My Little Keldeo said:
Pokemon may be trying to tone down draw support somewhat, or go back to "setup" Pokemon like we saw during the D/P/Pt era.
While I do like using Pokémon to set up (I use 2 Dedenne in every Stage 2 deck I play IRL) for draw power and such, the problem is that there isn't a huge amount to work with in that department. Here's a compiled list of what could be potentially useful draw Pokémon:
This card in general has become a pretty strong attacker and support card, but considering on how it's a Stage 2, it loses incredibly hard to Seismitoad. It is nice that it draws off of an Ability instead of an attack, but considering that you'll be drawing only about 2-3 cards each time you use it, I don't know if it will be incredibly viable.
In terms of viability as a tech for drawing, I'd say that Shiftry is pretty average. It works best in terms of actual Shiftry / Milotic decks, and it is pretty limited since you have to specifically discard Grass Energy. Being an actual Shiftry player, I can personally testify that getting Grass Energy in your hand is much harder than it seems.
Kangaskhan EX
Probably the best in terms of Turn 1/2 draw, because of how it is a Basic AND because of it being Colorless. 3 cards is honestly really strong, but it falls difficultly because it is an EX (making it hard to get the hold of ) and has that pesky Fighting Weakness. A single Lucario-EX with a Muscle Band, Fighting Stadium, and Strong Energy OHKO's Kangaskhan-EX, giving up 2 precious prizes.
I do think that Furret is fun in terms of usefulness because of how it draws and discards. This can be fun in Fire and Metal decks, but it IS a Stage 1, making it a lot less viable in competitive play. The low HP also makes it incredibly fragile, especially with that awful Weakness.
Kind of like how Rotom used to be used in Eelektrik, Plusle is at least decent with Bronzong. I've tried it out before, and it works pretty well in the specific match-ups. And when I say 'specific match-ups', I mean Fighting.dek and nothing else. Otherwise, I do like how it gets 2 advantages over Rotom. The first being 70HP, meaning that keeps 10 HP from a Lucario-EX's Missile Jab without boosters, and the second being the Metal Resistance for mirror match-ups.
She's already seen a healthy amount of play with Seismitoad-EX and many others, and I do think that even outside of those archetypes this is a good card. Unlike Furret, it works off of an Ability, and it isn't stopped by Silent Lab. It should continue to be good for the next season, regardless of how good Seismitoad stays.
It works really well in Blaziken decks(which I have personally tried as well in BCR-PHF), but I'm not sure if it is as good as Fiery Torch and Scorching Earth in other decks. It is helpful that it is an attack instead of an Item that gets stopped by 'toad, but it does give up prizes much easier than others because of just 50HP.
While not a 'draw' card, it does recover techs you might need to use more than once, essentially making it a Stage 1 Dowsing Machine. The fact that it can only be used upon evolving does make it considerably worse than others, but it still has it's places.
Probably the strongest of them all, but the least versatile because it requires specific Energy Type. It does double as a strong Stage 2 and Mega Evolution recovery card, but whether or not it actually is used in decks outside of Water is a mystery because of the typing restriction.
I honestly think that when all problems are taken into consideration, Flygon is probably the best of the Stage 2 draw cards. Shuffling is much better than straight draw because you can actually have a second try at getting a good hand. It also doubles as a strong disruption card.