Pokemon Nintendo GSC 500 people need to sign

Sounds great to me, I personaly think they may already be working on one; what with all the Johto allusions in D/P.

Signed: Aqua Smeargle
Everyone else has pretty much said everything good about it, and what they want, so what else is there to say?

Signed: Togeshroob.
I never had a chance to play it. The first time I ever got in the world of pokes was
during Advance Generation's Ruby and Sapphire. I sure want to have a remake for
GSC, so count me in.

Iliked this generation. Is when steel type pokemon was introdused to me count me in

Signed-Steel Pokemon Master
Go Gold
It would be cool if they did make a G/S/C remake and also maybe they could let u start in Johto then go to Kanto,Hoenn and Sinnoh.I'm in!
yer This Would Be Awesome
They were the best GAmes To come Out And If they MAke A Remake It will be tons Better!!!!!
Signed: Jon-oh