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Ninetails/Amoonguss - BW - On


RIP Pokemon TCG: 1996 - 2011.
Hey Pokebeach :3. Its been awhile since I posted something of value here, and with Nationals underway and missing my opportunity to go, poor little Forever-Alone me is left to think about next season. With the announcement of a Black and White - On rotation, this takes away vital cards like any other rotation. Such as last year, losing Spiritomb AR and Machamp SF (Imagine that in our format!) along with the key SP engine, we now lose key staple cards such as Junk Arm and PONT.

Without further adieu, the upcoming release of the Dragons Exalted set brings forth new deck ideas. Bringing stage two decks (Such as Garchomp) and lock decks (Zebstrika/Garbador) back into the format, this leaves many other cards to work with.

Often overlooked, one of these cards include Ninetales:

Ninetales - Fire - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Vulpix

Ability: Bright Look
You can use this ability 1 time, when you play this card from your hand to Evolve a Pokemon. Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and switch it with his or her Active Pokemon.

[R] Cursed Flame: 20+ damage. Does 50 more damage for each Special Condition on the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Bright Look? Reminds of a certain someone (*cough*Luxray GL LVX*cough*)

Well with this being said, primary ways of inflicting special conditions have been removed due to the upcoming rotation (Including Houndoom, Roserade, etc....)
However, one card works wonders alongside Ninetails: Amoonguss

Amoonguss - Grass - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Foongus

Ability: Sporprise
When you play this Pokemon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon, you may use this Ability. If you do, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Confused and Poisoned.

[G][C] Rising Lunge: 20+ damage. Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Water (-20)
Retreat: 2

With the ability to inflict two special conditions, this allows Ninetales to deal 120+ damage (+10 due to Poison and a chance of +30 damage due to Confusion).

However there are a few flaws with this concept. One flaw includes their fragile HP. Both sharing a minuscule 90 HP. Due to Darkrai's Night Spear attack, along with the wide array of Pokemon able to hit more than 90+ damage, this can lead to constant knockouts and allows your opponent to gain prizes rather easily. However, this low HP can actually can turn a positive outcome. By losing Dual Ball and Pokemon Collector, the ability to search out Basics have been dwindled and remains to Ultra Ball, Great Ball, Poke Ball, Heavy Ball, and, of course, Level Ball:

One of these options (Level Ball) allows this deck to thrive off its low HP:By sharing this 90 HP, Amoonguss and Ninetales, along with their previous evolution (Foongus and Vulpix), Level Ball greatly improves the speed and consistency.

Besides the diminutive HP, another issue that can be seen is the ability to inflict special conditions. After placing Amoongus down to inflict conditions, what would occur if they simply retreat after failing to knock out their Defending Pokemon? One option would be to rely on Super Scoop Up:

However, this may not be the most viable option. In order to continue dealing damage on Pokemon, the constant retrieval of Amoonguss is necessary. Relying upon the flip of Super Scoop Up seems a bit risky and can harry you later on in the game when it fails to provide positive results. Is their another option? Of course! And this option is Devolution Spray:

Choose one of your Evolved Pokemon, then remove the top evolution card from that Pokemon. Return that Evolution card to your hand. (The Devolved Pokemon cannot evolve this turn.)

You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

Now there are two positive results that occur from this card. Because both of your primary Pokemon have Abilities based upon evolving, Devolution Spray provides variety depending upon a situation. Acting as a Pokemon Catcher, you may use this card to bring up vital and or weak targets to provide fast, cheap prizes. Devolution Spray may also be used to retrieve Amoongus from your bench to be used for future preferences.

Covering the key points, supporting cards (such as Crushing Hammer, Pokemon Catcher, and Enhanced Hammer) can be used to use the disruptive abilities of energy removal alongside a powerful damage output and irritating status conditions.

After covering all of the tid-bits of information about the deck, now it is time to provide a deck list alongside valid techs viable to this deck:

(Note): Sorry, due to Dragons Exalted and Dark Explorers sharing a similar abbreviation, I will simply use (DRAG) to show the containing set to avoid misunderstanding issues.

Pokemon: 15
4x Vulpix (DRAG)
3x Nintales (DRAG)
4x Foongus (ND)
4x Amoonguss (ND)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadium: 25
4 x Level Ball
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
4x Super Scoop Up
4x Devolution Spray
3x Random Receiver
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
1x Super Rod

Energy: 8
8x Fire Energy

Total Cards: 52
Remaining Spots: 8

Available Techs:
Due to the fact that this is just a skeleton/basic list, this is where your personal preference factors into your own, customized list.

