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New, updated list! Got ALL sorts, so come check! PR's, Jumbo's, JPN, the works!

Should I become a verified seller?

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Hydro Cannon

Just a random dood

1. NO SCAMMING WHATSOEVER!!! No WC cards, and no fakes!! Not interested!

2. HAVE FUN!!! This is a place, for people to trade, not to fight or argue. Please keep it that way.

3. ENJOY!! Yes, thats an order...

4. I will NOT CYL if you do not state if you have my wants or not

5. SIGNED CARDS. I LOVE EM. PLEASE ADD THEM, and I will try and do the same! <3

Wow, where to start.... xD



(Check the sets located below to see which I have! :D)

* Cards:
Entei* (Small, almost unnoticeable bend)
Kyogre* (Near Mint) (incoming)

JPN Section (ALL 1st edition, unless otherwise noted)

Dragon Selection:
#1 Dratini x1
#2 Dratini x1
#3 Dragonair x1
#4 Dragonair x1
#5 Dragonite x1
#6 Bagon x1
#7 Shelgon x1
#8 Salamence x1
#9 Latias x1
#10 Latios x1
#11 Rayquaza x1
#12 Axew x1
#13 Axew x1
#14 Fracture x1
#15 Fracture x1
#16 Haxorus x1
#17 Druddigon x1
#18 Super Rod x1
#19 Fast Ticket x1
#20 Exp. Share x1

JPN Super Starter Holo Set:
Snivy 1/9
Munna 2/9
Klink 3/9
Tepig 4/9
Blitzle 5/9
Pidove 6/9
Oshawott 7/9
Sandile 8/9
Zorua 9/9

Reshiram Half-Deck:
Growlithe 1/18 x2
Arcanine 2/18 x2
larvesta 3/18 x1
Reshiram EX 4/18 x1
Lapras 5/18 x1
Glaceon 6/18 x2
Typmole 7/18 x3
Palpitoad 8/18 x2
Chansey 9/18 x1
Eevee 10/18 x3
(NO trainers, sorry)

L3 Legend Set:
Bellsprout 1/80 x2
Weepinbell 2/80 x3
Vileplume 3/80 x1
Yanma 4/80 x1
Yanmega 5/80 x1
Kricketot 8/80 x2
Ponyta 10/80 x1
Rapidash 11/80 x1
Magby 12/80 x3
Magmar 13/80 x4 (1x RH)
Psyduck 15/80 x1
Golduck 16/80 x1
Tentacool 17/80 x3
Tentacruel 18/80 x2
Swinub 19/80 x2
Piloswine 20/80 x1
Wailmer 22/80 x2
Voltorb 25/80 x3
Electrode 26/80 x1
Elekid 28/80 x1
Electabuzz 29/80 x2
Electivire 30/80 x1
Nidoran 31/80 x2
Nidorina 32/80 x3
Nidoqueen 33/80 x2
Nidoran 34/80 x3
Nidorino 35/80 x2
Uknown 36/80 x3
Spoink 38/80 x3
Grumpig 39/80 x1
Scorupi 40/80 x3
Machop 42/80 x2
Machoke 43/80 x3 (1x RH)
Cubone 46/80 x3
Solrock 49/80 x1
Carvanha 50/80 x3
Sharpedo 51/80 x1 RH
Drapion 52/80 x1
Aron 53/80 x2
Lairon 54/80 x1
Bronzor 56/80 x2
Bronzong 57/80 x2
Pidgey 58/80 x3 (1x RH)
Pidgeotto 59/80 x3
Pidgeot 60/80 x2
Lickitung 61/80 x1
Lickilicky 62/80 x5 (2x RH)
Kangaskan 63/80 x2
Ditto 64/80 x1
Porygon 65/80 x1
Porygon2 66/80 x2
Aipom 68/80 x1
Ambipom 69/80 x1
Indigo Plateau 79/80 x2

