Ruling Newbe Questions



#1: is a level x a Pokemon? can it be searched for or chosen with like pokeball or poke radar? I know it's not an evolution card, but it wasn't very clear on this question in the rule book.

#2: is a Supporter card still a trainer or not? same with stadium cards?

#3: Whoops

#4: I am guessing 0HKO is a zero hit KO and 1HJO is one hit and so on, just want to mak sure. Is this correct?
Q1: yes a LV.X is a pokemon and can be searched for cards such as bebes, pokerader, dusk ball, pokeball, ect. but it can not be searched by cards like roseannes research, or great ball.

Q2:no they changed it so that there is now a supporter group, a trainer group, and a stadium group

Q3: i don't really understand your question... you can't evolve after TM-TS1 as it ends your turn but if you play a card like rare candy to evolve a piplup to empoleon you couldn't evolve that into empoleon L.X, but, if your question was if you could evolve a pokemon after another has evolved, the answer is yes.

Q4: yeah that's right.
I apologize for some reason I thought that you couldn't evolve more than one pokemon a turn, just checked the book again, lol. Sorry, disregard that question.
Is a Level X an evolution card? I can't find my rule book, seem to have misplaced it, or I'd try to find the answer myself.
A Lv.X is the same stage as the previous form. An example would be Mewtwo. The normal card Mewtwo is a basic and so Mewtwo Lv.x is still a basic.
That is true , but it only is a basic while in "play" , not in the deck ,discard pile or prizes.