New to PTCG From Magic...

How do 1 of's work in this game? For example Blasteo standard seems to be 3 Squirt 1 War 3 Blast. Why even put the 1 of in the deck of 60 cards. Doesn't that make it REALLY hard to pull it? Idk, seems weird coming from Magic, where searching power isn't as prevalent.
The Wartortle is more of a "just in case" card, since most people will just skip that stage with Rare Candy, which allows you to put a Stage 2 (Blastoise) straight onto the Basic (Squirtle). Other 1-ofs are usually simply a "this card will be helpful iI I get it, but it won't be the end of the world if I don't", similar to Magic. The difference is with the speed you go through your deck compared to Magic, through drawing and searching, you probably will eventually find it. Unless its prized.

Besides that, as a player of Magic and Pokemon (although I hop between them a lot), welcome! Just drop off your sense of card advantage at the door, it basically doesn't exist here, you'll be discarding 3 cards to get 1 and it'll be worth it, and turning 1 card into many more all the time. And be warned, the gap between meta decks and casual decks is MUCH bigger here than in Magic, at least from what I've seen. Besides that, its a fun game, and a good change of pace from Magic. Plus, the competitive scene is much easier to get into.
antidakoda said:
How do 1 of's work in this game? For example Blasteo standard seems to be 3 Squirt 1 War 3 Blast. Why even put the 1 of in the deck of 60 cards. Doesn't that make it REALLY hard to pull it? Idk, seems weird coming from Magic, where searching power isn't as prevalent.

Most decks tend to run 4 Ultra Ball, meaning searching out that one card isn't difficult. Between Computer Search, Ultra Ball, and Supporters, one-of's can be quite useful if timed correctly.

Sorry about not getting back to you with a list, I've been busy lately. I'm not the one you should be going to for Eels lists (mine generally suck) but I'll shoot you a skeleton of it tomorrow and hopefully someone who is more experienced with RayEels can help you out with a full list.

As a note about MTG and Pokemon (I've played MTG a few times), Pokemon has probably the most powerful search and drawing engines of any TCG out there. Concepts that may seem like a bad idea, like one-of's, can actually work in Pokemon where as it wouldn't work as well in something like MTG.
Card advantage doesn't exist like it does in magic? Well, thanks for telling me that XD. so far i've always tried to have a huge hand and such XD.

@Blah, alright. Don't be afraid to drop off other fun decks (ie Ho-oh and such). I'll try those too.
I mean, there are still aspects of it, having cards in hand is basically always a good thing in Pokemon and Magic (except for a few cases in each game but details details). More of what I was referring to is that unlike in Magic, where you almost always want a 1-for-1 or better trade to mantain card advantage, it doesn't always work like that in Pokemon. Ultra Ball and Computer Search are two of the best cards in the format, and they require you to discard two additional cards to play it. This is mostly because it is so much easier to draw additional cards in Pokemon.

Although, the dominance of basics is actually a good example of how card advantage still plays somewhat of a role, as it takes less resources for a basic than an evolutionary line. Why spend 3 cards on a Pokemon when you can spend 1 and get the same bang for your buck? Similar to why people don't like Auras in MtG unless they have a huge benefit, players in the current format usually only play evolutions if they have an awesome ability to support their Basics.
You probably won't want to tech in 1 of a Pokemon because of Catcher. Unless its something like Mewtwo or Darkrai for it's ability.
Cooltrainer Alan said:
You probably won't want to tech in 1 of a Pokemon because of Catcher. Unless its something like Mewtwo or Darkrai for it's ability.

Even with Catcher running around, a 1 card tech for certain matchups still works. If that one card has tiny hp and is slow to set up, then it's probably not the greatest idea, but otherwise techs like that tend to be quick and easy to get out.

antidakoda said:
EG garbador/blastoise/gothilette?

Silly, Garbodor shuts off your own abilities in that :p. 2 Stage 2's are much too slow anyway, even if you somehow manage to item lock with Gothitelle.
Hey if you need help with Rayeels Ive played it many times before and my list works nice so if you want the list pm me, Id be glad to help out.