BW/BW2 No luvdisc evo

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I totally agree with you!! Dont make a pokemon that is almost exactally the same.
As much as i want it to be luvdiscs evo....,
Wouldnt you guys be happy with even MORE new Pokémon?
besides new evos and pre evos of old Pokémon.
and who knows? maybe the 6th gen. will bring us new evos for some of the 5th gen Pokémon. (well atleast they better) because thats what they did with the 1st and 2nd gen. righhttttt??? o_O
I think it really sucks that there will not be any new evos, or prevos. I was lookin' forward to these pokemon getting evos/prevos: absol, mawile, castform, stantler, more eeveelutions, kecleon (so much), farfetch'd, girafarig, dunsparce, corsola, heracross/pinsir, sabeleye (more than FREAKING EVERYTHING!!), carnivine, spinda, and finally, chatot. Those are the pokemon that I want to evolve/have prevos of. Mamambou looked like luvdisc so much, how can they do that too us!!!
Yes you have a right to complain.
But to come on a forum and just spew anger everywhere, is kinda.
well rude.
I happen to like mamanbou.
I think it's a well designed pokemon, and to be COMPLETELY honest.
I'll be happy if it isn't a luvdisc evo.
Because then pokemon is going in a direction that they haven't gone in before.
Pokemon that are Related in Form, but NOT evolutions.
Having Multiple SIMILAR pokemon makes the Pokeworld more realistic.
Because in REAL LIFE, there are So many animals that are related, and similar but NOT the same.

And Ps, I would appreciate if you would be a Tad bit nicer. If you are going to post on a forum, it becomes public business, and i don't appreciate being told to take my nose out of it. I'm not disrespecting you, please don't disrespect me.
Corycorcor said:
I happen to like mamanbou.
I think it's a well designed pokemon, and to be COMPLETELY honest.
I'll be happy if it isn't a luvdisc evo.
Because then pokemon is going in a direction that they haven't gone in before.
Pokemon that are Related in Form, but NOT evolutions.
Having Multiple SIMILAR pokemon makes the Pokeworld more realistic.
Because in REAL LIFE, there are So many animals that are related, and similar but NOT the same.

I was actually pondering that in class today (when I should of been paying attention :p) But yes, you took the words right out of my mouth. I mean, there are similar animals in the real world, so Luvdisc not evolving into Mamanbou is just expanding variety. If every pokemon were related to eachother, then really, what's the fun in that? I'm glad theres some interesting new pokemon. And really, adding no evolutions or pre-evolutions is keeping the game fresh, really fresh. It's like the other regions never even happened. Which is fine by me. It's a completely new adventure.
^yes there are similar animals, but two PINK HEARTshaped fish, thats a bit too close to be a coincidence without completely ripping off luvdisc
@llava: I'm kinda in love with your and Corycorcor's posts xD
That's so true, the statement that having similar Pokemon makes the Pokeworld much more realistic.
I'm suddenly obsessed with that concept.
You just now heard of this?This is old news from awhile ago.It is nothing new and we pretty much knew this already for the most part.
@tyrannitard It's not a big deal to me. two Pink fish? i'm okay with it. and I do understand why people don't like it though, but to me it's not going to be a big deal at all.
There are all different types of standpoints that you can look at the new pokemon at. I mean, from a battling point of view, you'd probably want your favourites to evolve so they can become fierce fighters. But just look at the pokemon world now. I mean, it's filled with colour and originality. Just like our world. Isn't that what gamefreak is trying to do, make a world similar to ours, where we can freely adventure in?

I think having similar pokemon is just trying to get our brains flowing. Gamefreak and the creators want us to think; "Well, I wonder, if somewhere out there, in another place, there is a Pokemon that does evolve into Mamambou. Or a pokemon that evolves from Castoform, or Mawile, or evolves into Heracross" And you know, I'm fine with that. It makes everything more interesting.
@llavaa, if the pokemon world is filled with originality then why would there be two pink heart shaped fish?
That is so weird. I get the world of pokemon, but these are the games!! It makes no sense for this to happen and they be so similar.
@Manhattan: Yeah, but I do not believe Pokexperto any more than I would a Hitler-Stalin combo who just performed the Fusion Dance.

Although I do feel (and hope) that there will be no evos/pre evos of previous pokemon in Isshu.
Why would they even bother making a pokemon resembelent to luvdisc if it wasn't an evolution? that would just be a waste of a pokedex entry. same goes with the seemingly pachirisu evolution.
Hahaha. Yea, I guess that's true. In my perspective they don't look exactly alike. But I see what you mean. I think they just included it to get our imaginations flowing. Yea, it's just a game, but they probably want to make the Pokemon world, mirror our world in someway. Either way, Mamambou is a good looking pokemon, and most people are happy with it, and isn't that really what matters? :p
I think everyone who called me retarted for saying Mamanbou isn't a Luvdisc evo owes me an apology, I was pretty much humiliated on this site.
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