BW5 Dragon Blade:
Hoppip 1/50 x6
Skiploom 2/50 x6
Jumpluff 3/50 x5
Nincada 4/50 x6
Ninjask 5/50 x4
Maractus 6/50 x6
Magmar 7/50 x6
Magmorter 8/50 x5
Feebas 10/50 x3
Milotic 11/50 x1
Spheal 12/50 x6
Sealeo 13/50 x6
Walrien 14/50 x5
Electrike 15/50 x6
Manectric 16/50 x6
Emolga 17/50 x1
Shedinja 18/50 x5
Gothita 19/50 x6
Gothorita 20/50 x4
Gothitelle 21/50 x4
Golett 22/50 x6
Golurk 23/50 x1
Cubone 24/50 x6
Marowak 25/50 x4
Nosepass 26/50 x6
Roggenrola 27/50 x6
Boldore 28/50 x6
Gigalith 29/50 x1
Throh 30/50 x6
Sawk 31/50 x6
Stunky 32/50 x6
Skuntank 33/50 x4
Probopass 35/50 x5
Altaria 36/50 x1
Gible 38/50 x1
Gabite 39/50 x1
Garchomp 40/50 x1
Slakoth 41/50 x6
Vigroth 42/50 x6
Slaking 43/50 x1
Swablu 44/50 x1
Bouffalant 45/50 x1
Rufflet 46/50 x6
Braviary 47/50 x4
Tool Scrapper 48/50 x1
Big cloak 49/50 x1
Blend energy 50/50 x1

BW5 Dragon Blast:
Yanma 1/50 x3
Yanmega 2/50 x3
Wurmple 3/50 x4
Silcoon 4/50 x3
Beautifly 5/50 x2
Cascoon 6/50 x3
Roselia 7/50 x3
Roserade 8/50 x3
Vulpix 9/50 x1
Ninetails 10/50 x1
Wailmer 11/50 x4
Wailord 12/50 x1
Buizel 13/50 x3
Floatzel 14/50 x3
Tympole 15/50 x3
Palpitoad 16/50 x3
Seismitoad 17/50 x3
Alomomola 18/50 x3
Mareep 19/50 x3
Flaafy 20/50 x3
Ampharos 21/50 x1
Dustox 23/50 x3
Drifloon 24/50 x1
Drifblim 25/50 x1
Sigilyph 26/50 x1
Trubbish 27/50 x1
Garbador 28/50 x1
Baltoy 29/50 x4
Claydol 30/50 x4
Stunfisk 31/50 x1
Terrakion EX 32/50 x1
Murkrow 33/50 x3
Honchkrow 34/50 x1
Aron 35/50 x4
Lairon 36/50 x4
Aggron 37/50 x1
Durant 38/50 x3
Deino 40/50 x1
Zweilous 41/50 x1
Hydreigon 42/50 x1
Aipom 43/50 x3
Ambipom 44/50 x3
Bidoof 45/50 x4
Bibarel 46/50 x2
Audino 47/50 x4
De-evoltion spray 48/50 x1
Rescue scark 49/50 x1
Blend energy 50/50 x1

BW3 Hail Blizzard:
Pansage 1/52 x3
Simisage 2/52 x2
Petilil 3/52 x3
Liligant 4/52 x2
Deerling 5/52 x2
Sawsbuck 6/52 x1
Foongus 7/52 x1
Amoongus 8/52 x1
Growlithe 9/52 x2
Arcanine 10/52 x1
Darumaka 11/52 x2
Litwick 12/52 x4
Lampent 13/52 x2
Chandelure 14/52 x1
Lapras 15/52 x1
Vanillite 16/52 x3
Vanillish 17/52 x2
Vanilluxe 18/52 x1
Cubchoo 19/52 x2
Beartic 20/52 x1
Cyrogenal 21/52 x2
Kyurem EX 22/52 x2
Pikachu 23/52 x3
Raichu 24/52 x2
Zapdos 25/52 x1
Ralts 26/52 x1
Kirlia 27/52 x1
Gardevoir 28/52 x1
Darmanitan 29/52 x1
Elgym 30/52 x3
Behyeem 31/52 x2
Groudon EX 32/52 x1
Riolu 33/52 x3
Lucario 34/52 x1
Hippopotas 35/52 x2
Hippowdon 36/52 x2
Sneasle 37/52 x3
Weavile 38/52 x2
Bronzor 39/52 x3
Bronzong 40/52 x1
Pawniard 41/52 x2
Bisharp 42/52 x1
Jigglypuff 43/52 x3
Wigglytuff 44/52 x2
Regigigas EX 45/52 x1
Pidove 46/52 x2
Tranquil 47/52 x3
Unfezant 48/52 x2
Heavy ball 49/52 x1
Cilan 50/52 x1
Pokemon Center 51/52 x2
Double Colorless Energy 52/52 x1

