XY No OR/AS Compatibility Patch for X/Y


Draconem ex Machina
So its been confirmed in an interview with the site NTower that there will not be a patch to include the new mega evolutions and primal reversions for X/Y, X/Y will still be compatible with ORAS though. Thoughts?
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

The first thought is simply: Why? This time they have the possibility of using technology to add content to a previous game and they will keep all these exclusive stuff to the remakes??? Well, let's wait until Z/XY2 to get everything they have planned for this gen...
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

I told you it's not as easy as "just patching" it.

It's gamefreak, they prefer to keep this stuff simple.

And there isn't even a reason why they'd want to do this in the first place, other than just being nice, which is countered easily by all the people who'd somehow manage to have issues caused by the patch lol.
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

For every one guy who would have an issue with a patch there's five million who won't. There is no reason not to allow XY players access to the ORAS Mega Stones. If they do, then I'll probably skip these games and just stick to simulators.
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

PMJ said:
For every one guy who would have an issue with a patch there's five million who won't. There is no reason not to allow XY players access to the ORAS Mega Stones. If they do, then I'll probably skip these games and just stick to simulators.

Then do so, because they won't.
They'll all be compatible forward so you can really just wait for XZYZ or gen7 and get the mega stones in those games, if that's the only thing you wanted to get from these games.

It's been this way with every single game that has come out since Platinum and no one ever complained.

Just because it's technically possible for the first time, doesn't mean it's anywhere near practical, or worth the work and bug-fixing-nightmares.
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

Mitja said:
It's been this way with every single game that has come out since Platinum and no one ever complained.

You must mean BW2 because those are the only games in which there was a new Pokemon that was not present in the previous game.

Mitja said:
Just because it's technically possible for the first time, doesn't mean it's anywhere near practical, or worth the work and bug-fixing-nightmares.

Who says it isn't practical? This isn't 2000 and I see no reason why we need to be shackled down with some GSC Time Machine-esque bullshit. Fixing bugs is part of game design and shouldn't be avoided just because it might be difficult.
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

PMJ said:
Mitja said:
It's been this way with every single game that has come out since Platinum and no one ever complained.

You must mean BW2 because those are the only games in which there was a new Pokemon that was not present in the previous game.

I would think they mean Platinum.

Platinum had Giratina, Shaymin, and Rotom's forms, they aren't in Diamond and Pearl.
HeartGold and SoulSilver had Spiky-Eared Pichu, which aren't in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

Black 2 and White 2 had Kyurem, Keldeo, Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus's forms, which aren't in Black and White.

Now... Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire have 18 (and probably more) Megas, Cosplay Pikachu, and Primal Groudon/Kyogre, which aren't in X/Y.

So each games since Platinum have had "new Pokemon".
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

Never mind the fact that you can battle Pt formes against a DP cartridge if you're using local wireless, you are missing the point entirely. ORAS and XY are both for the 3DS. Internet connectivity is a given at this point. Take the PSS for example. You can use that to trade and battle in real time, no longer requiring both parties to stop what they're doing and fly to the nearest Pokemon Center so you can go upstairs and connect to wifi there. Now, you in the middle of the Elite Four? No problem, let's do a trade. Deep in a dungeon and you finna die? Ain't no big deal, you can still fight your friend to the death.

I don't know if you can use BW2-exclusive formes against BW so I can't comment on that. However, these are all DS games. Bleck.

Pokemon is getting with the times. There is no reason at all to not code the new Mega Stones into XY. It would just be laziness at this point.
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

I think if us fans say something (and I don't just mean o nforums they don't read but emails) they might have to change their minds. I can't imagine the patch would be easy, but I can't imagine not patching and still having connectivity is easy either. Then you have to have filters, you have to change sprites. They can't see May or Brendan so what do they sub instead? What happens if I have mega slowbro? Does it just nor allow me to mega evolve it, or does it just not allow me to connect with X/Y users period as log as its in my party? Can you stop new mega evolutions from happening in X/Y without stopping them from happening in ORAS?

I'm not too bothered by it, but it does raise questions. I think everything will be compatible if they do a X/Y sequel and I know I'll buy it.
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

Aerodactyl said:
I think if us fans say something (and I don't just mean o nforums they don't read but emails) they might have to change their minds. I can't imagine the patch would be easy, but I can't imagine not patching and still having connectivity is easy either. Then you have to have filters, you have to change sprites. They can't see May or Brendan so what do they sub instead? What happens if I have mega slowbro? Does it just nor allow me to mega evolve it, or does it just not allow me to connect with X/Y users period as log as its in my party? Can you stop new mega evolutions from happening in X/Y without stopping them from happening in ORAS?

