No Kadabra out of entire DP series so far?


Aspiring Trainer
I know that there is an Alakazam[Holo] and Abra[common] in the Mysterious Treasures set, but there isn't a Kadabra listed in the set. I've also checked the other DP sets, but it seems there hasn't been one released yet.

does anyone know why? and this wouldn't have to do with anything related to the "Ungeller'' (japanese name for Kadabra) incident way back when, would it?
Uri Gellar sued Nintendo over Kadabra, but lost the case. But because of this, Nintendo has stopped production of Kadabra cards to sort of "make up" for it. This is similar to when Carole Boston Weatherford, a children's book author, claimed that Jynx was a racial stereotype, and caused Nintendo to change her previously black face to a purple face. Since then, Jynx has appeared with a purple face.

Basically, Nintendo just wants to make sure they don't cause more problems for themselves. If that means Kadabra can't be printed on a card, then so be it. The only reason it's still in the games is because they logically can't remove it without compromising the game itself. Omitting Kadabra can be worked around in the TCG, so that's the route they chose.
Since Crystal Guardians, they're making up ways to keep Alakazam popping up every now and then. They're doing a pretty good job:
Ultra Evolution Abra + Alakazam
Alakazam E4 + Alakazam E4 LVX (BET)
Lou Cypher said:
Since Crystal Guardians, they're making up ways to keep Alakazam popping up every now and then.

I honestly think they should just make a Kadabra card. It's not like they lost the case against Geller or anything. Or they could just say that some previous Kadabra cards are tournament legal or something.
Just because Uri Gellar lost the case doesn't mean they'll just go ahead and start printing Kadabra cards again. This is Nintendo protecting themselves. If Kadabra caused such an issue with Uri Gellar, then they're just simply not going to make it worse.

Xander said:
Basically, Nintendo just wants to make sure they don't cause more problems for themselves. If that means Kadabra can't be printed on a card, then so be it. The only reason it's still in the games is because they logically can't remove it without compromising the game itself. Omitting Kadabra can be worked around in the TCG, so that's the route they chose.
Xander said:
Just because Uri Gellar lost the case doesn't mean they'll just go ahead and start printing Kadabra cards again. This is Nintendo protecting themselves. If Kadabra caused such an issue with Uri Gellar, then they're just simply not going to make it worse.

But they won the suit, and it was stated that Geller had no legal basis for his suit, meaning Nintendo is, was, and always has been in the clear. Even if Geller decided to sue Nintendo again (which he likely wouldn't, seeing as the particular card that offended him was Dark Kadabra's literal translation of "Evil Yungerer"), the courts would rule in favor of the precedent. That gives them no reason whatsoever not to print new Kadabra cards. Besides, Uri Geller has a history of frivolous lawsuits with little to no legal basis behind them. I mean, he considered suing IKEA for having a line of furniture with bent legs because the name of the line was Uri.
It doesn't matter. It caused a problem, and they won't do it again. This isn't new for Nintendo. They did this with Porygon, with Whiscash, Kadabra, Jynx...

Just because they CAN do it, doesn't mean they will. It will still piss Uri off, and that's just causing unnecessary drama. Most companies don't go around intentionally starting problems with people.
thank you to you both: Don Pianta and Xander for providing some info.; even though you both had different points of view, i guess i kinda understand now why there isn't a recent card.

I do hope, however, that an updated Kadabra is released somewhere down the road, despite what happened in the case.
Lord Atmo said:
Whiscash? whaaa?

Technically, Whiscash was never banned, It was just because the episode viewing Whiscash was banned because of a recent earthquake in japan and also Whiscash was shown using earthquake.

Also, The way the TCG releasing Alakazam and getting around the kadabra thing is a bit acceptable. Well, At least they are going creative, right?
Ho-oh Master said:
Technically, Whiscash was never banned, It was just because the episode viewing Whiscash was banned because of a recent earthquake in japan and also Whiscash was shown using earthquake.
Technically, it -was- banned. Since it never got aired in Japan or the US. That's pretty much a ban. Whiscash itself is fine, but that episode in particular has never been aired due to those earthquakes. This is what I was referring to.

Porygon, obviously, was because of Electric Soldier Porygon, which caused numerous seizures across Japan. Ever since that, Porygon and Porygon2 have never been seen in the anime, and it's likely we won't see Porygon-Z either.

