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Expanded New Umbreon Hoopa Zoroark GX deck


Imagine if Pichu was in splatoon :D
##Pokémon - 17

* 3 Eevee SUM 101
* 3 Umbreon-GX SUM 80
* 3 Hoopa SLG 55
* 2 Yveltal XY 78
* 2 Zorua BKT 89
* 2 Zoroark BKT 91
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60

##Trainer Cards - 32

* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 1 Ghetsis PLF 101
* 1 Field Blower GRI 125
* 3 Professor Sycamore XY 122
* 3 N FCO 105
* 2 Professor Kukui SUM 128
* 4 VS Seeker PHF 109
* 1 Acerola BUS 112
* 4 Altar of the Moone GRI 117
* 2 Bodybuilding Dumbbells BUS 113
* 1 Brigette BKT 134
* 2 Guzma BUS 115
* 2 Choice Band GRI 121
* 1 Hex Maniac AOR 75
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130

##Energy - 11

* 4 Double Colorless Energy FCO 114
* 7 Darkness Energy XYEnergy 1

Total Cards - 60

I don't have the zoroark-GX's online but I think the best line is a 3 zorua 2 gx and 1 stand in but I don't know what to cut. The point of this deck is to do chip damage with strafe and switching into hoopa locking you of ex's and gx's any deck/list advice is greatly appreciated!
You don’t need to own the cards to make a list on PTCGO (just select Show Not Owned) but looks a solid list to me. However, VS Seeker, Hex Maniac and Ghetsis are not in Standard format.
Steam Siege Spiritomb could be a really fun tech to play since you have Umbreon tossing damage around. Shadow Bullet is essentially hitting 120 damage a turn and Spiritomb can easily toss that damage around to pick off what you want.
As others have said, Ghetsis, Hex Maniac, and VS Seeker are not Standard legal.

Other than that, your list looks okay. I prefer maxing out Choice Band instead of the 2-2 split with Bodybuilding Dumbells, and I don't think you need three Hoopa. One is enough because it's not a Pokémon you're going to rely on every game and is basically useless if you're opponent has a solid non-EX/GX attacker or Garbotoxin active. I would remove two and add in two Tapu Koko since it helps spread damage and is a great target to Strafe into. As far as replace the non-Standard cards, I'd do the following:

-4 VS Seeker
-1 Ghetsis
-1 Hex Maniac

+1 Professor Sycamore
+1 N
+1 Guzma
+1 Field Blower
+1 Zorua
+1 Zoroark GX

I'd also do what you said and replace one Zoroark with a second Zoroark GX.
As others have said, Ghetsis, Hex Maniac, and VS Seeker are not Standard legal.

Other than that, your list looks okay. I prefer maxing out Choice Band instead of the 2-2 split with Bodybuilding Dumbells, and I don't think you need three Hoopa. One is enough because it's not a Pokémon you're going to rely on every game and is basically useless if you're opponent has a solid non-EX/GX attacker or Garbotoxin active. I would remove two and add in two Tapu Koko since it helps spread damage and is a great target to Strafe into. As far as replace the non-Standard cards, I'd do the following:

-4 VS Seeker
-1 Ghetsis
-1 Hex Maniac

+1 Professor Sycamore
+1 N
+1 Guzma
+1 Field Blower
+1 Zorua
+1 Zoroark GX

I'd also do what you said and replace one Zoroark with a second Zoroark GX.

The reason I like three hoopa is because if something goes wrong and I have lose it early on that can really put me in a lot of trouble because if they run volc or any other non EX than I have only 1 left which can put me in a bad position I wouldn't mind going down to 2 but with 3 you almost never hit the lock. I feel like the biggest problem is energy you always have to attach to retreat to so many different pokemoon so it's really hard to get a shadow bullet up I think I wan't to run th Expanded darkrai EX and/or malamar as interesting techs.
Any luck with this? I dusted off my Umbreon/Zoroark deck to test with Hoopa as well, but it still fell apart pretty quickly against its bad matchups; Gardy has Gallade, Metagross can use Metang, DrampaGarb just shuts Hoopa down, and Goli runs enough Guzma to play around Hoopa. It did seem to improve the odds against Volc, Bulu and a few others, but ultimately without eeveelutions to hit for weakness, the deck just isn't the same.
Any reason you aren't running Zoroark BREAK? It is amazingly useful in several matchups (Bulu, Drampa, sometimes Gardy) and the extra HP can be clutch. I would drop an Eevee/Umbreon for two BREAK. Once you have Hoopa charged, you don't really need to strafe anyway, and limiting your two prize targets is always good for stall decks.
Any luck with this? I dusted off my Umbreon/Zoroark deck to test with Hoopa as well, but it still fell apart pretty quickly against its bad matchups; Gardy has Gallade, Metagross can use Metang, DrampaGarb just shuts Hoopa down, and Goli runs enough Guzma to play around Hoopa. It did seem to improve the odds against Volc, Bulu and a few others, but ultimately without eeveelutions to hit for weakness, the deck just isn't the same.
Any reason you aren't running Zoroark BREAK? It is amazingly useful in several matchups (Bulu, Drampa, sometimes Gardy) and the extra HP can be clutch. I would drop an Eevee/Umbreon for two BREAK. Once you have Hoopa charged, you don't really need to strafe anyway, and limiting your two prize targets is always good for stall decks.
Zoroark break is very interesting! But so far for lick it has not gone to well I have more of a 50-50 W-L but that's not that bad.
##Pokémon - 17

* 3 Eevee SUM 101
* 3 Umbreon-GX SUM 80
* 3 Hoopa SLG 55
* 2 Yveltal XY 78
* 2 Zorua BKT 89
* 2 Zoroark BKT 91
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60

##Trainer Cards - 32

* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 1 Ghetsis PLF 101
* 1 Field Blower GRI 125
* 3 Professor Sycamore XY 122
* 3 N FCO 105
* 2 Professor Kukui SUM 128
* 4 VS Seeker PHF 109
* 1 Acerola BUS 112
* 4 Altar of the Moone GRI 117
* 2 Bodybuilding Dumbbells BUS 113
* 1 Brigette BKT 134
* 2 Guzma BUS 115
* 2 Choice Band GRI 121
* 1 Hex Maniac AOR 75
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130

##Energy - 11

* 4 Double Colorless Energy FCO 114
* 7 Darkness Energy XYEnergy 1

Total Cards - 60

I don't have the zoroark-GX's online but I think the best line is a 3 zorua 2 gx and 1 stand in but I don't know what to cut. The point of this deck is to do chip damage with strafe and switching into hoopa locking you of ex's and gx's any deck/list advice is greatly appreciated!

Joffrey is correct, those cards are rotated, but this deck is solid, I wouldn't change anything really, though it's not flawless, this is a nice concept!