So after testing quite a bit, I found that there are a ton of decks playing alolan muk, mainly to counter mewthree, but it does end up hurting this deck quite significantly as well, A lot of matchups get a lot harder, such as Trevenant. Other decks also play a variety of attackers, which can get around a lot of this decks points. A really good example of this is the Greninja GX from Detective Pikachu set in Archie’s. It allows them to have a evolved Pokémon in play without needing Archie’s, due to Greninjas ability. The attack also goes through all effects, which hurts the deck immensely. There is also green’s greninja, which is a super hard matchup for the deck if you miss the donk, and end up dying to the sniping.
All these things led me to these changes
1. You need to play at least 2 stealthy hood, although I recommend 3. These are needed due to the amount of muk in the meta, and with people playing stuff like Faba. These need to be found whenever you need it.
2. I think Noivern GX is also essential for generally the bad matchups. Item lock is very good, and for certain matchups, I end up returning to it, just because it hurts every deck, not just item heavy deck. This is the case for Greninja and trev. It’s your go-too attack when you can’t figure out what to do. It’s also good for the second attack in matchups like Zoroark.
3. Pokemon Ranger/channeler hurts a lot, my main start against this is to just try and use attack like on Mewtwo EX and outragers, but they usually only play one, and you have to hope they don’t get it, or can’t afford to use it.
I also have some matchup tips
Archie’s: this is one of the harder matchups, as it has multiple attackers, both evolved and basic. I recommend using Keldeo, I don’t think stealthy hood allows them to go through it. They also will probably have a keldeo too, but it’s likely you will have a better piercing attack, or you can use baby mew. They can also attack with blastoise, but not sure they Want to do that. Jolteon is good until they get Greninja, but otherwise not great. Buzzmosa is a great attacker other than Keldeo, as it does weakness damage for the attackers they will often use.
Dark Box: this is probably a pretty good matchup, and Keldeo/Jolteon are both good here. They do usually play ranger for jolteon, and will often use Baby mew to get around Keldeo. If you can get around this, you should be good.
Trevanent: Harder than I thought, you absolutely need to get stealthy hood down on a Magearna ASAP, and guzma around when they item lock+Faba you. This also where Noivern Item lock comes in handy as well, so you most likely will need a stealthy hood on the Mewtwo mew. Even with this, they can spread damage and eventually kill you, so utilizing either Mewthree’s GX attack or Tapu lele GX is important as well. It becomes a lot easier if you can heal. Also donking this deck is also very possible.
Shock lock: Comfey is quite good in this, again they need muk, and with all of their parts, it can be clunky. You also have 3 stealthy hood to get around it, and the deck is not super reliant on supporters, so supporter lock is not a big deal. I’d also recommend item locking them with Noivern.
Mewthree: A pretty interesting matchup, as they will often have piercing attacks to go through any defence, although there is an interaction with Magearna EX that might stop piercing attacks, but I’m not sure about it. I will get back to it later. Also essential to put down your Jirachi GX first, as they won’t expect Ninja boy, and can pull of a surprise knockout by getting it of your bench. Also if you can lock them, Latios GX completely shuts them down, just make sure to have 4 Pokémon in play to make sure it can attack.
Pikarom/Reshizard: Both these matchups are in your favour, but I don’t expect to see them that much, reshizard is basically invalid due to Archie’s. Pikarom is alright, and does play ranger I believe, but you have Keldeo, and they don’t really play many non-GX attackers that are valid.
ZoroGarb: This is a decent matchup, again the 3 stealthy hood come in handy. Ideal attackers are Glaceon Ex to stop damage. They don’t play muk, so this is pretty good for you.
Zororats: this is a bit harder, due to Alolan Muk, but again with stealthy hood. That really helps out. Magearna is a must in this matchup to stop Ratticate from bringing you to 10hp and comfey to stop them from poisoning you. Glaceon again is a good attacker. They do play Faba, but they can take one knockout before you stop them again. If you can get Noivern’s Second attack fast, that also almost auto wins the game because they only play special energy. As long as you don’t missplay, it should be in you favour as well
ZoroToad: A really hard matchup, as they item lock you as well as ability lock with Muk, plus hypnotoxic laser. Stealthy hood is very important in this as well, and makes me want to play a ranger as well, for these decks. You can also go for Pheromosa or Buzzmosa, as they both hit weakness on toad. The draw on Zoroark allows them to use Faba constantly as well, so it’s quite hard. Keep in mind that all these Zoroark decks can be donked, so that’s at least a win condition.
SableGarb: this is very hard, but try and Item lock with Noivern, as it can slow them down, if they set up, it’s near impossible for any deck to win, much less this one. I think this is an annoying matchup, but possible to win with a good start.
Night March: An ok deck that probably isn’t played much, and they play ranger, but with Buzzmosa spread and GX attack, as well as Item lock, it shouldn’t really be a problem.
Overall, the Ninja box deck is complex, but has at least one thing to deal with most matchups. In general ranger is a big problem, as well as Muk, hence the three stealthy hood. I’m thinking on taking out a few auxiliary attackers for more consistency/ better straight up attackers instead. Another grass attacker can be good too. Noivern is great, but the meta is so diverse that you can’t really conter everything. Other matchups I couldn’t think of at the moment usually won’t be to big of a deal, or I forgot to mention them. I’m also looking for a good special energy accelerator, preferably from the discard, but I haven’t looked into it very much.
I don’t have a concrete list right now, but it’s close to my latest version posted. As we get closer to Portland, I will probably post my final list going in, and I’ll give a tournament summary after the tourney as well.
I have an entire day set aside for testing this weekend, so I’ll probably post another discussion if I find something new.
As for the idea of power plant and Marshadow, I agree that Marshadow is a very good card in basically all matchups, but power plant seems a little less benificial than dimension valley. If it were a less reliant on abilities, and use stuff like Buzzmosa, it would be better, but due to the sheer amount of abilities that the deck relies on, with its main draw being Pokémon, seems less than ideal. I can see it harming the other decks, but the main support Pokémon ( Magearna and comfey) are hurt a ton, because they only have effect on your opponents turn. It also seems quite niche, and somewhat clunky to get out. I will try it though, these are just my first impressions. I won’t know until I try
If there was anything I missed, feel free to tell me, or if you have other strategies, that’s really helpful.