No Kadabra out of entire DP series so far?

Xander said:
I already know about the lawsuit, it's lack of basis, and it's failure. That doesn't change anything. I never said anything about changing Jynx back. They changed it to begin with, just like they stopped printing Kadabra cards.

Obviously you've never taken a class in Business. I've not once disputed that Nintendo could continue printing Kadabra. I said they won't. And that's true.

Clearly, I'm right on my views, since they haven't made any more Kadabra cards since the incident. My thesis is based on truth and fact. "one person didn't like it" is a bit too broad. Perhaps "one person who caused a lot of trouble for the company" would have been better there.

And the consumers aren't suffering. You can still play your Alakazam cards just fine without Kadabra.
I guess I need to repeat myself.

"November 2000, Geller sued video game company Nintendo over the Pokémon character "Yungerer," localized in English as "Kadabra," which he claimed was an unauthorised appropriation of his identity.[70][71] The Pokémon in question has psychic abilities and carries bent spoons. Geller also claimed that the star on Kadabra's forehead and the lightning patterns on its abdomen are symbolisms popular with the Waffen SS of Nazi Germany, and he was outraged at the connotations that Nintendo had supposedly made.[71] Although the symbols are derived from Zener cards, the name is a pun; the katakana n (ン) resembles the kana ri (リ) (the transliteration of Mr. Geller's name into Katakana would be ユリゲラー Yurigerā). Geller sued for £60 million (the equivalent of US $100 million) but lost."
Whats that, a KADABRA? Skyridge? What set is that?

"Skyridge, released in May 2003, is the 16th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Its symbol is a pair of mountains with a halo around the taller one. This is the last set published by Wizards of the Coast.

This set is the last of three to extensively use the e-Reader. Skyridge continues Aquapolis's tradition of minigames playable by scanning in dot codes from multiple cards.

The Skyridge set was also the second and last set to contain Pokémon with the "Crystal Type" Poké-power. Characters in this set to use it were Celebi, Charizard, Crobat, Golem, and Ho-oh. These cards normally carry a much higher trade value on eBay and other online retailers than normal cards from this set.This is the last second-generation set."

So wait....Uri sued in 2000 and lost the case.....and 3 years later Kadabra was printed again...but that goes completely against everything you just said....I guess somebody is wrong.

Obviously you must've graduated from the university of Uri becuase you have no clue as to what you're talking about. They could do it but THEY HAVE DONE IT. 3 times. Expedition, Aquapolis, and I believe Legendary Collection. All after the law suit. Who'd a thunk it?

Again, trashed you're entire thesis. Please come back with a better one.

Ummm, not really. When's the last time you've seen a heavy zam line? Heck, as good as zam is, you can't run him effectively at all. The game is DEFINATELY suffereing from a lack of kadabra.
Keep it friendly, kids :mad:

I personally think the lack of Kadabra adds some original aspects to the game, we have so many regular stage2s already, an original concept can't hurt. And FYI, I have seen Zam being played as an effective power-locking card.

Also, Skyridge was the last set by WotC, not Nintendo. When Nintendo took over, they decided to not print Kadabra again, is it that hard to figure out? ._.
you've seen a heavy zam line be successful? Heavy does not mean 1-0-1. :/ His claim is that because of the Uri suit, Kadabra was and will never be printed again. I have already debunked that theory by linking up a kadabra from 2003, 3 years after the law suit. And what would the difference be if Nintendo printed a kadabra but wizards or any other card distributor did? There would be no difference. :/
Have you ever seen a successful Seaking line? Venomoth line? Hypno line? No.
Is Aggron (or like, most of the stage2s in the current format) usable? No.
Would Alakazam be swarmable even with Kadabra? No.
Just because Alakazam isn't fabulous doesn't mean you should blame it on the lack of Kadabra...

And read all of Xander's posts again for your second argument.
The fact that they didn't print another Kadabra must mean something, they're not going to decide against making Kadabra out of nowhere. So therefore, what you're claiming might seem logical, but there's a contradiction with reality.

Also, WotC =/= Nintendo, Nintendo might be more careful with that kind of stuff.
Foxtrot said:
I have already debunked that theory by linking up a kadabra from 2003, 3 years after the law suit.
Yes, before Nintendo took over, READ.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Have you ever seen a successful Seaking line? Venomoth line? Hypno line? No.
Is Aggron (or like, most of the stage2s in the current format) usable? No.
Would Alakazam be swarmable even with Kadabra? No.
Just because Alakazam isn't fabulous doesn't mean you should blame it on the lack of Kadabra...