Key techs may include: Crushing Hammer, Enhanced Hammer, Increase Ninetales line, Ultra Ball, Tool Scrapper (allows to remove up to two tools from either player's side), Large Cloak (adds 20+ HP when attached to one of your Pokemon), and other personal techs that appeal to your meta/play-style.

Below is a list that I have compiled and will soon test more often once Nationals comes to a conclusion:

Pokemon: 15
4x Vulpix (DRAG)
3x Nintales (DRAG)
4x Foongus (ND)
4x Amoongus (ND)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadium: 37
4 x Level Ball
3x Ultra Ball
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Super Scoop Up
4x Devolution Spray
3x Random Receiver
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
2x Super Rod
2x Large Cloak (to avoid 1HKO's from Terrakion and Darkrai EX)
3x Crushing Hammer

Energy: 8
8x Fire Energy

Although this list may not be perfect, over time will I be able to evolve this list into something personal. Who knows? Maybe this can become a strong contender, but only time may tell. Thank you so much for reading my deck and please post your own thoughts and ideas on it! :3
Nice idea. I really thought that you can add 2 or 3 large cloaks. Also try 3 biancas and 1 cheren.
The 8 spaces:
3 large cloaks
3 biancas
1 cheren
1 ninetails
What about Roserade, Sableye, or both? Roserade lets you get any 1 card when it evolves, and Sableye lets you reuse Devolution Sprays.
you should probably have a slightly higher energy count for consistensy like...
-1ultra ball(6 pokemon search card are enough especially if they can search for all of the pokemon in your deck)
+1 fire energy( because you also may discard a couple energy)
Thanks guys for the responses.
@Sinnoh - That sounds pretty well, and I will gladly try this idea :3 However everyone is now siding with the Bianca idea, which is quiet strange for me.... XD
@Puff - Roserade does sound like a great idea! Actually I was reviewing that, and I was debating upon it. Maybe a 2-2 set up with Ultra Ball for extra search? Thanks for the idea! And for Sableye, the issue is the lack of synergy. Lacking a Dark Energy is awkward, and seems to be a hassle. I would love to use Prism, but it is not compatible with Ninetales:(. However, GRPD Blend energy would work perhaps? :3
I agree with Puff Sableye could help the deck though you might have to rework the energy lines Blend Energy GRPD could fix this problem though and maybe a tech-ed Bouffalant/Mewtwo EX with DCE just to stand-up against Pokemon EX.

I was ninja-ed...
Here is an updated list: Thanks Sinnoh and Puff along with others:3

Pokemon: 18
4x Vulpix (DRAG)
3x Nintales (DRAG)
4x Foongus (ND)
4x Amoongus (ND)
3x Sableye (DE)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadium: 34
4x Level Ball
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca
3x Super Scoop Up
4x Devolution Spray
3x Random Receiver
2x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
2x Super Rod
2x Large Cloak (to avoid 1HKO's from Terrakion and Darkrai EX)
2x Ultra Ball

Energy: 8
4x Fire Energy
4x GRPD Blend Energy

@Bisharp - I was considering Mewtwo EX, but his in-ability to harm Darkrai EX to an extent of no energy acceleration is tough to combat against. With Bouffalant able to 120 agianst EX specifically, along with the three [C] attack cost, it seems like a swarm of Ninetales with status conditions seems like a better option. Thanks for the help though :3

@Cake - I completely agree :3 I bumped up the energy count by a small bit, but along with Switch, seems reasonable. Thanks a lot!
Clownshateu2 said:
Here is an updated list: Thanks Sinnoh and Puff along with others:3

Pokemon: 18
4x Vulpix (DRAG)
3x Nintales (DRAG)
4x Foongus (ND)
4x Amoongus (ND)
3x Sableye (DE)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadium: 34
4x Level Ball
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca
3x Super Scoop Up
4x Devolution Spray
3x Random Receiver
2x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
2x Super Rod
2x Large Cloak (to avoid 1HKO's from Terrakion and Darkrai EX)
2x Ultra Ball

Energy: 9
5x Fire Energy
4x GRPD Blend Energy

@Bisharp - I was considering Mewtwo EX, but his in-ability to harm Darkrai EX to an extent of no energy acceleration is tough to combat against. With Bouffalant able to 120 agianst EX specifically, along with the three [C] attack cost, it seems like a swarm of Ninetales with status conditions seems like a better option. Thanks for the help though :3

@Cake - I completely agree :3 I bumped up the energy count by a small bit, but along with Switch, seems reasonable. Thanks a lot!

you actually have 9 energy.
If Ninetales is your main attacker, there isn't any reason for you to have less than 4; this case especially.

