XY No OR/AS Compatibility Patch for X/Y

Equinox said:
The stupidity is real. They could patch this, considering X and Y appears to have a lot of missing content (in my opinion) for a game.

How do you know they could patch this? Because it sounds so simple?

Everyone has been merely assuming this nonsense with nothing to back it up and it backfired like expected.

In reality, a patch that adds new pokemon data makes compatibility more problematic. Because then you have to make sure the patched games are compatible, but also consider how a patched/new game communicates with a non-patched game. I mean obviously they wouldn't want to make it impossible for all communication just because you haven't managed to patch your game. And lets not forget the fact that patches are stored on the SD card whereas the save file is in the actual game-cart, the data of which cannot be rewritten.
I mean, I'm no expert on 3ds hardware/software, so please correct me at any point, but the people whining about this (and the trainer customization), most of them have no clue whatsoever how these things work on a technical level.

The most elegant solution to any and all compatibility concerns was and still is: keeping new stuff limited to new games. No problems whatsoever.

But forget about technicalities. There is also the fact that they'd rather you buy their new game for the new stuff from a straightforward business standpoint... how can anyone think they would do a full compatibility patch with this in mind?

What's next? Expecting them to not "remove" old regions for new games?
Mitja said:
Equinox said:
The stupidity is real. They could patch this, considering X and Y appears to have a lot of missing content (in my opinion) for a game.

How do you know they could patch this? Because it sounds so simple?
Because you can't patch a game that has been patched before? I don't know the exact way you'd go about it, but than again neither you do, so I could ask how do you know they can't patch it? I take it I'm talking to a pessimist. Also it's not like the patch needs to include a whole damn region, it's only Primal Pokemon (of which so far there are 2), Mega Pokemon, three moves, and three abilities. OH YEAH what about when XY2/Z come out. Are you as certain those games won't have a compatibility patch to XY as well?

Everyone has been merely assuming this nonsense with nothing to back it up and it backfired like expected.

In reality, a patch that adds new pokemon data makes compatibility more problematic. Because then you have to make sure the patched games are compatible, but also consider how a patched/new game communicates with a non-patched game. I mean obviously they wouldn't want to make it impossible for all communication just because you haven't managed to patch your game. And lets not forget the fact that patches are stored on the SD card whereas the save file is in the actual game-cart, the data of which cannot be rewritten.
I mean, I'm no expert on 3ds hardware/software, so please correct me at any point, but the people whining about this (and the trainer customization), most of them have no clue whatsoever how these things work on a technical level.
Because you can't make safeguards to a game that's patched (sarcasm), and they could make it like the Xbox, were you must patch the game before you play? You know you can create solutions to problems right, these are just my ideas. And what entitles you to say these people are wrong? What reason justifies that you're right if you don't know the full extent of Nintendo/Game Freak's technological capabilities.

But forget about technicalities. There is also the fact that they'd rather you buy their new game for the new stuff from a straightforward business standpoint... how can anyone think they would do a full compatibility patch with this in mind?
Even though HGSS was compatible with DPPT AND HGSS were remakes as well. By that logic they both shouldn't be compatible then.
What's next? Expecting them to not "remove" old regions for new games?
Even though they recreated these games so ALL Pokemon can be obtainable, and it's pretty cool seeing a recreation of the old games.
The lack of foresight was Game Freak's biggest "What the * are you thinking?" choice. X and Y could have been fully compatible. They could have been on larger game cards with empty space for future-proofing. The 3DS can go up to 8GB. X/Y didn't hit but what, 2? (ASSUMING here that updates can go directly to a game card.)

This is the same company that has had the devkit longer than anyone else, yet still managed to make a poor-playing product, though. Smash Bros. plays like a dream, in 60FPS, with four players on screen, in 3D. X and Y have much less going on at any given moment and sometimes chug along at 15FPS...

I like Pokemon as much as the next guy, but anyone defending Game Freak come off as kind of over-defensive. You can't not see how poor of a developer they are, lol.
SotS said:
I like Pokemon as much as the next guy, but anyone defending Game Freak come off as kind of over-defensive. You can't not see how poor of a developer they are, lol.

May I ask, how much code have you written? Since you seem to be an expert on a development cycle.
Game Freak have never pushed the envelope. They're content to put out their work, whether it's actually done or not. That's much is commonly known. Nobody has ever really looked at them as the developer that shows what a console can do. They are the Pokemon Company. They make Pokemon.

My wording was poor, I will admit. I wasn't trying to imply that they're horrible developers through-and-through. Just that when it comes to actually making progress, they fall so behind that it's crazy. It's like they live a generation in the past. ORAS is prime example numero uno. It's coming out hot off the heels of a 60FPS, 3D, four-player fighting game with random online matchmaking that utilizes a skill system. And it doesn't even care. It will still chug in 1-on-1, turn-based battle sequences, will still be chiefly 2D, and content has already been cut for no reason. Because that's... well, it's what we expect. Fans will still buy it for years to come.

My goodness it's 2AM. I shouldn't even be posting this, because I barely remember what I even wrote up there. But against better judgement, I'm hitting post anyways. >_>
They are not doing it for fan demand only. This would be a first for the use of Wi-Fi which those games never ever had before because the GBA systems did not have an in console modem at all let alone a modem to connect to the internet. This is a huge step for these games so yeah expect not before seen extras that were previously not possible until now XD.:)
Equinox said:
Mitja said:
How do you know they could patch this? Because it sounds so simple?
Because you can't patch a game that has been patched before? I don't know the exact way you'd go about it, but than again neither you do, so I could ask how do you know they can't patch it? I take it I'm talking to a pessimist. Also it's not like the patch needs to include a whole damn region, it's only Primal Pokemon (of which so far there are 2), Mega Pokemon, three moves, and three abilities. OH YEAH what about when XY2/Z come out. Are you as certain those games won't have a compatibility patch to XY as well?