And read all of Xander's posts again for your second argument.
The fact that they didn't print another Kadabra must mean something, they're not going to decide against making Kadabra out of nowhere. So therefore, what you're claiming might seem logical, but there's a contradiction with reality.

Also, WotC =/= Nintendo, Nintendo might be more careful with that kind of stuff.
Foxtrot said:
I have already debunked that theory by linking up a kadabra from 2003, 3 years after the law suit.
Yes, before Nintendo took over, READ.
Actually, seaking was a decently popular t2 deck when dp first came out. Venomoth has been seen in alot of grass decks (and 120 hp double condition disruptor is not bad). caught me.
What? lol it was VERY usuable last season. Getting back all your energy cards for 2 energy? Hello 8 dres.
....yes, yes it would. Relying on candy is NOT a good mechanic and means getting out 2 zams within any deck is nearly impossible.
Alakazam was fabulous. The fact you can't use his power more than once per turn means you need a swarm to have a good lock-down. Because you can't run its stage 1, its not doin the math, running a tech line to stop the opponets claydol every turn is alright but not game breaking.

"Uri Geller believes that Kadabra was based off him, which it was, but due to it's release in Team Rocket as "Evil", he believes it portrayed him negatively, and sued Nintendo. He lost his case, but Nintendo still refuses to print Kadabra cards."
His claim was that Nintendo refuses to print Kadabra cards, yet I have disproven this. Pokemon USA, NOT Nintendo, manufactures and distributes the cards. PUSA is just an associate with Nintendo. I'm sure Nintendo has some say in what gets released, but its PUSA, not Nintendo, thats refusing to print a Kadabra card (don't know why).
So then it's PUSA and not Nintendo, DOES IT MATTER? NO! WotC made Kadabra cards, PUSA decided not to, the argument still stands with both of its legs in concrete, just replace "Nintendo" with "PUSA". You have no argument.

And dude, "this card would've been good if that card existed" exists for a lot, if not all cards. Alakazam does not have Kadabra, making it worse, Gyarados has Magikarp as its prevo, making it worse. Is this an argument for any of this? No. It's just part of the game. That's like saying every card should be decent...
It's not PUSA that won't print them. The Japanese cards - the originals - are NOT made by PUSA (not the last time I checked, at least), and there hasn't been a Japanese Kadabra either.
The Pokémon Company (still not Nintendo) doesn't want to print another Kadabra card.

...Just thought I'd clear that up.
Good point. I kept thinking about that, but meh. Small technicality that still doesn't really matter. My main point was that "Company Name Here won't print them because of the Uri Geller incident."
From a collector's stance, this is a bit irking. My goal is to replace all my old cards in my binder (listed in pokedex order from Bulbasaur to Shaymin) with the most current (DP series) cards. But Kadabra will always be an odd "gap" that stands out since I have only the original base set card of him. He wont fit with the rest of the cards, ya know?
I used to collect, I can relate. I had the same issue when collecting the Unown, and the mysterious Unown R never came out over here in the States.

It's actually for that reason I stopped bothering collecting cards in Pokémon order and stuck strictly to set orders.
If I did that, I'd need to collect MORE cards than ever. Plus embark on the impossible quest of obtaining all Lv Xs when I can barely pull even one.

You see my predicament :p

I can make do with this Kadabra though
I think that in the 5th generation that they should give Abra another evolved form or just simply change the name of it in Jap.
I organize my cards alphabetically. No problems finding ANYTHING like that!

Regarding the reason why Nintendo is super-apprehensive about printing a card featuring Kadabra, that's simple: Lawsuits, even when completely frivolous and the person accusing guaranteed to lose, will still cost a lot of money on both sides. This is something many organizations and individuals are capable of doing, especially if they pool their resources together.

As a matter of fact, this is a favorite tactic of the Church of Scientology to bully its enemies--it sues. It doesn't matter whether the Church wins or loses the suit, as long as the person it's accusing runs out of money; the Church has so much money that it can pay for very long and very expensive cases. (Source: Clambake)

The very same thing can happen to Nintendo from impulsively aggressive lawyers or people with access to legal power. I would say that Jack Thompson is the most likely person to launch such a campaign if he weren't permanently disbarred, though it doesn't mean someone else won't come up to take his place.