You should consider using Emolga to search out your basics so you don't have the need to use up your Level Balls on the basics. Those should definitely be saved for getting Amoongus and Ninetales. For that reason, you should probably just have one Ultra Ball (if any) in here because I can't possibly see much that you'd like to discard from a hand that you wouldn't regret later.

If you do use Emolga, Sableye is not going to be a huge asset. While Hammertime is an interesting idea, from what I can see, a lot of the potential BW on decks are very energy efficient; attackers being able to attack for a single energy (Empoleon, Garchomp, Rayquaza) or they have renewable energy acceleration, being Eelektriks. Darkrai is probably the only one that doesn't fall into that category. With that in mind, Emogla definitely seems like the better play here instead of Sableye, even if you can use the Blend Energy to his advantage.

However, with Blend Energy in the deck and Ninetales being a searchable Pokemon Catcher, consider using an attacker than can benefit from the Blend Energy. While streaming Ninetales and Amoongus is the goal of the deck, running dry on resources or encountering odd situations will arise and having a back up attacker is never a bad idea. While I don't know what to suggest, consider something that doesn't require you to alter your Energy count, something that probably has more HP than 90 and something that could be a great asset in playing against other decks in the format.
Thanks for the advice :3 And I guess I skipped the Emolga scan! Derp! XD I will update the list soon.
It definitely makes for the better play over Sableye. Something else to consider (though don't ask about viability, I haven't tested it) is Roserade. His ability allows you to search for a card when played from your hand. Perhaps it can be helpful in grabbing one of those key cards to help you get set up. While it does add to the bench space, when used right, I'm sure it can be a big help.
I got that from a few people. But honestly thank you for these ideas. The scans are quite annoying to refer to and trying to decipher certain combinations is irritating :p Maybe a 2-2 line would be acceptable considering I have SSU and De-Evolution spray?

JimboJumbo said:
It definitely makes for the better play over Sableye. Something else to consider (though don't ask about viability, I haven't tested it) is Roserade. His ability allows you to search for a card when played from your hand. Perhaps it can be helpful in grabbing one of those key cards to help you get set up. While it does add to the bench space, when used right, I'm sure it can be a big help.

Thanks Jimbo :p

Pokemon: 21
4x Vulpix (DRAG)
4x Nintales (DRAG)
4x Foongus (ND)
4x Amoongus (ND)
3x Emolga (DRAG)
1x Roselia
1x Roserade

Trainers/Supporters/Stadium: 31
4x Level Ball
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca
3x Super Scoop Up
4x Devolution Spray
2x Random Receiver
2x Pokemon Catcher
1x Switch
2x Super Rod
3x Large Cloak (to avoid 1HKO's from Terrakion and Darkrai EX)

Energy: 8
8 Fire Energy

This does seem more apporpriate. Considering I have De-Evoltuion Spray and SSU, the worst outcome is having to retort to a catchered out Amoonguss, which if it is not KO'd, can return simply and pay a single retreat cost.

Actually, looking back at this, is Bianca necessary? I mean I avoided running the Ultra Ball, so it seems nearly improbable to lower my hand size significantly enough to use Bianca well. Any other ideas for a supporter fill in?
I would add Tool Scrapper. If you encounter a Garbordor deck then you really don't stand a chance without it, since your deck relys on abilities so much.
Thats true.... But I really need more supporters in my opinion especially if I am removing Bianca:(
So basically it's a double edged sword. Teching ability over concistancy. Usually Concistancy opts in a faster set-up, which seems more viable and can impair Garbador before major infliction is done?
Clownshateu2 said:
So basically it's a double edged sword. Teching ability over concistancy. Usually Concistancy opts in a faster set-up, which seems more viable and can impair Garbador before major infliction is done?

Garbordor can be expected to be set up T2 easily. And when it does, you might as well scoop right then and there without Tool Scraper and no back-up attackers.