Okay so I recently read kwisdumb's article about this on http://google.com/ and he believes that getting rid of Scholarships on the Regional level for Junior and Senior Division players will greatly hurt the TCG itself and kill it. I kind of see where you're getting at kwisdumb but what is TPCi or PUSA's motive for even removing scholarships in Regionals to begin with? How would that kill the Pokemon TCG? Please enlighten me I'd really like to know kwisdumb...
I mean I know it doesn't effect players in the Masters Division when they literally make up 2/3rd's of the game's playerbase worldwide (could be wrong on that so feel free to correct me) and even though this doesn't really effect me as a player or any of my friends who play it since most in my area are in the Masters Division as well I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this. I understand that the Junior and Senior Divison players are sort of the "lifeblood" of the TCG itself but is this scholarship thing going too far? It's great that they are getting rewarded for something but why take it away?
Nintendo has decreased the prize support for the Pokemon TCG so maybe that could explain why they are scaling back with scholarships in the Pokemon TCG. So Juniors and Seniors are really quitting the Pokemon TCG because of this? I thought the point of the Pokemon TCG was to have fun and If you're having fun playing the Pokemon TCG why quit? Just cause you're not getting rewarded with a scholarship to help you get through school in these tough economic times? Well that's understandable but still do you expect TPCi and PUSA to offer the best prize support for Juniors and Seniors in this game aside from Masters? Nobody's perfect.
kwisdumb I also read about how you said that this would also make it to where most Pokemon TCG players are going to be playing in Leagues only instead of Tournament Events such as BR's, Nats, Cities, Regionals, and Worlds. Really? Player turnouts this year for BR's, Nats, and World's wasn't that bad aside from the Japanese players not making it this year due to the Earthquake/Tsunami disaster in March but still that's pretty good. It's hard for me to understand unless you tell me why this is a problem and why TPCi and PUSA need to fix this for the TCG itself.
I mean I know it doesn't effect players in the Masters Division when they literally make up 2/3rd's of the game's playerbase worldwide (could be wrong on that so feel free to correct me) and even though this doesn't really effect me as a player or any of my friends who play it since most in my area are in the Masters Division as well I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this. I understand that the Junior and Senior Divison players are sort of the "lifeblood" of the TCG itself but is this scholarship thing going too far? It's great that they are getting rewarded for something but why take it away?
Nintendo has decreased the prize support for the Pokemon TCG so maybe that could explain why they are scaling back with scholarships in the Pokemon TCG. So Juniors and Seniors are really quitting the Pokemon TCG because of this? I thought the point of the Pokemon TCG was to have fun and If you're having fun playing the Pokemon TCG why quit? Just cause you're not getting rewarded with a scholarship to help you get through school in these tough economic times? Well that's understandable but still do you expect TPCi and PUSA to offer the best prize support for Juniors and Seniors in this game aside from Masters? Nobody's perfect.
kwisdumb I also read about how you said that this would also make it to where most Pokemon TCG players are going to be playing in Leagues only instead of Tournament Events such as BR's, Nats, Cities, Regionals, and Worlds. Really? Player turnouts this year for BR's, Nats, and World's wasn't that bad aside from the Japanese players not making it this year due to the Earthquake/Tsunami disaster in March but still that's pretty good. It's hard for me to understand unless you tell me why this is a problem and why TPCi and PUSA need to fix this for the TCG itself.