I'm not too bothered by it, but it does raise questions. I think everything will be compatible if they do a X/Y sequel and I know I'll buy it.

My guess is that you will be able to see in the PSS who's playing ORAS or XY by their sprites and if you click on Non-Brendan/May sprite and invite for a battle a message will appear saying something like: "You cannot battle this trainer with current items in your party/battle box" then only if you don't have a new mega stone you will be able to battle a XY trainer.
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

I moved this thread to VG News & General Discussion, since it's focused on the XY games.

After we got the PokéBank and patches were used I expected that future games would be much more compatible by making full use of that. I was even hoping for generation 6 would be compatible with generation 7 and beyond. I guess I was getting my hopes up a bit too much there.

I often think about how fun it would be if we could travel through old regions with new Pokémon. It would also make battles and trades much simpler. I understand that it's not easy to make games compatible, but I do think it would have been worth it.
RE: No X/Y Patch (NTower)

This is not like trying to make Black and White connect with X and Y. These are two games from the same series on the same system that can are already able to connect with each other.
Applying patches isn't possible in BW, however. For XY and ORAS it is. If they can make new Pokémon, items, and forms compatible in different games now through patches I don't see why different future generations couldn't be compatible with each other. Of course that likely won't happen if they don't even want to make games from the same generation compatible to that extent.
I think it's a smart move on their part to not patch it.
When they patch a game - it is only being patched on the SD Card, not the game itself. Expanding it takes up SD Card Space, and that is not where Pokemon saves it's game to.

I don't think Pokemon games need to be patched unless absolutely necessary, for instance: The Lumiose City save glitch. To make older pokemon generations compatible like everyone expects them to with new ones - is a pipe dream at best. Pokemon is a game and a franchise, they need to continue to sell games and keep the fan's best interests in mind. If they were to leave space for the game to be upgraded on the cartridge itself - sure. But it is difficult for them to have the save split between the SD Card and the catridge itself. It could even have potential negative effects.

Pokemon has never patched itself or expanded in this way unless it is absolutely necessary - which this is not.

As Pokemon fans you should know this, not feel entitled to something that they can't do.
I think X/Y was a test to see how the mega evolutions would work and how they would work in battle. Now that they seem to prevail well they are adding more in OR/AS. However it makes me wonder if these mega Pokemon will be able to get all the stones and where the mega stones will be located.:)
No patch for X/Y, DLC for Mega's Maybe?

Anyone else think that not adding a patch for X/Y is gonna backfire really fast, i mean really, some people hate hoenn and only want ORAS for the megas then leave. What kind of idiot would make it so that X/Y couldn't be used with the Mega's. Unless they can do DLC add ons, i don't know much about how 3DS games work, but if they can, its possible they could do that.

Its also possible that they could do that for clothes too if they wanted. But i'm not sure if they will. It might cause more people to by the game, trainer customization is kind've a big thing. I could finally actually look like me(i'm black) so for once, i really was me in the game.
People only hate Hoenn because this remake is happening to fan demand.

They'll get over it. Why would you want to even stay in Kalos, now that's the most backwards thinking ever.

Also Move Tutors, a potentially better post-game.


If you're sticking around in Kalos and don't want any of the good stuff Hoenn's gonna be offering, I don't know why you'd refuse this.
Making it so that X/Y can get all the new Megas found in OR/AS is a great way to make sure that you lose out on $40 x hundreds of thousands of players. Why buy the new game, when you can just get someone else who already did to transfer down the stones you need.
Jeremy1026 said:
Making it so that X/Y can get all the new Megas found in OR/AS is a great way to make sure that you lose out on $40 x hundreds of thousands of players. Why buy the new game, when you can just get someone else who already did to transfer down the stones you need.

There was a huge amount of interest in Ruby/Sapphire remakes long before Megas even existed so I highly doubt that hundreds of thousands of players would forego the remakes just so they can get the Megas for free from a friend. I think, more than anything, that Megas in ORAS are just a bonus thrown in because they can and to make some cool new designs and concepts - I certainly wouldn't buy the game for the main reason of the new Mega Pokémon; I would get them regardless.
The stupidity is real. They could patch this, considering X and Y appears to have a lot of missing content (in my opinion) for a game.