Sony doesn't suck. They want money just as much as Microsoft and Nintendo and every other flipping organization/company/union out there. Sony did an AMAZING job with the PS2, but I think the PS3 just wasn't ready for this generation. There's no reason to say Sony sucks, because they don't, and sales will still say they don't. People just aren't turned on to spending that much money on a system when it offers as much as the others, and the others are cheaper. I can easily see the PS3 picking up some ground once the latter half of this year's games hit, because then lots of other people will find games on it to like. Plus, if Hi-Def movies end up taking over normal DVDs (which I predict won't happen for at least 4-5 more years; another reason I think Sony should have waited on their Blu-Ray player) then it turns into a really cheap Blu-Ray player AND a gaming system.
I may not favor Sony's decisions about the PS3, but I don't think Sony sucks. Heck, if I had the money I'd have all 3 systems. I just don't understand why some people think that only one company has to be "teh ub3r aw3some!!!" and the others are "teh sux." They all have their distinct audience to target, and if you happen to be lucky enough to utilize the PS3 for what it has to offer, then go for it. Because I've seen a PS3 with 1080i on a 40" TV and it is B-A-Utiful.
You don't think Nintendo is soaking money out of us? Just look at the VC. With the exception of the N64 games, those are ridiculously priced. Sure, the more popular titles and rare titles may be worth it, but let's just look at Super Mario Bros. I can name 6 different versions of that SAME GAME that's been released off the top of my head, and I can think of more versions for the original Mario Bros. LttP has been released on SNES, GBA, and now VC. OoT has been on the N64, GC, and soon to be on the VC. Wii Controllers and nunchucks are sold separately. Remotes don't have rechargable batteries. Pokemon always comes in at least two versions with a third "new and improved" one after it. Nintendo remakes games for the GBA, then releases them in a collection on the DS later. Should I continue, or have I made my point yet?
Trust me, they're soaking money out of you just as much as the others. It's impossible to ignore if you have some sort of knowledge about marketing. It's your own fault for giving into them, so blame yourself for not being smart enough to reason when you buy stuff from them.