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Trades & Sales [NL-WW] Athena's Marketplace: Updated Oct 5 - H: CP6, XY11, FCO, Generations, FE Cipher, & More!

My Japanese Red Flash & Blue Shock cards are all listed under XY8 since that's much easier to type. I have the following:

Zoroark BREAK (XY8)
Chesnaught BREAK (XY8)
Maroark BREAK (XY8)
Raichu BREAK Evolution Pack x2
Noivern BREAK Evolution Pack x2
Glalie EX (XY8)
Mewtwo EX (XY8 - Blue Shock version)
M Mewtwo EX (XY8 - Blue Shock version)
Mewtwo EX (XY8 - Red Flash version)
M Mewtwo EX (XY8 - Red Flash version)

If you're looking for English BREAKthrough cards, I don't have any. I'm primarily a Japanese collector and I haven't gotten around to picking up any English stuff for the last couple sets yet.
Thanks for the list and I was wondering if you would like a signed sleeve by Alejandro Ng Guzman ( he was worlds junior 2 nd place and a close friends)
My wants are all listed in the OP. I'm currently looking for both Japanese Gardevoir EX FA (075/070) and Japanese M Gardevoir EX FA (076/070) from Tidal Storm (XY5). I would be happy to trade the Noivern box for either of those, and/or other haves that I have listed if you're interested. :)
My wants are all listed in the OP. I'm currently looking for both Japanese Gardevoir EX FA (075/070) and Japanese M Gardevoir EX FA (076/070) from Tidal Storm (XY5). I would be happy to trade the Noivern box for either of those, and/or other haves that I have listed if you're interested. :)
I didn't know that because there was a gardevoir ex listed under English wants
Yeah, my English wants are all very low priority since I am focusing on Japanese cards at the moment. I might be interested in English FAs, too, but it would have to be a very good offer to make it tempting for me.
1 dialga secret rare 1 maxie fa a lysandre trump card fa and dark rapidash
I do have a signed Japanese card which is not from the worlds deck boxes
Sorry, but thewileycoyote beat you to those and I already traded off all my extras to him. :( Feel free to ask if there's any other cards you're looking for, though. :) Outside of the ones he was asking for, I should have many other trainers available.
Sorry, but thewileycoyote beat you to those and I already traded off all my extras to him. :( Feel free to ask if there's any other cards you're looking for, though. :) Outside of the ones he was asking for, I should have many other trainers available.
Athena could you happen to just give me a list of English fa you would want (I have no gardevor )
It's hard to say because I'm not really interested in English FAs much. Aside from Gardevoir, maybe the Primal Kyogres? However, I'm much more interested in Japanese cards at this point in time.
The shiny version from Ancient Origins I already have, sorry. ^^;
Updated with XY9 haves and wants!

I expect to get my S3 Cipher cards within a week or so for anyone interested.

I'm also getting very close to finishing my card organization so expect a huge revamp of my English cards list coming soon~
Hi Athena,

Have Winona FA and would be interested in Trevenant Break and Zoroark Break. Let me know if we can work out a deal somehow.
Assuming Japanese, 1st Ed., M/NM, all that fun stuff, I'd be happy to do an even trade of both of those cards for your Winona FA. :) I know it's a bit of a lopsided trade in your favour, but I don't really care for the BREAK cards at all so I don't mind. >_> Feel free to PM me to confirm. <3
Hey Athena! I was hoping you'd have a FA from XY9 that I needed. I'm still interested in the M Tyranitar FA though, not sure if you saw my Japanese merch I put up yet. Hope to get a trade going! :)
The only FA I pulled from XY9 was the UR Gyarados, though I'm hesitant to list it since the only thing I'd be interested in trading it for would be an FA Espeon. :p I'm mostly looking for FAs myself at this point, though I should have an expanded Wants list up within a couple weeks once I finish my major TCG reorganization. (I'm aaaaaaalmost done; it's so close I can smell it)
Minor update to add a couple of newly received cards for trade/sale: XY6 Shaymin-EX and XY9 Greninja BREAK.

Should have a larger update coming soon. I'm almost done with my card sorting!