New to graphix; Criticism please!

@Shiny Starters.
looks good, but I don't like the idea of a white background, it looks too much like an Ms, paint sig. Try to minimize that as much as possible. Other than that, they are really good.

@The other one?
I like it, but the render could be a little more focused towards the center, just like an inch. The text, is a huge improvement. Keep going
yeah, that was unintentional with the white background :/ I'm guessing that if I want to make a transparent background I'm going to have to put something back there and then use the opaque tool all the way...I'll try that later. And thanks for the tips!
oh wups! just noticed that myself >.<

just finished these two:


@ the first one
change the wording, it sounds like the Pokemon theme, "gotta catch them all"

@the second one
Zeldas render looks like it has white around it, almost like you cut it out on photoshop
I don't know how it's done wth PhotoBucket, but with Photoshop and GIMP, you start with transparent space and add stuff to it.

This one is probably you're best piece, great job! I recommend fixing the missing segment of Ray's tail, and making the text be easier on the eyes. You also want to put your render layer above the background. 99% of the time, you want your focal point to be bold, and not faded.

Can't wait to see more :)
thanks everyone!

@MrGatr: yeah, I have a hard time cutting out renders -.-

@Ophie: Photobucket has you start with a background and add/edit stuff to it. I'm actually getting quite used to it and it's nice now that they have free unlimited storage xD Just have to get a bit better now I guess.

@Juliacoolo: thanks! I really liked that one too. and thanks for the tips!

So I recently did this one:

I think the text needs to be changed....also this is for a team; so the TEL means Team Eternal Light.
Great job, looks good, but are the mascots, shinies, or are they original. If they are original, I would recommend that you change that, it kinda looks dumb, but if they are supposed to be shinies, keep it, it looks great either way. The text needs to be changed, or just color changed, the color is hard to read.
yeah, they're shinies :3 supposed to be the team mascots I guess

Do you have any recommendations for changing the text/text color? I tried a bunch of different things but this seemed to be the only one that worked >.<
Your text colors should always be visible, but does not distract the viewer from the focal point (the part of the sig that the viewer should have his or her attention drawn to). This can usually be achieved by using a font color that is similar to the main colors of your sig, and by using a font that works well with your sig (so... if you're sig is about CoD, you don't want the font color to be pink, and the font to have a floral design).

Another trick I do for my text is add a slight shadow to the text, so that it doesn't blend in too much, but doesn't stand out.
Shadic said:
That doesn't always work well MRGatr. Depends on colors in my opinion.

In this one, Something without the all of the curves, would be better than the curvy, and the colors, try a dark green, or yellow, so it kinda keeps the color theme together...
Thanks everyone!

(sorry I am so late in replying.....I had the storm to worry about and then school started!)

I will post more soon....

here is the latest one I did:
