no lost world the advanatge and disadvanatge of its lost

I hope it NEVER gets printed. It's broken and unstoppable. The closest I got to winning against it was 4 prizes. Basically the only way you stand a chance against Lost World is if the (a) the guy has a bad list or (b) it's not his day.

You don't cure cancer with another cancer, and besides, SP is ALREADY declining in popularity. Yes it is still a highly competitive deck, but with the increasing use of Trainer lock and tanks, it's possession of the metagame is dropping.

Advantage of it not getting printed? People have a chance to find new deck ideas, with the new content from Triumphant. Rescue Energy and Junk Arm makes Gyarados extremely powerful again, Solrock's Heal Block could find itself into a deadly combination, Gengar Prime has potential even without the Lost World, Seeker will have a place in a LOT of decks, Twins will speed up Vilegar and tanks like Steelix. Despite this people still whine about SP's domination with Lost World being removed?

Disadvantages? People just sore over fantasizing a BDIF that they thought would be considered "creative" and healthy to the game by eliminating SP, but is actually just an imbalanced combination, tested, proven and abused in Japan. I cannot see where people think it can promote "variety" and "creativity".
They didn't get much discount. I think he just bought a case for $500. 500/6= $83 per box.
I find the release of Lost World to be highly unlikely for the first reason I stated earlier, plus Black and White will likely be our next set and what purpose would it serve to put it in that
i agree with both juliant & mew its presence in the meta possess a strong weight that leads to imbalace. thus B&W will get affected for sure
YES!!! YES!!! Now I can Lost Cyclone to my heart's content! Lostgar can still be played though, has lots of disruption power, and the spread is really nice. It's still really bad though, probably too inconsistent. What am I gonna do with 3 fudging Gengar Primes?!
You haven't listened to me. NOBODY in the US is getting Lost World! Because it will NOT be released!
@ Rikko: you don't KNOW that it COULD still be released nobody gave YOU the power to authorise printing
Let's all face facts and stop with the pettiness and face fact. If they were gonna print it they'd have done it already, not waited a set.
Just be thankful that this card is not back in...

Too much lost zone related stuff. I was fine with just Giratina and some Legend cards being able to send things to the lost zone.
I'm guessing it will be thrown in the next set. You guys are forgetting the other Lost Link cards that were cut. They gotta put those somewhere too.
They wouldnt mix lost world or any cards from heart gold soul silver series in to pokemon black and white. So its simply no lost world i cant see how it can really be all that good any ways.
Advantage: People aren't quitting Pokemon
Disadvantage: n00bs are sad. Boo-hoo.

Seriously, Pokemon would be too much of a gamble to be an actual TCG with Lost World. The Japanese sure have it rough...

Question: Since Lost World was released, how many tournaments has Japan been able to go to with Lost World? If it's legal in Japan, why can't it be released in the US? Worlds will be a lot of trouble. I'm just really upset about Lost Remover not being released. That card is BROKEN.
If the card is as scary as people say then it will be on that infamous list of banned cards. no harm no foul. People will have to adapt to the meta like we always have.

Scared of Vilegar? play less trainers so poltergeist doesn't butt Stolen you.
DG lvl X a pain? Tech in some type of counter.
losing to luxchomp all the time? Play Luxchomp!
I mean it may be easier said then done, but we adapt when we have to.