Nidoking (Triumphant) & Nidoqueen RR

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
I've been thinking about building this deck for awhile but I didn't know how good the deck based on these two Pokemon would be. It seems like Nidoking would be slow because of the requirement to get a DCE and 2 {F} attached to do any damage let alone getting a +40 HP boost from both Nidoqueen and Expert Belt.

Does the deck itself have potential to succeed or is it too slow?
Expert belt nidoking is a magic number bro, 110 with poison, most sp lvl x destroyed.

Its a little slow though, i would say that though, with bts and candys, its not tooo bad, its 3 turns of energy, but takes out most sp, so its not BAD, just a little slow. With the RR nidoqueen and an expert belt, it takes a lot to KO, thats 180 hp and 10 recovery between turns.
maybe run some conspiracy or sandshrew from sv to make sure you get your energy quick. last thing you want is to not be getting energy.

but i guess playtesting is the only way to know how much energy is enough.
IMO, Gyarados aside, Nidoking is already good as it is. With Expert Belt, 160 HP and 110 damage a turn is already great. Nidoqueen should at least be a tech, like a 1-1-1 or a 2-2-2 line. Not another full line. Spiritomb and Twins are both a must.
I think it would work amazingly. The only problem would be Gyarados's wuick recovery. Also it's a little hard to setup. It can OHKO Gengar without haveing Fainting spell, it's fighting so it KOs Luxrays. The only problem could be a Luring Flame or Bright Look, making a Nidoqueen active, then bench-sniping. Also it is hard to setup late game.

BTW, what's it's weakness?
Nidoking has an x2 Weakness to Water, so Gyarados or Kingdra can usually land one-shots.
Oh, then Gyarados would really be a problem. I thought it's weakness was {p}, and with Gyarados seeing more play... This deck needs a Gyarados counter.
How about Leafeon Lv.X? Quickens your setup of the Nidoking and gives you time for maybe a secondary attacker.
^ Yeah... we know...
Just realized, this gets past Fainting Spell b/c Gengar dies of poison, not damage. Which really helps a typical Tank weakness a lot. This deck keeps getting better and better.
Best deck line I could find for this deck IMO:

3-2-3 Nidoking (HS Triumphant)
2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR
2-2 Bronzong SF
3 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

With Bronzong SF for Cycler that helps you get the energies you need to setup with Nidoking to use Venomous Horn. The tech itself works better than Sandslash SV cause it can also get {P} energies not just {F}. I could see Sandslash work in this deck over Bronzong SF in a RR-On format.

Interviewer's could work very well in this deck, Twins has potential as well. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated...
These are my thoughts, haven't gotten around to testing anything but actually I think focusing on Nidoqueen will be better for this deck. 3 RR and 1 TR Nidoqueen, and a smaller line of Nidoking. Let's face it, FFCC is just too hard to pull off fast enough, consistently enough. Nidoqueen hitting for 40 for P and up to 100 with PCC is much better, and you won't get kicked around by Gyarados.

As for energy, I would try running 4 Rainbow, 4 DCE and Fighting Energy, with some Energy Exchanger.

For the starter, I think Sableye, Jirachi or Smeargle would be better if Nidoqueen is the main focus, since she doesn't need 3 turns to power up. The deck would be more Trainer reliant and run much faster, although at the risk of suffering of Trainer Lock.
I have a similar deck with 4-3-2-2 (TR and RR) Nidoking and Nidoqueen the only problem I ran into was Kingdra because of a lack of adding some DCE causing a lack of energy. Belted/Venemous Horn (100) + Poison (10) + Territoriality (20) = enough to knock out a nonbelted Kingdra or Gyrados or knock out a belted from poison by the time your turn comes around again if they dont retreat. Nidoran F can pull people out beginning of the game with Friend Search and, if it survives, evolve into Nidoqueen.