BW2 Red Collection:
Dwebble 1/66
Crustle 2/66
Karrablast 3/66
Foongus 4/66
Amoongus 5/66
Shelmit 6/66
Accelgor 7/66
Virizion 8/66
Victini 9/66
Heatmor 10/66
Larvesta 11/66
Volcorona 12/66 (Played)
Tympole 13/66
Palpitoad 14/66
Seismitoad 15/66
Tirtouga 16/66
Carracosta 17/66
Vanillite 18/66
Vanillish 19/66
Vanilluxe 20/66
Frillish 21/66
Jellicant 22/66
Cyrogenal 23/66
Kyurem 24/66
Tynamo 25/66
Eelektrik 26/66
Eelektross 27/66
Yamask 28/66
Cofagrigus 29/66
Trubbish 30/66
Garbador 31/66
Elgyem 32/66
Behyeem 33/66
Litwick 34/66
Lampent 35/66
Chandelure 36/66
Gigalith 37/66
Conkeldurr 38/66
Archen 39/66
Archeops 40/66
Stunfisk 41/66
Mienfoo 42/66
Mienshao 43/66
Golett 44/66
Golurk 45/66
Terrakion 46/66
Landorus 47/66
Pawniard 48/66
Deino 50/66
Zweilous 51/66
Hydreigon 52/66
Escavalier 53/66
Durant 54/66 x5
Cobalion 55/66
Axew 56/66
Fracture 57/66
Haxorus 58/66
Druddigon 59/66
Super Rod 60/66
X-transciever 61/66
Spear fossil 62/66
Dome fossil 63/66
Rocky helmit 64/66
Eviolite 65/66
N 66/66

RH Section. TONS of RH's:

EX Team Rocket Returns:
1x Azumarill 1/109 (1x RH)
1x Dark Ampharos 2/109
2x Dark Crobat 3/109 (1x RH)
1x Dark Electrode 4/109 (1x RH)
1x Dark Houndoom 5/109 (1x RH)
1x Dark Hypno 6/109
1x Dark Marowak 7/109
1x Dark Octillery 8/109 (1x RH)
2x Dark Slowking 9/109 (1x RH)
1x Dark Steelix 10/109
1x Jumpluff 11/109 (1x RH)
2x Kingdra 12/109 (1x RH)
2x Piloswine 13/109 (1x RH)
1x Dark Muk 16/109 (1x RH)
1x Dark Raticate 17/109 (NON holo)
1x Dark Snadslash 18/109 (1x RH)
1x Ledian 23/109 (1x RH)
1x Magby 24/109 (1x RH)
1x Ekans 55/109 (1x RH)
1x Horsea 58/109 (1x RH)
1x Sandshrew 74/109 (1x RH)

Black and White: Base Set:
4x Snivy 1/114 (1x RH, 1x LP)
2x Snivy 2/114 (1x RH)
2x Servine 3/114 (1x RH)
2x Servine 4/114 (1x RH)
4x Serperior 5/114 (1x Crystal foil, 2x holo, 1x RH)
1x Serperior 6/114
1x Pansage 7/114
2x Simisage 8/114 (2x RH)
2x Petelil 9/114 (1x RH)
2x Lilligant 10/114 (1x RH)
2x Maractus 11/114 (1x RH)
1x Maractus 12/114 (1x RH)
3x Deerling 13/114 (1x RH)
1x Sawsbuck 14/114
4x Tepig 15/114 (1x holo, 1x LP)
2x Tepig 16/114 (1x RH)
1x Pignite 17/114
3x Pignite 18/114 (1x RH)
3x Emboar 19/114 (1x RH, 1x Crystal Foil, 1x Holo)
1x Emboar 20/114 (1x RH)
2x Pansear 21/114 (1x RH)
2x Simisear 22/114 (1x RH)
1x Darumaka 23/114
2x Darumaka 24/114 (1x RH)
2x Darmanitan 25/114 (1x RH)
2x Reshiram 26/114 (1x RH)
2x Oshawott 27/114 (1x LP)
2x Oshawott 28/114 (1x RH)
2x Dewott 29/114 (1x RH)
2x Dewott 30/114 (1x RH)
3x Samurott 31/114 (1x RH, 1x Crystal foil, 1x Holo)
1x Samurott 32/114
1x Panpour 33/114
2x Simipour 34/114 (1x RH)
3x Basculin 35/114 (1x RH)
3x Ducklett 36/114 (1x RH)
2x Swanna 37/114
3x Alomomola 38/114 (1x RH)
2x Alomomola 39/114 (1x RH)
2x Blitzle 40/114 (1x RH)
3x Blitzle 41/114 (1x RH)
2x Zebstrika 42/114 (1x LP)
2x Zebstrika 43/114 (1x RH)
2x Joltik 44/114
2x Joltik 45/114
1x Galvantula 46/114
2x Zekrom 47/114
1x Munna 48/114
1x Musharna 49/114
3x Woobat 50/114 (1x RH)
2x Swoobat 51/114 (1x RH)
3x Venipede 52/114 (1x RH)
4x Whirlipede 53/114 (1x RH, 1x LP)
3x Scoliopede 54/114
1x Solosis 55/114
1x Duosion 56/114
3x Reuniclus 57/114
2x Timburr 58/114 (1x RH)
1x Timburr 59/114
2x Gurdurr 60/114 (1x RH)
3x Throh 61/114 (1x RH)
2x Sawk 62/114
1x Sandile 63/114
1x Krokorok 64/114
2x Krookodile 65/114 (1x RH)
1x Purrloin 66/114
2x Liepard 67/114 (1x RH)
1x Scraggy 68/114
2x Scrafty 69/114 (1x RH)
1x Zorua 70/114
2x Zoroark 71/114 (1x RH)
1x Vullaby 72/114
1x Mandibuzz 73/114
2x Klink 74/114 (1x RH)
1x Klang 75/114
1x Klinklang 76/114
1x Patrat 77/114
2x Patrat 78/114 (1x RH)
3x Watchog 79/114 (1x RH, 1x LP)
1x Lillipup 80/114
3x Lillipup 81/114 (1x RH, 1x LP)
1x Herdier 82/114
1x Stoutland 83/114
2x Pidove 84/114 (1x RH)
2x Tranquil 85/114 (2x RH)
2x Unfezant 86/114 (1x RH)
2x Audino 87/114 (1x RH)
1x Minccino 88/114
1x Cinccino 89/114
1x Bouffalant 90/114
1x Bouffalant 91/114
1x Energy Retrieval 92/114
2x Energy Search 93/114 (1x RH)
4x Energy Search 94/114 (2x RH)
2x Full Heal 95/114 (2x RH)
1x PlusPower 96/114
3x Poke Ball 97/114 (1x RH)
2x Pokedex 98/114 (2x RH)
2x Pokemon Communication 99/114 (1x RH)
2x Potion 100/114 (1x RH)
1x Professor Juniper 101/114
2x Revive 102/114
2x Super Scoop Up 103/114
1x Switch 104/114
2x Grass Energy 105/114 (1x PoP holo)
1x Fire Energy 106/114
1x Water Energy 107/114
1x Electric Energy 108/114
1x Psychic Energy 109/114
1x Fighting Energy 110/114
1x Dark Energy 111/114
1x Steel Energy 112/114
1x Reshiram FA 113/114
1x Zkerom FA 114/114
1x Pikachu (SR) 115/114

Black and White: Emerging Powers:
1x RH Pansage 1/98
1x RH Simisage 2/98
1x RH Sewaddle 3/98
1x RH Sewaddle 4/98
1x RH Swadloon 5/98
1x RH Swadloon 6/98
1x RH Leavanny 7/98
1x RH Leavanny 8/98
1x RH Cottonee 9/98
1x RH Cottonee 10/98
1x RH Whimsicott 11/98
1x RH Whimsicott 12/98
1x RH Petelil 13/98
1x RH Lilligant 14/98
1x RH Deerling 15/98
1x RH Sawsbuck 16/98
1x RH Virizion 17/98
1x RH Pansear 18/98
1x RH Simisear 19/98
1x RH Darumaka 20/98
1x RH Darmanitan 21/98
1x RH Panpour 22/98
1x RH Simipour 23/98
1x RH Basculin 24/98
1x RH Basculin 25/98
2x RH Ducklett 26/98
1x RH Swanna 27/98
1x RH Cubchoo 28/98
1x RH Cubchoo 29/98
1x RH Beartic 30/98
1x RH Beartic 31/98
1x RH Emolga 32/98
1x RH Joltik 33/98
1x RH Galvantula 34/98
1x RH Thundurus 35/98
1x RH Woobat 36/98
1x RH Swoobat 37/98
1x RH Venipede 38/98
1x RH Whirlipede 39/98
1x RH Scoliopede 40/98
1x RH Sigilyph 41/98
1x RH Sigilyph 42/98
1x RH Gothita 43/98
1x RH Gothita 44/98
1x RH Gothorita 45/98
1x RH Gothorita 46/98
1x RH Roggentola 49/98
1x RH Roggenrola 50/98
1x RH Boldore 51/98
1x RH Boldore 52/98
1x RH Gigalith 53/98
1x RH Drilbur 54/98
1x RH Excadrill 56/98
1x RH Excadrill 57/98
1x RH Throh 58/98
1x RH Sawk 59/98
1x RH Sandile 60/98
1x RH Krokorok 61/98
1x RH Krookodile 62/98
1x RH Terrakion 63/98
1x RH Purrloin 64/98
1x RH Liepard 65/98
1x RH Zorua 66/98
1x RH Zoroark 67/98
1x RH Vullaby 68/98
1x RH Mandibuzz 69/98
1x RH Ferroseed 70/98
1x RH Ferroseed 71/98
1x RH Ferrothorn 72/98
1x RH Ferrothorn 73/98
1x RH Klink 74/98
1x RH Klang 75/98
1x RH Klinklang 76/98
1x RH Cobalion 77/98
1x RH Patrat 78/98
1x RH Watchog 79/98
1x RH Pidove 80/98
1x RH Tranquil 81/98
1x RH Audino 83/98
1x RH Minccino 84/98
1x RH Cincinno 85/98
1x RH Rufflet 86/98
1x RH Rufflet 87/98
1x RH Braviary 88/98
1x RH Tornadus 89/98
1x RH Bianca 90/98
1x RH Crushing Hammer 92/98
1x RH Great Ball 93/98
1x RH Max Potion 94/98
1x RH Recycle 96/98
1x TORNADUS FA 98/98

Black and White: Noble Victories:
3x Sewaddle 1/101 (1x RH)
2x Swadloon 2/101 (1x RH)
1x Leavanny 3/101
4x Petilil 4/101 (1x RH)
2x Dwebble 6/101 (1x RH)
3x Crustle 7/101 (1x RH)
2x Karrablast 8/101 (1x RH)
2x Foongus 9/101 (1x RH)
1x Amoongus 10/101 (1x RH)
2x Shelmit 11/101 (1x RH)
1x Accelgor 12/101 (1x RH)
1x Virizion 13/101
1x Victini 14/101 (1x RH)
1x Victini 15/101 (1x RH)
1x Pansear 16/101 (1x RH)
1x Simisear 17/101
3x Heatmor 18/101 (1x RH)
1x Larvesta 19/101 (1x RH)
3x Larvesta 20/101 (1x RH)
2x Volcorona 21/101 (1x RH)
4x Tympole 22/101 (2x RH)
1x Palpitoad 23/101
3x Seismitoad 24/101 (2x RH)
1x Tirtouga 25/101
1x Carracosta 26/101
4x Vanillite 27/101 (1x RH)
1x Vanillish 28/101
1x Vanilluxe 29/101 (1x RH)
1x Frillish 30/101 (1x RH)
1x Cyrogonal 31/101
1x Cyrogonal 32/101 (1x RH)
1x Kyurem 34/101 (1x RH)
4x Blitzle 35/101 (1x RH)
1x Emolga 37/101 (1x RH)
3x Tynamo 38/101 (1x RH)
1x Tynamo 39/101 (1x RH)
2x Eelektrik 40/101 (1x RH)
1x Eelektross 41/101 (1x RH)
3x Stunfisk 42/101 (1x RH)
1x Victini 43/101 (1x RH)
3x Yamask 44/101
1x Yamask 45/101
1x Cofagrigus 46/101 (1x RH)
2x Trubbish 48/101 (1x RH)
1x Garbador 49/101 (1x RH)
2x Solosis 50/101 (1x RH)
1x Dusion 51/101 (1x RH)
1x Reuniclus 52/101
2x Elgyem 54/101 (1x RH)
2x Elgyem 55/101
2x Litwick 57/101 (2x RH)
3x Litwick 58/101
1x Chandelure 60/101
1x Timburr 62/101 (1x RH)
1x Gurdurr 63/101 (1x RH)
1x Conkeldurr 64/101 (1x RH)
3x Conkeldurr 65/101 (1x RH)
1x Archen 66/101
1x Archeops 67/101 (1x RH)
2x Stunfisk 68/101 (1x RH)
2x Mienfoo 69/101 (1x RH)
1x Mienshao 70/101
2x Golett 71/101 (1x RH)
1x Golurk 72/101 (1x RH)
2x Pawniard 75/101 (1x RH)
3x Bisharp 76/101 (1x RH)
3x Deino 77/101 (1x RH)
3x Zweilous 78/101
1x Hydreigon 79/101 (1x RH)
1x Pawniard 81/101
2x Durant 83/101
1x Audino 85/101 (1x RH)
3x Axew 86/101 (2x RH)
3x Fracture 87/101 (2x RH)
1x Haxorus 88/101 (1x RH)
1x Cover Fossil 90/101
1x Eviolite 91/101
1x Plume Fossile 93/101
2x Rocky Helmit 94/101
1x Super Rod 95/101 (1x RH)
1x N FA 101/101

Black and White: NEXt Destinies:
1x Pinsir 1/99
2x Seedot 2/99
2x Kricketot 3/99
2x Kricketune 4/99 (1x RH)
2x Pansage 6/99
3x Simisage 7/99 (1x RH)
2x Foongus 8/99
2x Ammongus 9/99
3x Growlithe 10/99 (1x RH)
2x Growlithe 11/99
1x Arcanine 12/99 (1x RH)
3x Arcanine 13/99 (1x RH)
1x Moltres 14/99
2x Pansear 15/99
1x Simisear 16/99 (1x RH)
3x Darumaka 17/99 (1x RH)
3x Litwick 18/99 (1x RH)
1x Lampent 19/99
1x Chandelure 20/99 (1x RH)
2x Reshiram 21/99
3x Staryu 23/99 (1x RH)
3x Starmie 24/99 (1x RH)
1x Lapras 25/99 (1x RH)
3x Lapras 26/99 (1x RH)
1x Articuno 27/99
2x Panpour 28/99 (1x RH)
2x Simipour 29/99 (1x RH)
1x Basculin 30/99
2x Vanillite 31/99
3x Vanillish 32/99 (1x RH)
1x Vanilluxe 33/99
2x Frillish 34/99
3x Jellicant 35/99 (1x RH)
3x Cubchoo 36/99 (1x RH)
2x Beartic 37/99 (1x RH)
1x Pikachu 39/99
3x Raichu 40/99 (1x RH)
1x Zapdos 41/99
3x Shinx 42/99 (1x RH)
2x Shinx 43/99
1x Luxio 44/99 (1x RH)
3x Luxio 45/99 (1x RH)
1x Luxray 46/99
2x Blitzle 47/99
1x Zebstrika 48/99
3x Emolga 49/99 (1x RH)
3x Zekrom 50/99 (1x RH)
2x Grimer 52/99
1x Muk 53/99 (1x RH)
1x Ralts 55/99
2x Kirlia 56/99 (1x RH)
2x Munna 58/99
1x Darmanitan 60/99
2x Elgyem 61/99 (1x RH)
2x Beheeyem 62/99 (1x RH)
2x Riolu 63/99
1x Lucario 64/99
1x Hippopotas 65/99
2x Hippowdon 66/99 (1x RH)
1x Mienfoo 67/99
2x Mieshao 68/99
2x Sneasel 69/99
2x Weavile 70/99 (1x RH)
2x Nuzleaf 71/99 (1x RH)
1x Shiftry 72/99
2x Scraggy 73/99
2x Bronzor 75/99
2x Ferroseed 77/99
1x Jigglypuff 78/99
1x Wigglytuff 79/99
2x Meowth 80/99
1x Persian 81/99 (1x RH)
3x Pidove 83/99
2x Minccino 84/99 (1x RH)
2x Cinccino 85/99
3x Cilan 86/99 (1x RH)
2x Exp. Share 87/99
2x Heavy Ball 88/99
3x Level Ball 89/99 (1x RH)
4x Pokémon Center 90/99 (1x RH)
4x Skyarrow Bridge 91/99
9x DCE 92/99
4x Prism Energy 93/99
SHINING EMBOAR 100/99 (a bit played... Got it for free from a friend. Still playable)

