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Ninetails/Amoonguss - BW - On

Large cloak doesn't really help that much against Darkrai EX.

Darkrai Player: Night Spear, 90 and 30 to benched NineTails. (Doesn't take prize b/c of Large Cloak)
You: Ok attack or sumtin.
Darkrai: (Uses Switch retreat) Catcher damaged Ninetails on bench (or undamaged depends if they have a Large Cloak on the one they sniped to). KO both Ninetails.

For a back up attacker, you could run Terrakion, but not only would that be clunky, but they just catcher it each turn and they pretty much win.....

Tool Scrapper is the best way to get rid of Garbodor. You should probably drop a Catcher for it, since Ninetails is technically a Catcher as well.

You and your troll decks. :p
Don't bother teching a back up attacker. If they want to use catchers like that, great. Remember that by the time these cards come out, junk arm is gone. So they will be limited in ONLY 4 catchers in the deck as opposed to potentially 8. If you decide to tech for an attacker, put in something that solves the problem without needing to dedicate lots of space for it to work properly.
Maybe try:

3x Mewtwo EX
4x Vulpix
4x Nintales
3x Foongus
3x Amoongus

4 x Level Ball
3x Ultra Ball
3x Professor Juniper
3x N
4x Super Scoop Up
4x Devolution Spray
2x Cheren
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
1x Super Rod
2x Large Cloak
3x Crushing Hammer

4x DCE
5x Fire Energy

I maxed out Ninetails to get easy KO's on pokemon with Mewtwo, and maxed out SSU to pick up damaged Mewtwo as well as the others. Still only 3 Catcher because of Ninetails, but it could be maxed out as well. Reduced -1 Juniper and -1 N for 2 Cheren and switched RRs for DCE.