Uri Geller believes that Kadabra was based off him, which it was, but due to it's release in Team Rocket as "Evil", he believes it portrayed him negatively, and sued Nintendo. He lost his case, but Nintendo still refuses to print Kadabra cards.
Xander said:
Porygon, obviously, was because of Electric Soldier Porygon, which caused numerous seizures across Japan. Ever since that, Porygon and Porygon2 have never been seen in the anime, and it's likely we won't see Porygon-Z either.
Actually, there was a Porygon about thirty episodes (iirc) after the Electric Soldier Porygon-episode.
There was a very small appearance of one in A Chansey Operation. I was meaning more as a main character though, I normally don't count cameos as anything of substance.
Xander said:
It doesn't matter. It caused a problem, and they won't do it again. This isn't new for Nintendo. They did this with Porygon, with Whiscash, Kadabra, Jynx...

Just because they CAN do it, doesn't mean they will. It will still mad Uri off, and that's just causing unnecessary drama. Most companies don't go around intentionally starting problems with people.
It DOES matter. He lost the case. He sued not becuase they stole his image but because they had it as a dark form (which, since he obviously didn't know too much about the thing he was suing against based on the set and its basic premise, made him look like an idiot).

It can get him mad all he wants but he can't do A THING about it. Kadabra is a fictional character in a children's card game, anime, and video game that uses his mind to bend a spoon, telaport, and blast his foes. Uri is a scam artist that appears on tv shows, pretending to do what his friend kadabra can do. If anything, the public should sue HIM for being a fraud, but I guess that would lead to all those "psychics" and other magicans to be out of a "job". *Never realized that lying, even if its a pretty intersting lie, is a legit business. Time to start a pyramid scheme...*
It doesn't matter AT ALL. It caused a problem, that's more than enough reason for Nintendo to "fix" it. Intentionally angering people and causing problems is usually called "bad business."

This is really not a complicated process, I don't see why nobody can understand it. Nintendo may have won the suit, but that doesn't change the fact that someone did sue them over it. BECAUSE of that, they will NOT continue doing it. This is why they changed Jynx's face to Purple despite it being nothing more than a single article from a single person.

This is really very simple. Problem was caused, Problem got solved. Nintendo's not going to make more problems for themselves.
Xander said:
It doesn't matter AT ALL. It caused a problem, that's more than enough reason for Nintendo to "fix" it. Intentionally angering people and causing problems is usually called "bad business."

This is really not a complicated process, I don't see why nobody can understand it. Nintendo may have won the suit, but that doesn't change the fact that someone did sue them over it. BECAUSE of that, they will NOT continue doing it. This is why they changed Jynx's face to Purple despite it being nothing more than a single article from a single person.

This is really very simple. Problem was caused, Problem got solved. Nintendo's not going to make more problems for themselves.
It caused a problem because some bimbo didn't like the word evil in front of "his" pokemon. Go and read about the fake. Look at how many law suits he's been involved in. He's a joke and should be taken as such. Also how is it bad business when he was never a consumer?

He sued because it was an "evil verison of himself", which by itself is a load. But wait a second....they made 2 more dark sets after this suit. Obviously theres no problem with what he was suing for. He can't sue them again for making a thing THEY HAVE TRADEMARKED and altering it (or not).

Just read the jynx article and I got a great laugh out of it. They don't change jynx back now because...well, it's been 10 years and changing it back to black would be really odd. Also, . It only takes one ignorant person to ruin the whole fun. Just because jynx has some big lips doesn't mean its racist. you'd have to be an underlined racist to actually get these ideas out of a children's game. Same case with the "evil kadabra".

The problem was solved in a court of law. Obviously you've never taken a class on American law but Uri is helpless to do anything now that he's lost the case. So you're basic thesis on business is that because one ignorant person did not like something, the consumers who buy the products must suffer and shouldn't be the ones to complain....yeahhhhh
I already know about the lawsuit, it's lack of basis, and it's failure. That doesn't change anything. I never said anything about changing Jynx back. They changed it to begin with, just like they stopped printing Kadabra cards.

Obviously you've never taken a class in Business. I've not once disputed that Nintendo could continue printing Kadabra. I said they won't. And that's true.

Clearly, I'm right on my views, since they haven't made any more Kadabra cards since the incident. My thesis is based on truth and fact. "one person didn't like it" is a bit too broad. Perhaps "one person who caused a lot of trouble for the company" would have been better there.

And the consumers aren't suffering. You can still play your Alakazam cards just fine without Kadabra.