Blui129 said:
Salamencetrainer34 said:
If rotation, Please no catcher reprint
I hate it soooo much!
In that case screw big basics, Hydreigon,
Klingklang and Blastoise are coming to town. No. Catcher is actually good for this format. Stops bench sitters.
You mean you may have to think a game out O.O
You rotated, Energy retrieval gets rotated for blastoise and so does cilan(if they rotate NEX out), slows that deck down. As for Klingklang and hydreigon, annoying but easier handled with techs without catcher.
Of course before we do a consider a rotation lets look at all of the T/S/S in each CURRENT legal set, that would be rotated if that set is rotated.
B&W: Energy Retrieval, Energy Switch, Full Heal, PlusPower, Pokédex, Pokémon Communication, Revive, Super Scoop Up
EPO: Recycle
NVI: Cover Fossil, Eviolite*, Plume Fossil, Xtransceiver
NEX: Cilan. Heavy Ball. Level Ball, Pokémon Center, Skyarrow Bridge, Double Colorless Energy, Prism Energy
DEX: Dark Claw, Dark Patch, Enhanced Hammer, Hooligans Jim & Cas, N*, Old Amber Aerodactyl, Pokemon Catcher, Rare Candy, Twist Mountain
DRX: Devolution Spray, Giant Cape ,Rescue Scarf, Tool Scrapper, Blend Energy GFPD, Blend Energy WLFM
DRV: Exp. Share, Fast Ticket, Super Rod
*likely to get reprinted before a possible rotation.
I didn't include stuff from BCX as I am sure that stuff is safe.
I want catcher out, but is it it worth all we would also loose? on the flipped look how much the format would slowdown if DEX back gets rotated.(blastiose would still be king, but slower)
After looking at it, I think the best move is to have no rotation this year, BUT next year rotate ALL the B&W block out. Just my Opinion