XY Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X & Y

RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

A thing that works in some cases is use upper "i" instead lower "l".

My Banette is named BloodyMary with this little trick. Also my Cofagrigus is named Hitler with the same trick.

No difference at aIl x)
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

I want to weigh on this.
Two of the nicknames I gave my Pokemon (one was born from circumstance and boredom, the other I heard somewhere and found brilliant) got through the Censors and I am amazed.
First one is a Smeragle I caught in a FS that was Female and had the HA Moody, it also had Sketched "Draining Kiss" off my Klefki, spur of the moment named if "P.M.S.". I am kinda proud of that moment of self destructive humor though, but still kinda amzed it made it through after seeing some of these.
The second one...I AM ASTOUNDED wasn't blocked. A Trevenant named "Mourningwood".
The Censor in X and Y follows no discenerable logic. You can't trade unicknamed Weedles, Nosepasses, and Cofagrius's on the (flawed) GTS, but these are okay? I don't mind that I got to name my Trevenant for a good pun, but still...the censor system doesn't make sense at all.
Also just test something: I went and caught a random Pokemon and successfully nicknamed it "Marde" which is French for the S word....
Logic =/= Nickname Censor
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

Wow, I wasn't aware of this. But it's definitely the most important thing they could have spent time on. :rolleyes:
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

Water Master Tsunami said:
I went and caught a random Pokemon and successfully nicknamed it "Marde" which is French for the S word....

Actually, it's "merde" in proper France French (which is probably the language the French game is programmed in); "marde" is Quebec slang. Though I have no idea if it would go through the sensor if you spelled it correctly.
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

Athena said:
Water Master Tsunami said:
I went and caught a random Pokemon and successfully nicknamed it "Marde" which is French for the S word....

Actually, it's "merde" in proper France French (which is probably the language the French game is programmed in); "marde" is Quebec slang. Though I have no idea if it would go through the sensor if you spelled it correctly.

Stupid Google Translate....
Imma trying it NOW. Hmmm didn't work. I got it I'll try a romanized Japanese swear word let's see if that works. Hmmm it let me do "Kuso" which roughly translates into....the same thing as Merde with an extra "t" and "y"....I think we need to have a team of bored people screw around with nicknames and see what is and isn't censored BUT not trade the pokemon off.
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

Bacca and Bocca which translate in Japanese to idiot are not aloud at least it says on my games.
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

For whatever reason I was able to name a Bunnelby "Idiot" and it accepted it!


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RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

I was so sad i couldn't name my bunnelby thumper but I understand why. I probably will fiddle with this once I catch some more pokemon.
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

The censors, in my opinion, are ridiculous.

You can't nickname your Pokémon named Spike, yet characters named Spike get a free pass on TV and such.

I'm calling trash on this, because it's ridiculous beyond the limit.
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

My friend tried to name her Spritzee "BUTT," (yes, in all caps) but it wouldn't allow it. However, "BUTTS" got through. Logic.
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

Water Master Tsunami said:
The second one...I AM ASTOUNDED wasn't blocked. A Trevenant named "Mourningwood".

It's probably because you're using the queen's english spelling of "morning".

Check said:
Bacca and Bocca which translate in Japanese to idiot are not aloud at least it says on my games.

I've never seen it spelled that way, only seen it spelled as "baka". Isn't bocca also head in spanish? It's been years since I was in a language class.

Blui said:
Amazingly, Satan isn't blocked by the censor (unless it got updated). I named my Vivillon Satan due to its dex number and that was fine.

I did the same thing. Satan is a modest little girl. =3

WanderingWolf said:
I think it may be the word "spas", in reference to the offensive word spastic.

Real question. How is the word "spas" or "spaz" offensive? I describe myself as a spastic person, and see no offense in the word itself.

Raptor9229 said:
the word dude is another name for an infected hair on and elephant's posterior apparently.

...I never would have thought that word would have any meaning that'd be just plain wrong, but that's grody.
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

TrainerLoganPoke said:
I was so sad i couldn't name my bunnelby thumper but I understand why. I probably will fiddle with this once I catch some more pokemon.

I saw that same scenario on Nate and Dookies Wonder Locke....
Normally I don't nickname my pokemon mainly because I cant think of any thing good to call them but one time when I played the game with nick named pokemon I obtained a Lucario of gym leader Korrina after a mega battle I tried calling Spike because of the spikes on Lucario,s paws and chest but for some odd reason it won't let me use that name.
I couldn't name a Camerupt Tvashtar... still don't know why.
Had to name it Tvastar instead for it to work <.<
RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y

Water Master Tsunami said:
Also just test something: I went and caught a random Pokemon and successfully nicknamed it "Marde" which is French for the S word....

The French word for defecation has an E, not an A, in the second spot ... that's probably why it went through.
i have i tried to nickname my Froakie Kiki cus of the Ki at the end of its name and it wouldnt let me,i hd to put a star or something infront of it before it would let me use it =/