Hey this is my first year in masters and i would like 2 hear your oppinions on this deck =) alright here it is:
4x DCE
2x call energy
2x warp energy
3x nidoking RR
2x nidorino RR
3x nidoran male RR
1x nidoqueen RR
1x nidorina RR
1x nidoran female RR
2x gastrodon (west sea) RR
2x shellos (west sea) RR
1x gastrodon (east sea) RR
2x shellos (east sea) RR
2x uxie LA
2x spiritomb
1x expert belt
3x super scoop up
3x rare candy
3x bebe's research
3x prof. Elms research
1x cynthia's feelings
1x oaks new theory
oh also i live in BC =P if anyone else lives here let me know =P
strategy: use spiritomb to stall, gastrodon using its first atk 50 for 3 energies will you load uo nidoking on the bench to hit high and live long
4x DCE
2x call energy
2x warp energy
3x nidoking RR
2x nidorino RR
3x nidoran male RR
1x nidoqueen RR
1x nidorina RR
1x nidoran female RR
2x gastrodon (west sea) RR
2x shellos (west sea) RR
1x gastrodon (east sea) RR
2x shellos (east sea) RR
2x uxie LA
2x spiritomb
1x expert belt
3x super scoop up
3x rare candy
3x bebe's research
3x prof. Elms research
1x cynthia's feelings
1x oaks new theory
oh also i live in BC =P if anyone else lives here let me know =P
strategy: use spiritomb to stall, gastrodon using its first atk 50 for 3 energies will you load uo nidoking on the bench to hit high and live long