiscash (Lv. 78; Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Rest, Amnesia)
Wailord (Lv. 78; Surf, Blizzard, Curse, Rest)
Ludicolo (Lv. 78; Leech Seed, Surf, Energy Ball, Focus Blast)
Crawdaunt (Lv. 78; Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Waterfall, Swords Dance)
Gyarados (Lv. 79; Waterfall, Bounce, Iron Tail, Dragon Dance)
Milotic (Lv. 80; Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Toxic, Recover)


Houndoom (Lv. 83; Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam)
Drapion (Lv. 83; Cross Poison, Night Slash, X-Scissor, Toxic Spikes)
Cacturne (Lv. 83; Needle Arm, Sucker Punch, Focus Punch, Substitute)
Sharpedo (Lv. 83; Waterfall, Night Slash, Bounce, Earthquake)
Tyranitar (Lv. 84; Stone Edge, Crunch, Ice Punch, Stealth Rock)
Absol (Lv. 85; Night Slash, Play Rough, Iron Tail, Superpower)

Trevenant (Lv. 85; Horn Leech, Phantom Force, Will-O-Wisp, Protect)
Banette (Lv. 85; Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Grudge, Payback)
Spiritomb (Lv. 85; Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Substitute, Embargo)
Gengar (Lv. 85; Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam, Energy Ball)
Golurk (Lv.86; Earthquake, Phantom Force, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch)
Dusknoir (Lv. 87; Shadow Punch, Trick Room, Ice Punch, Toxic)

Beartic (Lv. 87; Icicle Crash, Superpower, Play Rough, Dive)
Froslass (Lv.87; Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Spikes)
Glaceon (Lv. 88; Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Mirror Coat)
Mamoswine (Lv. 88; Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Superpower, Stone Edge)
Weavile (Lv. 87; Night Slash, Ice Punch, X-Scissor, Ice Shard)
Walrien (Lv. 89; Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Curse, Surf)

Haxorus (Lv. 89; Outrage, Earthquake, Night Slash, Dragon Dance)
Goodra (Lv. 89; Dragon Pulse, Rain Dance, Rest, Acid Armour)
Hydreigon (Lv. 90; Dark Pulse, Draco Meteor, Focus Blast, Fire Blast)
Kingdra (Lv. 90; Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Rain Dance)
Flygon (Lv. 89; Earthquake, Dragon Claw, U-Turn, Steel Wing)
Salamence (Lv. 91; Draco Meteor, Fly, Fire Blast, Outrage)

Claydol (Lv. 91; Earth Power, Psychic, Ice Beam, Calm Mind)
Aggron (Lv. 62; Iron Tail, Head Smash, Fire Punch, Dragon Tail)
Cradily (Lv. 91; Ancient Power, Energy Ball, Stealth Rock, Barrier)
Armaldo (Lv. 91; Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Aqua Tail, Cross Poison)
Skarmory (Lv. 92; Steel Wing, Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Taunt)
Metagross (Lv. 93; Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Agility)
RE: New Teams for Gym Leaders/Elite Four

Reggie McGigas said:
My predictions:
Roxane's Team:

Geodude: Level 12
Cabrink: Level 13
Nosepass: Level 14

Roxane Rematch:

Golem: Level 63
Gigalith: Level 63
Cabrink: Level 63
Aggron: Level 64 @Aggronite (Alpha Sapphire only)
Tyranitar: Level 64 @Tyranitarinite (Omega Ruby only)
Probobpass: Level 66 @Sitrus Berry

After the rematch, Roxxane gives you either her spare Tyranitarnite or Aggronite depending on the version.

Brawly's Team:

Machop: Level 19
Makuhita: Level 19
Either Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, or Hitmonchan Level 21 depending on your friend code's first digit. (0-3 = hitmonlee, 4-6 = hitmontop, 7-9 = hitmonchan)

Brawly Rematch:

Machamp the champion: Level 64
Haryama: Level 64
Medicham: Level 64 @Medichaminite
Hitmonchan: Level 65 @Fighting Gem
Hitmonlee: Level 65 @Fighting Gem
Hitmontop: Level 65 @Black Belt

After the match, Brawly gives you a spare Medichaminite

Wattson's Team:

Magnemite: Level 24
Electrabuzz: Level 24
Magneton: Level 25
Elektrike: Level 26

Wattson Rematch

Luxray: Level 65
Magnezone: Level 65
Electivire: Level 65
Rotom: Level 66 @Choice Scarf
Magnezone: Level 67
Manetric: Level 67 @Manetricnite

After the first match, Wattson offers you the opportunity to trade for his Magnezone. It is the only way to obtain Magnezone in game, so accept! The Magnezone will be holding Wattson's spare Manetricnite

If the trade is accepted, Wattson uses a new team for future rematches:

Luxray: Level 66
Electrode: Level 66
Electivire: Level 66
Rotom: Level 67 @Choice Scarf
Magnezone: Level 67
Manetric: Level 68 @Manetricnite

More to come soon???