Volcorona (Dark Explorers)
Victini x2 (Noble Victories)
Gigalith (Emerging Powers)
Darmanitan (Black and White)
Electivire STAFF (Triumphant)
Blastoise (Unleashed)
Armaldo (EX Sandstorm)
Gyarados (EX Dragon)
Team Aqua's Cacnea (EX Team Aqua/Team Magma)
Swalot (EX Hidden Legends)
Wartortle (EX FireRed/LeafGreen)
Dark Houndoom (EX Team Rocket Returns)
Manectric (EX Deoxys)
Grumpig (EX Emerald)
Bayleef (EX Unseen Forces)
Dragonair (EX Dragon Frontiers)
Dark Gyarados (Team Rocket)
Misty's Seadra (Gym Heroes)

Secret Rares:
Fan Rotom RT1
Frost Rotom RT2
Heat Rotom RT3
Mow Rotom RT4
Wash Rotom RT5
Charon's Choice RT6
Arceus AR1
Arceus AR2
Arceus AR3
Arceus AR4
Arceus AR5
Arceus AR6
Arceus AR7
Arceus AR8
Arceus AR9
Drifloon SH1 x2
Voltorb SH3
Lotad SH4
Swablu SH5
Yanma SH9
Bagon SH10
Ponyta SH11

E3 Pika gold cheeks
E3 Promo Hoppip (English front, JPN back)
E3 Promo Pichu (Same as above)
Pikachu Comic Con promo
Pichu (stamped with "Nintendo WORLD May 2005")
1st edition error pikachu base set (Ghost/Phantom ERROR)
JPN Silver Giratina medal (DP set)
JPN Gold Pikachu medal (Legend set)
Mew PoP5 error
Sky's Shaymin 1/9 (11th movie set) JPN
Gold Bordered meowth Jungle
CoroCoro JPN Cleffa
Sealed Water Jungle Deck
4x NV Packs
Misprint Shiny Gyarados HGSS (Small misprint)
Misprint Holo Quagsire HGSS (BIG misprint)
Misprint Holo Shuckle HGSS (BIG misprint) (EXTRA holo on all 3 misprints. PM for pics)
Misc. League promos (PM for individuals)

RH Latios/Latias card JPN
Pikachu and Pichu bros JPN
Pikachu's vacation JPN
Pikachu, Clefairy, and Jigglypuff JPN
Lawrence III JPN
Pokemon Plaza (2nd anniversary) JPN
Crystal's Entei JPN
Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres x2 (1x JPN)

WANTS: (To complete sets, mainly)

SH2 Duskull
SH6 Vulpix
SH7 Milotic
SH8 Relicanth
SH12 Shinx

(everyone except Entei)


Shining Zoroark 102/99
Shining Hydreigon 103/99

Shaymin EX
Reshiram EX
Kyurem EX
Zekrom EX
Mewtwo EX (minor; don't value high due to tins)
Regigigas EX

REALLY HIGH WANT: MINT... I stress the word... MINT * cards... If not mint, I will send back, and leave a neutral... MUST. BE. MINT.

Unfezant, Drilbur #55, Gothitelle (both), and Cheren

JPN Zekrom EX

JPN Bisharp Red Collection (BW2)

ANY JPN stamped promo's, like from the new BW sets!
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

Looks good to me. Approved.

BTW, where do you ship to?
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

Check my list?

I'm interested in:
Neo's Shining Gyrados
Neo's Shining Mewtwo
Emboar Ability

If I take awhile to reply, just send me a PM or post on my Profile. ;)
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

Hey, I didnt see much... Any wants? I mean, I like the Blissey, but its not worth enough... I do have some 1st edition Commons-uncommons-rares through Base-Fossil. Just LMK!! Oh, and some 1st edition Gym challenge and heroes
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

I'll get back to you on the 1st edition cards from Base-Fossil. ;)

You didn't see anything you wanted though, right? :(
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

Well, on second thought, I like:
Ampharos Prime
Blissey Prime
RH Pokémon Comm.
RH Copycat

LMK about these then! :D
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

I'm about to go to bed but here's an offer:

Ampharos Prime
RH Pokemon Communication
RH Copycat


Emboar Ability (20/114)

Let me know! :)

Edit: Do you have any of the rares I'm looking for from Base-Neo?
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

Shining Gyarados
Pre-release Dark Gyrados
1st edition Pre-release Aerodactyl

Vaporeon *

RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

I have these:
Haunter (Fossil) (JPN)
Hypno (Fossil)
Gengar (Fossil)
Base Gyrados
Base Alakazam
Neo's Feraligatr
Golem (Fossil) (1st edition)

