Nintendo quality control


Renegade Writer
I'm a hard-core wii fan. I have a very limited budget, so I usually watch what I buy. I mainly buy first party games for my wii. I've noticed that the quality of these games is getting worse and worse. Pokemon Battle Revolution, Wii Play, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games were all TERRIBLE. I went to gamestop and they sold Ninjabreadman for a whole $3! I got it, and it made the previously mentioned games look like master-pieces. Now hre's my question. Where is Nintendo's quality control team? They've let garbage like this go onto the wii unnoticed.
Dont worry, once Mother 4 hits it will be chaos of awesome!!!

Serious note: They are just having a bad streak right now, Nintendo always bounces back with this stuff. A new Punch out and a new sin and punishment is coming out, thats gonna be great!
Cool, I'm not talking about the good games. I'm saying that Nintendo is allowing garbage on a disk to be published on their best console. They even made some of the garbage.

I'd say around 85% of the games are garbage.
z-man said:
I'm a hard-core wii fan. I have a very limited budget, so I usually watch what I buy. I mainly buy first party games for my wii. I've noticed that the quality of these games is getting worse and worse. Pokemon Battle Revolution, Wii Play, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games were all TERRIBLE. I went to gamestop and they sold Ninjabreadman for a whole $3! I got it, and it made the previously mentioned games look like master-pieces. Now hre's my question. Where is Nintendo's quality control team? They've let garbage like this go onto the wii unnoticed.

darkrai master777 said:
You have NO idea.
More than 50% percent of the games are junk, and the wiiware stuff isn't much better.

I posted too late.
z-man said:
Cool, I'm not talking about the good games. I'm saying that Nintendo is allowing garbage on a disk to be published on their best console. They even made some of the garbage.

I'd say around 85% of the games are garbage.

Oh alright sorry I misread.

Well then your right about that, way to much usless games being made for Nintendos calibur.
People are trying to get a good feel for the Wii's controls and in the process there are going to be some failed attempts.

The DS has plenty of games that are trash, but that doesn't stop them from making some great games.

Eventually people will stop buying Wii games in bulk and Nintendo will be forced to make some great games to expand the player base. If I am correct the Wii has started to expand to more mature players as well with The Conduit, No More Heros and other more violent games. Without any big games that are being made for fun, Nintendo's games do have issues. We need some simple games that aren't going over-the-top just because it is the Wii. Games like Kirby Airride 2, Dark Aliance 2, and other Fighting games are bound to come to fruition if we wait for them.
Funny you make this thread, z-man. Go SEGA. Madworld, The Conduit, and many more are on the way or already released. I say, if you're fed up with Nintendo, don't buy their games. Buy the good games, and right now, SEGA is taking a huge lead.

dmaster out.
I love my Wii, and I hate how a lot of people judge it based on all of the crappy games. I'd like to see a lot better quality contol. Unfortunately, successful consoles send lazy game makers on a feeding frenzy.
Also it costs less money to make a crappy game and send it to the presses. As long as the games continue to keep Nintendo in the black there is a slim chance that they will change what they are doing. In fact the other day, I was saying that Luigi's Mansion is still a superior game to 90% of the Wii's games including Galaxy. I think that Nintendo needs to go for a "back to basics" approach. I miss games where I would replay them directly after finishing the first story. I don't care if it takes a year to make a good game. I would rather a good game instead of 100 mediocre games.
Problem is, there are plenty of Wii owners that LOVE some of the crap they churn out. The Wii's market is everyone, and sadly hardcore gamers are only one small part of a much bigger everyone. We're more judgemental, so in turn we buy less games, so in the end we're just not worth basing a market around. If you want games like Pokemon(good games that aren't all dark and unhappy), I'm afraid you're just going to have to wait for Nintendo to make another good game.

Seriously. Games targetted for the casual gamer are just plain boring... Games like Wii Play, Wii Music, and PBR (had to throw that in there) are terrible. They make it seem like the casual gamer can't play games, so they simplify already boring controls. As for PBR, there's just nothing to do, and its a lot of repatition.
DawnOfXatu said:
People are trying to get a good feel for the Wii's controls and in the process there are going to be some failed attempts.

The DS has plenty of games that are trash, but that doesn't stop them from making some great games.

Eventually people will stop buying Wii games in bulk and Nintendo will be forced to make some great games to expand the player base. If I am correct the Wii has started to expand to more mature players as well with The Conduit, No More Heros and other more violent games. Without any big games that are being made for fun, Nintendo's games do have issues. We need some simple games that aren't going over-the-top just because it is the Wii. Games like Kirby Airride 2, Dark Aliance 2, and other Fighting games are bound to come to fruition if we wait for them.

you are VERY smart. Kirby AirRide is one of the best games nintendo ever made for the 'cube
I agree. I think all those family games you get for the wii are so noobish and terrible. It is actually slowly becoming less video game system more game system, get what I mean?

I just hope Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olimpic games doesn't turn out like its prequil game....
I feel like they're releasing good games at the same pace as for the Gamecube, but most of it gets overshadowed because most of the hype games are casual games (or non-games, because seriously, stuff like Wii Fit is not a game ._.).

But yeah, Miyamoto should stay away from the development of games like Wii Music and focus on making some good ACTUAL games, any of the sequels of most of Nintendo's main franchises have been very good, but nearly all of them have already been released (Pikmin 3 being one of the few remaining ones), and making another Mario or LoZ game takes time.

Also, at the rate HAL is making games nowadays, we won't be seeing Kirby Air Ride 2 until 200inf...
Same with that delayed Kirby game that should've came out last-gen. It really depends on preference. Little kids love the system, while hardcore gamers are either impatient, or waiting it out. Mario, Zelda, and Pikmin are coming. It's just a matter of when.

dmaster out.
z-man said:
I'm a hard-core wii fan. I have a very limited budget, so I usually watch what I buy. I mainly buy first party games for my wii. I've noticed that the quality of these games is getting worse and worse. Pokemon Battle Revolution, Wii Play, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games were all TERRIBLE. I went to gamestop and they sold Ninjabreadman for a whole $3! I got it, and it made the previously mentioned games look like master-pieces. Now hre's my question. Where is Nintendo's quality control team? They've let garbage like this go onto the wii unnoticed.
Never, ever, ever, ever, EVER say ANYTHING pokemon or wii play with the tank game is terrible!!!!!!!