BW/BW2 New Vehicle??


Swalot Bait
It was confirmed that it whould
be a new vehicle in the game for
some months ago when
B/W was first confirmed.
But we got no new info of it.
It was forgotten after a while.
What could it be??

We've already seen what looks like an aeroplane in one picture, and we've also seen a truck/car driving along the Sky Arrow Bridge. Many people have also speculated that there is a motorbike on the same bridge too (except I'm not one of those people). So, there could potentially be more than one interactive vehicle in the games. :)
Cars and Motorbikes for a potential 10-year old in the game? Unless they're not 10, they don't look like it. I do think there could be a plane and a car if another character drove it, though.
runeon12 said:
Cars and Motorbikes for a potential 10-year old in the game? Unless they're not 10, they don't look like it. I do think there could be a plane and a car if another character drove it, though.
Don't you remember the article? The main characters are, and I quote, "not even children".

I don't exactly see a car happening. You're driving around in the grass in Route 1, for example...alright, see how illogical that is? And with the would be hard, if not impossible, to drive through the snow. But then you say, "Oh, Pokefan, what about teh snow tires???". Well, if we DID get stuff to upgrade it, then the game would be more vehicle based. And when little Junior goes to Walmart to get his copy of White and finds the vehicle customization, he'll get angry.

Face it, guys. We've been getting the bike since Red and Green. We're not going to get a new vehicle anytime soon.
If it's something you have on you at all times it won't be anything more advanced than an electric scooter. However, we might not be talking about something you take around with you - I think it will be a plane as many people have speculated.
^Yes, on one of the pictures posted around a month ago you could almost see a plane next to one of the characters.
Pokefan4000 said:
That's what the move Fly was invented for.

I think we mean the plane would be used as the Magnet Train is between Kanto and Johto. Sure you can fly between Goldenrod and Saffron (it's probably quicker too) but its just another option.
The only problem with this theory is where would the plane go?
Someone's going to say Hoenn, aren't they...
Ghostice said:
I think we mean the plane would be used as the Magnet Train is between Kanto and Johto. Sure you can fly between Goldenrod and Saffron (it's probably quicker too) but its just another option.
The only problem with this theory is where would the plane go?
Someone's going to say Hoenn, aren't they...


No, I'm joking. maybe it would work like the Sevii Islands. Or the plane to take you to where Reshiram/Zekrom are and the Pokemon League.
^That would be the best bet, but it would feel a bit disappointing...

"Hey look, a mysterious plane! Where will it take me?"
*Gets on plane*
"Wonder where I'll end up? Another region? Hoenn?"
*Gets off plane*
*Checks map*
"Oh, it's just that little island/big building/creepy mountain I saw earlier"
I would think the most realistic would be motorcycles replacing bikes, or at least little vespas the characters are older so a vehicle abit "older" makes sense
im thinkin a plane to go2 the battle frontier, a skateboard/motorcycle/moped, or.....a SUBWAY!!!
it'd be pretty sick if they made customizable cars..putting hydraulics on your car just bouncin' around with your pokemon.3pic.
ShAdOwSniPeR said:
it'd be pretty sick if they made customizable cars..putting hydraulics on your car just bouncin' around with your pokemon.3pic.

ya lol instead of leveling our pokemon we have customize our car, its need for speed meet pokemon -.-
Only reasonable option is a skateboard. It was once considered during the making of GS, but the idea was trashed.

If not a skateboard, the "new vehicle" may just be the airplane. Won't be able to control it, but you would technically be using a new vehicle. If it is the airplane, expect it to take you to an island or two off the mainland.

Maybe the subway as well.