Hey Captain Bad Kid, was just wondering... ok, just letting you know, that the pre-release Aerodactyl is worth $40, because of the brown writing. I'll counter with:
Pre-release Dark Gyrados
Shining Gyrados (maybe I could add more to substitute it)
Sealed Entei Promo (The one your looking for)
A RH Legendary Collection card. Sound good?
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

BlastBurn said:
Hey Captain Bad Kid, was just wondering... ok, just letting you know, that the pre-release Aerodactyl is worth $40, because of the brown writing. I'll counter with:
Pre-release Dark Gyrados
Shining Gyrados (maybe I could add more to substitute it)
Sealed Entei Promo (The one your looking for)
A RH Legendary Collection card. Sound good?
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

Hm... I don't know how to offer seeing as I have none of your wants. :p

I most interested in:

Emboar (20/114) - Black & White
Hypno (Fossil)
Gengar (Fossil)
Base Alakazam
Neo's Feraligatr

Not sure what to offer though. Those are pretty high wants so I would trade well for them.

Edit: Going to see if I have anything else worth trading.
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

So what could you offer for the Feraligatr, Hypno, and Gengar?
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

Let's get on our deals. I know you want things from me but lets finalize it!
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

What Japanese Holos do you have from the Neo sets? Also, I am interested in your Neo shinings. CML?
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

have any of these?

x2 RH Dual Ball Crystal Guardians (have x2 RH Dual ball Delta Species to replace)
Super Scoop Up Neo Genesis Holo x4 (have UL and MD SSUs amd 3 non holo ones to replace)
Switch Expedition Holo x4 (have non holo Expodition x2 and BW switches to replace)

ENG Smeargle wants

Smeargle - Neo Discovery (Holo 1st ed.)

JNP Smeargle wants

Smeargle - Crossing the ruins (1st ed and unlimited)
Smeargle - e-Card 2 (1st ed and unlimited) (looks like Smeargle from the ENG Aquapolis expansion)
Smeargle - Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean (1st ed and unlimited)
Smeargle δ - Seal! Gardevoir ex Constructed Standard Deck (looks like Smeargle from Ex Dragon Frontiers)
Smeargle - Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends (1st ed and unlimited)
Smeargle - Shining Darkness (1st ed and unlimited)
Smeargle - Revived Legends (RH)

English Porygon Wants
Porygon Base 1st unlimited and Shadowless
Porygon Team Rocket 1st and Unlimted
Porygon Neo Destiny 1st and unlimted
Porygon Aquapolis RH
Porygon EX FireRed & LeafGreen Reg and Holo
Porygon EX Unseen Forces Reg and Holo
Porygon EX Delta Species Reg and Holo
Porygon Great Encounters Reg and RH
Cool Porygon
Sabrina's Porygon 1st ed

English Porygon2 Wants
Porygon2 Neo Revelation unlimited and Fist
Porygon2 Aquapolis reg and RH
Porygon2 EX Unseen Forces Reg and Holo
Porygon2 EX Delta Species Holo
Porygon2 Great Encounters Reg, Rh and Staff

English Porygon-Z Wants
Porygon-Z GE RH and Theme Deck non-Holo
Porygon-Z G RH
Porygon-Z TR RH

i have lots of legends and some primes
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D


Ampharos Prime
Chansey (Holofoil) - Base 2
RH Copycat
2x Electric Arceus

Hypno (Fossil)
Gengar (Fossil)
Feraligatr (Neo Genesis)

How does this sound? :)
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

CML for:
Entei Shiny promo
Suicune Shiny Promo
Raikou Shiny Promo
Tepig Promo (BW007)
Lugia Legend Bottom
A handful of error base cards!! PM for a list!
Thanks :)
RE: BlastBurn is here!! Come see what I got! ; D

@Brendan: Sounds good! I need you to offer! :) Thanks!

@Forneyuntd: I have the NG Promo Starter set almost complete, I just need a Feraligatr... So all those... And A couple more. PM me, as it is easier for me to list! :) Thanks!

@Radical144: I actually have a couple of those, including the smeargle WoTC promo... PM for a list! :)

@Soulwind: Make the 2x Arceus the RH Pokémon comm. and u have a deal! xD

@MrWeasley19787: I like primes, Legends (The RD legend one), and the lithograph. PM me for a list of the errors... Other than that, Offer me up?
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