BW/BW2 No luvdisc evo

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^NO! I thought for sure Luvdisc would evolve into heartfish2. And this means no eeveelutions. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
(First post. YES)
^stop saying you lost the game! You made me lose the game again! D:
i dont get why a pink heart shape fish isnt related to a pink heartshaped fish....and this hasnt been confirmed by serebii or the beach or by bulbapedia has it?
Yeah if there was 156 Pokemon wouldnt about 3 of them be evos or pre evos because there is only 150 pokemon in the Reigonal Dex. I dont really mind if Lovedisc isnt Mamanbou's pre evo, I dont think they are anyway
It doesn't really look like Luvdisc anyway.
Luvdisc: Pointed face, beak, black/blue eyes and 2 dots for cheeks.
Mamanbou: rounded face, no beak, yellow/white eyes that look like they have that make-up on them (I want to say eye liner for some reason..), fins on top and bottom of it's body and different colouration.

But, I can see how people can see it :D
Well, the thing is, Mamanbou looks like a more detailed version of Luvdisc. Obviously, Pokemon don't have to bear exact resemblance to be related. Take Rhyhorn and Rhydon, for example. Rhyhorn is a (somewhat) simple Pokemon, who gains details as he evolves and grows in size, becoming Rhydon. Same case would be with Luvdisc and Mamanbou.
@Shimama-man. You're kidding right? There are not much differences between Luvdisc and Mamanbou, you're just forcing yourself to see differences. When Pokemon evolve they change a bit..? Never heard of that?

Two pink, Water-type, heart-shaped fishes.. they just look too much alike..
Now I know this Doesn't make sense to anyone but me, BUT.
What if Mamanbou When Bred with another Mamanbou, while holding an "incense" Creates a Luvdisc? Similar to the Manaphy/Phione relationship. In my opinion this would be awesome. Because then you could have pokemon that are "related" but don't evolve into each other.
@sinnohtrainer17 I think it'd just be awesome if they had stuff like that. Where similar looking pokemon can breed and create the other pokemon. Which they will eventually have to make work. I mean. I should be able to breed Seviper and Arbok, and get something Different and NEW, Something that is a MIX of the two. because Arbok+Seviper, shouldn't equal Ekans.
I could believe this. It wouldn't be horrible if Mamanbou turned out to not be related to Luvdisc. Like it wouldn't be a catastrophe if GF said Mamepato and Starly aren't 3rd cousins twice-removed.

I'm hoping that there will be no evos/pre evos this generation. It's one of my many problems with Sinnoh, probably second only to the ridiculous ammount of legenadaries and the lack of storyline that came with it.
@Fire_Master: Well, Pokexperto (even though I still don't believe this guy 100%) stated that there will be no evolutions or pre-evolutions of any previous generation Pokemon. I think this may be true, considering the whole 'fresh start' thing with B/W. Completely original Pokemon... :>
But this is a stretch. I mean this is too much like luvdisc. I know they said that they would repeat pokemon types because it is based very far away but this is unreal. They look way to similar. If this is true i wonder what the other pokemon will look like.
You're rather angry aren't you?
If you're not happy with the Pokemon, don't play the game.
Gamefreak does not design games JUST for you.
It's for everyone.
and I'm seeing this as, Somebody liked designing Luvdisc.
So they made it a friend.
Just because they look alike doesn't mean they need to evolve from one another.
I mean seriously.
there is more than one type on sunfish in real life.
So why can't there be more than one in pokemon?
^Yeah, I'm pretty angry cuz it just doesn't make any fudging sense!!! jeez! That's just retarted to make another heart-like fish which is bigger than the other one and is similar overall and not making it an evo of it!!
And don't come with that "don't play the game" bs cuz I have the right to complain if I feel like... put your nose in your business...

please be more respectful.~de
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