Wi-Fi Trades New trade thread looking for shnys and events

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purple monster

Aspiring Trainer
Low leveled shinies

Chimchar lv1 adamant egg moves: blaze kick,Thunder punch
chimchar lv1 impish egg moves: thunder punch, fire punch
chimchar lv1 lonely egg moves: fire blast
turtwig lv1 modest
piplup lv1 calm egg moves: hydro pump,aerial ace,brine,brick break
bagon lv1 adamant
bulbasaur lv1 adamant
charmander lv1 adamant egg moves: dragon dance,flare blitz,flamethrower
totodile lv1 adamant egg moves: crunch,dragon dance,ice punch,aqua tail
chikorita lv1 adamant
chikorita lv1 impish egg moves: solar beam,bullet seed,giga drain
cyndaquil lv1 adamant
cyndaquil lv1 timid egg moves:flamethrower
cyndaquil lv1 mild
treecko lv1 impish
treecko lv1 lonley
mudkip lv5 hasty egg moves:ancient power,bite
scizor lv1 adamant egg moves:false swipe,x-scissor,night slash, double hit
gastley lv1 lonely egg moves:payback,shadow ball,dream eater, dark pulse
gastley lv1 impish egg moves:payback,shadow ball,dream eater, dark pulse
larvitar lv10 (from day care experience) adamant egg moves: dragon dance,sandstorm,rock slide
beldum lv5 adamant
beldum lv1 adamant
munchlax lv1 adamant egg moves:metronome,odor sleuth
houndour lv1 timid egg moves: flamethrower,beat up,will o wisp,nasty plot
squirtle lv1 relaxed
rhyhorn lv1 adamant
riolu lv1 adamant egg moves: foresight,endure,sky uppercut,crunch
growlithe lv1 adamant egg moves: bite,roar,flare blitz,crunch
elekid lv1 adamant egg moves:ice punch,cross chop,fire punch,dynamic punch
magby lv1 serious
trapich lv5 adamant,egg moves bite, earthquake
dratini lv1 gentle
evee lv5 modest
tyrogue lv1 gentle

EV trained shinies

ramparados lv100 adamant
scizor lv100 lonley
electivire lv100 adamant
tyranitar lv100 naughty
absol lv100 adamant
magmortar lv100 quirky
porygon z lv100 modest
espeon lv100 timid
metagross lv100 adamant
lucario lv100 modest
gallade lv100 adamant
salamance lv100 lax
giratina lv100 adamant
salamance lv100 rash

Normal shinies

sceptile lv38 brave
nidoqueen lv30 careful
steelix lv55 adamant
gengar lv44 bold
tortera lv32 bold
dugtrio lv53 adamant
mightyena lv55 adamant
camerupt lv55 adamant
aggron lv43 impish
umbreon lv51 adamant
rapidash lv39 timid
magnezone lv31 quiet
forretress lv33 relaxed
miltank lv23 impish
duskull lv30 modest
hariyama lv24 lonely
golem lv31 naughty
machamp lv49 impish
crobat lv44 rash
poliwhirl lv50 bold
sudowoodo lv29 lonely
buizel lv7 hardy
pachirisu lv7 hardy
elektrike lv13 quirky
aron lv29 brave
geodude lv19 lax
snover lv34 lonley
horsea lv18 hardy
ralts lv5 naive
croagunk lv24 quiet
croagunk lv20 impish
buizel lv10 impish
gastly lv16 timid
gastly lv21 serious
dratini lv21 adamant
magikarp lv5 quirky
ekans lv6 hasty
poochyena lv3 calm
wingull lv17 lonely
quagsire lv25 impish
jynx lv44 naive
houndour lv23 modest
dugtrio lv53 impish
shinx lv28 naughty
exeggcute lv23 jolly
tentacool lv22 gentle
milotic lv40 serious
absol lv27 quirky
aerodactyl lv20 bashful
omantyne lv20 sassy
koffing lv25 careful

shiny legendarys

articuno lv50 impish
rotom lv15 naive
dialga lv48 bold
palkia lv47 mild
cresselia lv50 bold
regigigas lv70 adamant
heatran lv70 calm
regice lv40 brave
entei lv40 modest (distant land)
mewtwo lv70 modest
lugia lv70 bashful
latios lv40 modest
latias lv50 quiet
phoine lv1 brave


WCS Milotic lv50 ut
gamestop shiny pichu lv30 ut
world 09 weavile ut
Movie 07 darkrai lv50 modest,quirky,bold
TRU regigigas
TRU dragonite
TRU shaymin lv55
Michina arceus
gamestop jirachi modest

shinies that i dont have
EV trained shinies
and events
oh man what do you want for that totodile?

ill try to get you anything for him

edit: and possibly that trapinch?
etidiot said:
oh man what do you want for that totodile?

ill try to get you anything for him

edit: and possibly that trapinch?

shiny pokemon or events if you have any

Porygon-X said:

Is that shiny Modest Mewtwo 110% Ligament?

yeah its legit the person reset there game alot in fire red

Want an Arceus!237 said:
What do you want for the reggigigas and the jirachi

whitch reggigigas are you talking
i really could careless if the totodile was shiny or not. I just want one with that moveset and nature. Is it male?
purple monster said:
would you do shiny registeel and shiny regirock for it
I don't have shiny Regirock/Registeel. I can only get Breed-able shinies. Did you CML?
would it be at all possible to get just an adamant male totodile with the same moveset as the shiny one? I really dont want a shiny totodile.

I just bred some Elekids:
-quick attack

I have three of them
-female, timid

-ice beam

I have 6

alright i got two chimchars

Both know fire blast and flamethrower

I can also breed a riolu that knows blaze kick, sky uppercut, and drain punch
Is your Shiny EV trained Metagross Legit? If so, check my thread for anything you would want. My Wi-Fi isn't working at the moment but it should be up and running before the weekend.
giratina487 said:
Is your Shiny EV trained Metagross Legit? If so, check my thread for anything you would want. My Wi-Fi isn't working at the moment but it should be up and running before the weekend.

what are the stats on that shiny lv100 adamant aggron and is it from the daycare?
Ok so this is kinda a lot that I want but for your shiny adamant chimchar, shiny turtwig, shiny Piplup, Shiny bulbasaur, shiny charmander, shiny totadile, cyndaquil, chicorita, treeko and mudkip I wili give you a shiny manaphy a shiny gallade a shiny gardevoir a shiny nidoran boy, a shiny shaymin (not completely sure if it's legit) a movie darkrai a shinysteelix a gamestp jirachi a shiny magicarp a shiny magnezone, and the hg/ss special shiny pikachu, or different pokemon if you want, plus I can clone all of your pokemon and give the clones back to you.
Aj1234119 said:
Ok so this is kinda a lot that I want but for your shiny adamant chimchar, shiny turtwig, shiny Piplup, Shiny bulbasaur, shiny charmander, shiny totadile, cyndaquil, chicorita, treeko and mudkip I wili give you a shiny manaphy a shiny gallade a shiny gardevoir a shiny nidoran boy, a shiny shaymin (not completely sure if it's legit) a movie darkrai a shinysteelix a gamestp jirachi a shiny magicarp a shiny magnezone, and the hg/ss special shiny pikachu, or different pokemon if you want, plus I can clone all of your pokemon and give the clones back to you.

it would help me a lot if you could list there nature and if they are ut or not
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