Flannery's Team:
Magmar level 29
Lampent level 29 (Omega Ruby only)
Larvesta level 29 (Alpha Sapphire only)
Campurt level 29
Torkal level 31

Flannery Rematch
Magmortar level 70
Pyroar-F level 70
Campurt level 70 (Omega Ruby only)
Volcarana level 70 (Alpha Sapphire only)
Chandelure level 70
Houndoom level 71 @Houndoomnite
Torkal level 72 @White Herb

After the first rematch, Flannery gives you her spare houndoominite

Norman's Team
Porygon-2 level 34
Kangaskhan level 34
Herdier level 34
Castform level 34
Slaking level 36

Norman Rematch
Porygon-Z Level 73
Stoutland level 73
Castform level 73
Swellow level 73
Kangaskhan level 74 @Kangaskhaninite
Slaking level 75 @Sitrus Berry

After the match, Norman gives you his spare Kangaskhaninite. He will also give you a max revive every 10 times you beat him (because he's a cool dad)

Wionna's Team
Skarmory level 40
Tropius level 40
Sigilyph level 40
Dragonair level 40 (Alpha Sapphire only)
Shelgon level 40 (Omega Ruby only)
Swellow level 42 (If your friend code ends with the #s 5-9) @flying gem
Altaria level 42 (If your friend code ends with the #s 1-4) @flying gem

Wionna Rematch
Tropius level 77
Skarmory level 78 @Skarmorinite (Holding the Skarmorinite if you picked Torchic as your starter)
Dragonite level 77 (Alpha Sapphire only)
Salamance level 77 (Omega Ruby only)
Sigilyph level 78 @Sigilyphinite (Holding the Sigilyphinite If you picked Mudkip as your starter)
Aerodactyl level 78 @Aerodactylnite (Holding the Aerodactylnite if you picked Treecko as your starter)
Swellow level 79

After the first rematch, Wionna gives you the mega stone depending on the starter you chose.
CF1994 said:
I decided to do a rematch version of my first list.

----GYM LEADERS-----

Cradily (Lv. 70; Ancient Power, Giga Drain, Substitute, Ingrain)
Armaldo (Lv. 70; Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Cross Poison, Rock Polish)
Archeops (Lv. 71: Stone Edge, Acrobatics, Iron Tail, Dragon Claw)
Carracosta (Lv. 70: Rock Slide, Waterfall, Avalanche, Aqua Jet)
Golem (Lv. 70, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Stealth Rock)
Probopass (Lv. 71; Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Zap Cannon, Lock-On)

NOTE: Roxanne will now have both Cradily, Armaldo and Golem on her team regardless of your chosen Starter.

Machamp (Lv. 71; Dynamic Punch, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Payback)
Medicham (Lv. 71; High Jump Kick, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Fire Punch)
Breloom (Lv. 71; Seed Bomb, Focus Punch, Spore, Substitute)
Scrafty (Lv. 71; Crunch, Drain Punch, Poison Jab, Iron Tail)
Hawlucha (Lv. 71; Flying Press, Fly, X-Scissor, Swords Dance)
Hariyama (Lv.72; Close Combat, Knock Off, Earthquake, Whirlwind)

Magnezone (Lv. 72; Thunder, Flash Cannon, Reflect, Lock-On)
Electrode (Lv. 72; Shock Wave, Screech, Substitute, Explosion)
Ampharos (Lv. 72; Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Cotton Guard)
Lanturn (Lv. 72; Hydro Pump, Thunder, Blizzard, Thunder Wave)
Luxray (Lv. 72; Wild Charge, Fire Fang, Crunch, Iron Tail)
Manectric (Lv. 73; Thunder, Overheat, Signal Beam, Hidden Power)

Magcargo (Lv. 73; Overheat, Ancient Power, Recover, Toxic)
Blaziken (Lv. 73; Flare Blitz, High Jump Kick, Night Slash, Swords Dance)
Talonflame (Lv. 73; Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, U-Turn, Roost)
Delphox (Lv. 73; Overheat, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball)
Camerupt (Lv. 73; Overheat, Earth Power, Solar Beam, Substitute)
Torkoal (Lv. 74; Overheat, Iron Tail, Attract, Sunny Day)

