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Aspiring Trainer
  • 4- Vulpix
  • 4- Ninetales
  • 2- Voltorb
  • 1- Electrode (PF)
  • 2- Suicune
  • 1- Keldeo EX
  • 1- Munna (BRX)
  • 2- Virbank City Gym
  • 4- Level Ball
  • 1- Ultra Ball
  • 4- Silver Bangle
  • 2- Silver Mirror
  • 1- Float Stone
  • 4- Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 1- Energy Search
  • 1- Scoop Up Cyclone
  • 3- Shadow triad
  • 3- Colress
  • 4- Juniper
  • 2- N
  • 1- Skyla
  • 2- DCE
  • 4- Water
  • 7- Fire

The basic strategy in this deck is to affect the opponent with special conditions, through Hypnotoxic Laser & Munna (long distance hypnosis), which allows Ninetales to deal large amounts of damage to the opponents. With the opponent poisoned & asleep Ninetales can OHKO any EX (doing 20 damage + 50 for each special condition + 30 from Silver Bangle + 30 From Laserbank = 180). This deck seems to work fairly well against most decks, taking prizes quickly & often as Ninetales attacks for one energy, there's lots of draw to help you get the much needed lasers & then Shadow Triad to retrieve them.

Suicune is there as insurance against Ex's if you've got too many resources prized or should your Ninetales all get KO'd early on (with only 90 HP this is a possibility). Keldeo & Munna go together. Stick a float stone on Keldeo, use long distance Hypnosis with Munna. Sould long Distance hypnosis go tits up & you put yourself asleep, just rush in, retreat & your cured.

The Bad Bits

There are a lot of bench sitters, Keldeo, Munna, Electrode (and probably a Suicune getting energized), there all at risk of being catcherd & KO'd. this also leaves you with less room for Vulpix/Ninetales evolution (Ninetales acts as a catcher when evolved).
I struggle to draw the right energy at the right time & there's not much room for more.
Ninetales has only 90 HP, meaning it gets OHKO'd by a lot of things, but usual it, taking more prizes than it gives up.

Any advice for improvements is much welcomed. Thanks.
I have a deck idea similar to this using Garbador to help shut down Virizion and Keldeo (it will shut down Ninetales' ability, but you just have to time it right).

Suggestions for you would be maybe utilize Siglyph, instead of Suicune since Ninetales and Siglyph are on the same blend energy, so you won't have to worry about getting the wrong energy. Electrode is an interesting idea, but maybe use bicycle instead if you think your bench is filled up too much. Another suggestion is possibly using Sableye (on the same blend energy) to get back Lasers.

That's all I can think of, hope I helped!!
Thanks for the advice Dude, I don't think I could use Garbador here, as it would shut down All my pokemons abilitys, and they all have one. To deal with Verizion decks I just try to catcher them up, stick a silver bangle on Ninetales & do 100 damage from the weakness. Siglyph could work instead of Suicune because of the blend, but its attack is a little weak, a silver bangle is still going to leave you with a 3HKO on EX's, so I'm not too sure which would be favourable. If I where to use Siglyph I would defiantly Include a Sableye but I don't think it is essential to the deck, as most of the time its going to be taking up another bench space. Swapping Bicycle for Electrode is probably a no-no for me as I am magnetic drawing pretty much every turn from T2 onwards.

Yeah I think I'ma try the Siglyph on blend. that way I can take out the energy search & add either another Skyla or Shadow triad. What do you think?
Thanks again.
Yeah if you did use Garbador definitely wouldn't keep Munna or Keldeo in, do what works for you. Siglyph can have the ability of doing more damage than Suicune and it is also level ballable, but I think its best asset is being on the same blend as Ninetales. If you find yourself magnetic drawing that much then yes keep it in the deck.

Yes definitely exchange the energy search for Skyla. Actually if you can find some room to throw in at least two more, that will be crucial.
Do you think there's room For a Tool scrapper to protect against Garbador, or would a catcher be more useful? I imagine that putting Sigylph in with blend I could take out a couple of fire energy.
Also would there be any point adding a Victini EX (energy acceleration) or Celibi EX (so Ninetales can use Vulpix singe to inflict an extra special condition?) I'm not sure about these to but they do intrigue me.
Tool scrapper would be useful 1) because of Garbador and 2) because of the bounty of tools available after Plasma Blast. I didn't notice that you didn't have a catcher, but with Ninetales ability you really don't need one. You could probably drop a fire energy for the tool scrapper.

As for Victini..you really don't need the energy acceleration because Ninetales only takes one energy to attack and you have a DCE for Siglyph. As for Celibi, that is a thought but you just don't have the room really, and you would much rather want to be attacking with Hex than Singe. It could be possible to try and singe before you evolve and choose not to use Ninetales' ability.