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Ninetales/Dustox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
This deck only works with the cards of Dragon Blade/Blast

1 Shaymin Ex (lategame)
3 Mew Ex
3-2 Ninetales
3-1-2 Dustox
4-3 Amoonguss

3 Catcher
3 P-Com
2 Pokegear
3 Rare Candy
3 Junk Arm

2 Juniper
3 N
4 Collector

4 Blend Energy GRPD
1 {G}
2 {R}
3 {P}

Ability: Bright Look
You can use this ability 1 time, when you play this card from your hand to Evolve a Pokemon. Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and switch it with his or her Active Pokemon.

[R] Cursed Flame: 20+ damage. Does 50 more damage for each Special Condition on the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

[P] Dangerous Scale: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep, Burned, and Poisoned.
[P][C][C] Aerial Ace: 50+ damage. Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Mew Ex
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Versatile
This Pokemon can use the attacks of all Pokemon in play as its own. (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.)

[P] Replace: Choose as many Energy cards attached to your Pokemon as you like, then reattach them to your Pokemon in any way you like.

When Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Blend Energy GRPD:
This card provides 1 [C] Energy. As long as this card is attached to a Pokemon, it provides either [G], [R], [P], or [D] Energy, but only 1 Energy at a time.

Strategy: At first you put up a Ninetales. If you got it you use the Abality of you Mew Ex to use the attck of your ninetales. You use the Blend Energy and attach it to you Mew Ex. After evolving you Foongus to your Amoongus you make 120 damage for only 1 fire energy with you mew Ex or you attck with Ninetales. It's the same damage.
Pudox is here, becuase you only make for one {P} 3 Special Coniditions.

[size=large]Posibble Cards which i can include:
Devolution Spray
Tool Scrapper (Dragon Blade for Garbodor)
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

I'd bulk up the nine tales line to 3-3 because I'd rather use mew EX only against a mew two matchup. Maybe
-1 candy (can be reused with junk arm)
+0-1 ninetales

Also I'd use devolution spray/ssu/seeker for amoongus. It would help a lot.
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

Pudox? I think you mean Dustox. This deck need Devo Spray and shaymin Ul. I dont think its good to have a shaymin EX with 1 energy sitting on your bench (unless you used mew to use its attack.) remember, Mew is weak, so try not to overuse it. 3 Mews Ko = 6 prizes, and thats pretty easy.
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

Pudox is the spanish name for it I think. It doesn't really need shaymin because the attack's don't cost that much energy.
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

Jirachi said:
Pudox is the spanish name for it I think. It doesn't really need shaymin because the attack's don't cost that much energy.

Sorry sometimes i forget to translate from german to english.

Rougechomp said:
Pudox? I think you mean Dustox. This deck need Devo Spray and shaymin Ul. I don't think its good to have a shaymin EX with 1 energy sitting on your bench (unless you used mew to use its attack.) remember, Mew is weak, so try not to overuse it. 3 Mews Ko = 6 prizes, and thats pretty easy.

I know that Mew can get an easy kill from every other Pokemon but it is my main attcker with Ninetales.
I don`t know if shaymin is a good idea because mew can switch the enrgy also with it`s first attack but i`ll test it with shaymin Ex
Devo Spray is importantbut what should i take out for it.
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

You can take out Dustox for the Devolution Spray. With just Amoongus alone you can hit for 120 (+10 from the poison) for just a single energy, which will be very good in the long run. The only upside i can see of you using Dustox is just to be able to OHKO EX's but you'll win the prize race considering how easy it is to set up and power up Ninetales. The most important thing to do before adding techs is to make sure you can Sporprise consistently.

-3-1-2 Dustox
-3 Rare Candy
-3 {P} Energy

+4 Devolution Spray
+3 Seeker
+3 {R} Energy
+2 *Insert card here* (you can put in any card you feel might be useful. Level Ball, Tool Scrapper .etc.)
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

Thank you so much for your help this sound really great.

I`ll add on Ninetales and one {G} For shaymin Ex
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

Oh I forgot about Mew's first attack. Its your choice, if your willing to sacrifice an attack and 2 prizes to move energies around.
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

For the two extra spaces from Emperor's changes I would use it for
+1 junk arm (reuse trainers)
+1 switch (may need one maybe sometimes)

-3 communication (if no dustox)
+3 level ball (since then all the non-basics would be 90 hp)
RE: Ninetales/Pudox/Amoonguss/Mew Ex

Please clarify what I Pudox is in you title and OP.