Everyone has been merely assuming this nonsense with nothing to back it up and it backfired like expected.

In reality, a patch that adds new pokemon data makes compatibility more problematic. Because then you have to make sure the patched games are compatible, but also consider how a patched/new game communicates with a non-patched game. I mean obviously they wouldn't want to make it impossible for all communication just because you haven't managed to patch your game. And lets not forget the fact that patches are stored on the SD card whereas the save file is in the actual game-cart, the data of which cannot be rewritten.
I mean, I'm no expert on 3ds hardware/software, so please correct me at any point, but the people whining about this (and the trainer customization), most of them have no clue whatsoever how these things work on a technical level.
Because you can't make safeguards to a game that's patched (sarcasm), and they could make it like the Xbox, were you must patch the game before you play? You know you can create solutions to problems right, these are just my ideas. And what entitles you to say these people are wrong? What reason justifies that you're right if you don't know the full extent of Nintendo/Game Freak's technological capabilities.

But forget about technicalities. There is also the fact that they'd rather you buy their new game for the new stuff from a straightforward business standpoint... how can anyone think they would do a full compatibility patch with this in mind?
Even though HGSS was compatible with DPPT AND HGSS were remakes as well. By that logic they both shouldn't be compatible then.
What's next? Expecting them to not "remove" old regions for new games?
Even though they recreated these games so ALL Pokemon can be obtainable, and it's pretty cool seeing a recreation of the old games.

I'd say I'm a realist rather than a pessimist.

Your definition of comaptibility seems flawed.
ORAS is going to be compatible with XY from the start, no patch needed, that is not a quesion, but obvious and already confirmed through interviews.
What we are actually talking about here is whether "full compatibility" is an option now (it is, they could technically keep updating old games if they had a real incentive for doing so) and whether its worth bothering with from gamefreaks side (it's not, they don't gain anything besides looking a bit friendlier, while dicouraging people from buying their latest game).

Achieving compatibility is really simple, and this is the way gamefreak are and have been avoiding this issue in past games:
Content exclusive to the new games raises a red flag and prevents further interaction.

You want the new content? Buy the new game. They don't owe anyone anything who bought their completed versions of XY.

The same thing will happen with XZYZ, compatible from the start, no patch needed.
They already patched X/Y to fix that save crash thing.
So they could patch it again to do the other stuff if they wanted.

Of course I do plan on playing Alpha Sapphire.
As many have said, throwing a patch out there is not that simple... a saving glitch is one thing, a bunch of new Pokemon, trainer images, abilities and moves are another. The biggest problem is, of course, the fact that the patches are saved in the SD Card, not the game cart.

SotS has pretty much said it... the problem isn't on what they're not doing now, the problem is on what they haven't done before. 1-on-1 turn sequence battles are something that will never change, because that's Pokemon, but other things could and should have changed... the 3DS has a lot of potential, but XY and now ORAS do not use it. The 3D is limited and lacking, the size of the games and possibility of expanding isn't even nearing the limits of the console... it's just not enough. I mean, even Super Mario, THE 2D platform game, got a 3D version. Compared to games like Smash, the Pokemon games for the 3DS are just that much behind.

Patching is way harder than you guys believe it is. It is not impossible, but XY is just not well-made enough to make it easier.
Well if they can't do it for XY there's always Pokémon Z in the near future. If we're lucky, maybe they'll actually utilize 100% of the potential the 3DS has and make one damn fine Pokémon game that has everything we could ask for.
MrSquarepants said:
Well if they can't do it for XY there's always Pokémon Z in the near future. If we're lucky, maybe they'll actually utilize 100% of the potential the 3DS has and make one damn fine Pokémon game that has everything we could ask for.

Of course Z or XY2 or XZYZ or whatever will include anything ORAS introduce...but it will also have new stuff which won't be attempted to be put into ORAS or XY.

My speculation:
-yet again more Megas
---gen 6 starters obviously so it's not as boring as BW2s Unova starter repeat
---more focus on gen 6 before we leave Kalos for a good while, I'd say Florges, Avalugg, Hawlucha, Noivern, Heliolisk.
---a bunch more previous gen Megas that are lacking, most of all gen 5: Krookodile, Gigalith, Chandelure, Hydreigon, Reuniclus, etc.
-Primal reversions or new forms for Xerneas and Yveltal
-two Megas or other kinds of formes (perhaps even Kyurem-ish) for Zygarde

But the fact remains... new pokemon designs remain bound to any future game from when they are released.
Thinking gamefreak would go back altering old products to include features of their new products is unrealistic wishful thinking.

This won't change unless the format of their games itself changes dramatically.
For example if game cartridges themselves were to become a thing of the past and the standard would be become to have compatibility and updatability already built into the basic software, then. Not before, and not while the world remains business as usual.
They probably mean the use of the new mega Pokemon to be used in X/Y. I think that is what everyone is wondering about. I would like to see that as well but unfortunately I don't think it will because X/Y does not have the coding for the new mega evolutions. If they made a patch for X/Y then yeah that would be great.:)