Exploud (Lv. 74; Hyper Voice, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast)
Blissey (Lv. 74; Softboiled, Aromatherapy, Seismic Toss, Safeguard)
Zangoose (Lv. 74; Slash, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Brick Break)
Bouffalant (Lv. 74; Head Charge, Wild Charge, Megahorn, Iron Head)
Pyroar (Lv. 74; Fire Blast, Hyper Voice, Dark Pulse, Noble Roar)
Slaking (Lv. 75; Return, Hammer Arm, Earthquake, Ice Punch)

Pelipper (Lv. 75; Water Pulse, Air Cutter, Supersonic, Roost)
Crobat (Lv. 75; Cross Poison, Fly, U-Turn, Confuse Ray)
Skarmory (Lv. 75; Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Spikes, Stealth Rock)
Aerodactyl (Lv. 75; Rock Slide, Fly, Fire Fang, Ice Fang)
Tropius (Lv. 75; Solar Beam, Air Slash, Synthesis, Sunny Day)
Altaria (Lv. 76; Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace, Dragon Dance, Earthquake)

Liza and Tate:
Malamar (Lv. 76; Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Superpower, Payback)
Espeon (Lv. 76; Psychic, Wish, Refresh, Shadow Ball)
Gardevoir (Lv. 77; Psychic, Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind)
Gallade (Lv. 77; Psycho Cut, Brick Break, Fire Punch, Swords Dance)
Lunatone (Lv. 78; Ancient Power, Psychic, Ice Beam, Protect)
Solrock (Lv. 78; Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Explosion)

Whiscash (Lv. 78; Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Rest, Amnesia)
Wailord (Lv. 78; Surf, Blizzard, Curse, Rest)
Ludicolo (Lv. 78; Leech Seed, Surf, Energy Ball, Focus Blast)
Crawdaunt (Lv. 78; Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Waterfall, Swords Dance)
Gyarados (Lv. 79; Waterfall, Bounce, Iron Tail, Dragon Dance)
Milotic (Lv. 80; Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Toxic, Recover)


Houndoom (Lv. 83; Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam)
Drapion (Lv. 83; Cross Poison, Night Slash, X-Scissor, Toxic Spikes)
Cacturne (Lv. 83; Needle Arm, Sucker Punch, Focus Punch, Substitute)
Sharpedo (Lv. 83; Waterfall, Night Slash, Bounce, Earthquake)
Tyranitar (Lv. 84; Stone Edge, Crunch, Ice Punch, Stealth Rock)
Absol (Lv. 85; Night Slash, Play Rough, Iron Tail, Superpower)

Trevenant (Lv. 85; Horn Leech, Phantom Force, Will-O-Wisp, Protect)
Banette (Lv. 85; Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Grudge, Payback)
Spiritomb (Lv. 85; Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Substitute, Embargo)
Gengar (Lv. 85; Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam, Energy Ball)
Golurk (Lv.86; Earthquake, Phantom Force, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch)
Dusknoir (Lv. 87; Shadow Punch, Trick Room, Ice Punch, Toxic)

Beartic (Lv. 87; Icicle Crash, Superpower, Play Rough, Dive)
Froslass (Lv.87; Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Spikes)
Glaceon (Lv. 88; Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Mirror Coat)
Mamoswine (Lv. 88; Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Superpower, Stone Edge)
Weavile (Lv. 87; Night Slash, Ice Punch, X-Scissor, Ice Shard)
Walrien (Lv. 89; Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Curse, Surf)

Haxorus (Lv. 89; Outrage, Earthquake, Night Slash, Dragon Dance)
Goodra (Lv. 89; Dragon Pulse, Rain Dance, Rest, Acid Armour)
Hydreigon (Lv. 90; Dark Pulse, Draco Meteor, Focus Blast, Fire Blast)
Kingdra (Lv. 90; Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Rain Dance)
Flygon (Lv. 89; Earthquake, Dragon Claw, U-Turn, Steel Wing)
Salamence (Lv. 91; Draco Meteor, Fly, Fire Blast, Outrage)

Claydol (Lv. 91; Earth Power, Psychic, Ice Beam, Calm Mind)
Aggron (Lv. 62; Iron Tail, Head Smash, Fire Punch, Dragon Tail)
Cradily (Lv. 91; Ancient Power, Energy Ball, Stealth Rock, Barrier)
Armaldo (Lv. 91; Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Aqua Tail, Cross Poison)
Skarmory (Lv. 92; Steel Wing, Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Taunt)
Metagross (Lv. 93; Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Agility)

What about their Mega's? The new rematches should use megas.