BW/BW2 New Vehicle??

zero20 said:
the main characters arnt kids anymore -_- there around 15 and 17 it was said already!

I know they're a bit older than in previous games, but I thought they'd be about 13-14, not 15, 16 or 17 o_0.

On Topic: I can see a motorbike/moped as a viable option however. It would definitely replace the traditional bicycle! Also, that would probably mean that you'd be able to travel even faster! Maybe Isshu is such a huge region that the speed you can travel at is still kept in proportion. Or am I just speaking jibberish to people? :rolleyes:
Timeshift said:
I know they're a bit older than in previous games, but I thought they'd be about 13-14, not 15, 16 or 17 o_0.

On Topic: I can see a motorbike/moped as a viable option however. It would definitely replace the traditional bicycle! Also, that would probably mean that you'd be able to travel even faster! Maybe Isshu is such a huge region that the speed you can travel at is still kept in proportion. Or am I just speaking jibberish to people? :rolleyes:

lol no it was confirmed there around 15 and 17
I think it will be the subway or airplane that they are talking about. Maybe even the skateboard idea will happen, but I can't see it being a car cause I already have a problem with the character pulling the large bike out of his bagpack so I can't see them pulling a car out of it!
They always make up new machines, (Pokeball, Poketch, Pokegear, C gear, etc.) so it might be a made-up vehicle.
Im still sticking with my idea of a vespa or little motorcycle if they even decide to put in a new vehicle. But the subway is also a good theory.
imsocool4321 said:
I would think the most realistic would be motorcycles replacing bikes, or at least little vespas the characters are older so a vehicle abit "older" makes sense
Junior: Hey, mommy! Can I have a motorcycle?
Mom: 0_0 A motorcycle...? Why do you want a motorcycle...?
Junior: Because this guy rides one!

Plus, motorcycles need gasoline to function. How would the game explain that? You would have to pretty much PAY to use the motorcycle.
Pokefan4000 said:
Junior: Hey, mommy! Can I have a motorcycle?
Mom: 0_0 A motorcycle...? Why do you want a motorcycle...?
Junior: Because this guy rides one!

Plus, motorcycles need gasoline to function. How would the game explain that? You would have to pretty much PAY to use the motorcycle.

um im pretty sure a parent wouldnt get their kid a motorcycle just cuz they ask
ramsey1993 said:
um im pretty sure a parent wouldnt get their kid a motorcycle just cuz they ask
And that's exactly my point. Kid sees main character riding a motorcycle in the game and asks for motorcycle, parent says no. What does kid do?
Pokefan4000 said:
And that's exactly my point. Kid sees main character riding a motorcycle in the game and asks for motorcycle, parent says no. What does kid do?

he starts charging his lazers?
TheAmazingGrass/SteelUser said:
Before that.

But if the kid gets influenced by the main character riding a bike, then the parents would more likely buy the bike than the motorcycle.
I'll stick with the fact that bikes will remain in this game. HOWEVER, if by any illogical chance that the bikes gets replaced, I believe that it will be replaced by either a skateboard or a motorcycle, as they seem the most logical replacements in my opinion. And saying that a motorcycle is a logical replacement is saying a lot.
jstar18 said:
I think it will be the subway or airplane that they are talking about. Maybe even the skateboard idea will happen, but I can't see it being a car cause I already have a problem with the character pulling the large bike out of his bagpack so I can't see them pulling a car out of it!

It may seem weird, but actually if the bike is foldable. (Yes they exist). It says this in the item's infromation when you decide to used it out of the bag.

And about the kids being 15-17, could you please give a link to where it confirms this Zero20? Last time I checked it was only stated the main characters would be a couple years older, say 13-14.

And if they are to be 15-17, could anyone actually see them driving a car, can't get your license at age 15. While you can technically get your license and a motorcycle license at the age of 16, wouldn't that seem a bit off? The whole point of Pokemon is adventuring, can't really do that in a car.
Pokefan4000 said:
Junior: Hey, mommy! Can I have a motorcycle?
Mom: 0_0 A motorcycle...? Why do you want a motorcycle...?
Junior: Because this guy rides one!

Plus, motorcycles need gasoline to function. How would the game explain that? You would have to pretty much PAY to use the motorcycle.

Ever seen Wario? Pretentious clown, rides a motorcycle? A popular character, right? I'm know there are plenty of Wario fans out there. I don't understand your logic.

I'm sure the new vehicle isn't a motorcycle, anyway. Probably just an island-hopping plane.