BW/BW2 New Vehicle??

Pokefan4000 said:
Don't you remember the article? The main characters are, and I quote, "not even children".

I don't exactly see a car happening. You're driving around in the grass in Route 1, for example...alright, see how illogical that is? And with the would be hard, if not impossible, to drive through the snow. But then you say, "Oh, Pokefan, what about the snow tires???". Well, if we DID get stuff to upgrade it, then the game would be more vehicle based. And when little Junior goes to Walmart to get his copy of White and finds the vehicle customization, he'll get angry.

Face it, guys. We've been getting the bike since Red and Green. We're not going to get a new vehicle anytime soon.

You definitely don't live in Minnesota if you think driving through the snow would be impossible, because it really really isn't.
I think the new vehicle will be a Rotom evo that can take over a motorcycle, jet ski, etc. to be able to transport you
i hope that the vehicle isnt a skateboard. whats the point? its just a slower version of the bicycle. note:the new vehicle is the subway, i just gotta feelin(and not the song by the beatles or the black eyed peas)
Shadow Arceus said:
i hope that the vehicle isnt a skateboard. whats the point? its just a slower version of the bicycle. note:the new vehicle is the subway, i just gotta feelin(and not the song by the beatles or the black eyed peas)

The subway doesn't count IMO. Unless it DOES take you places after/while you battle.
it wasnt confirmed that the new vehicle could take you places/ride around on or in it, just that there would be a new vehicle, we havent been told the purpose of the new vehicle
I fully know this.

But it doesn't make sense to advertise a new vehicle that doesn't fufill its common purpose
Shadow Arceus said:
the characters are older than 10 or 11...don't u have 2b 18 2 get a license(spelling) in japan?

not really. you can get a permit at like 16 sometimes 15 in some places.You need an adult in the front.but maybe you catch a legendary pokemon and it classifies as old enough....
I don't think they're going to introduce a new type of vehicle. Older kids still ride bikes right? And I doubt that the older characters are old enough to drive cars. But I am looking forward to seeing some sort of moterized bike. That way we no longer have to face those grunts, just have to hit full speed and run them all over ;)
llavaa said:
I don't think they're going to introduce a new type of vehicle. Older kids still ride bikes right? And I doubt that the older characters are old enough to drive cars. But I am looking forward to seeing some sort of moterized bike. That way we no longer have to face those grunts, just have to hit full speed and run them all over ;)

Haha, very funny, I agree with you, that is why I said that it will be some sort of high-tech bike

tyrannitard said:
maybe we get skates!

Very possible, and I like the idea very much, as we could ride bikes in towns and cities, why not skates. A high possibility that this is true
tyrannitard said:
^ skate and skateboards would just be a slower version of a bike, i don't really see an advantage over the bike

True, but it would bring in something new, because we have been having a bike from R/G/B/Y all the way to D/P/Pt, and it seems kind of old, so I want something new, like skates, sure it isn't faster than a bike, but it's new (new things ftw :p )
Jet powered Skates :p

I personally like the idea of Skates/Skateboards because they can do things that Bikes normally can't.
tyking16 said:
Jet powered Skates :p

I personally like the idea of Skates/Skateboards because they can do things that Bikes normally can't.

Great idea, i love both skates and skateboards, they will be so new in Pokemon games if they are introduced (sorry if you are getting annoyed with me repeatedly saying that i like new things)

tyrannitard said:
^like what? what can they do that u cant use a bike for?

Skates are much more portable. :p
i wanted a reasonable answer that would explain the advantage of skates and skateboards over bikes in a pokemon game
tyrannitard said:
i wanted a reasonable answer that would explain the advantage of skates and skateboards over bikes in a pokemon game

There aren't any, it just makes the game seem more fresh, and new.