As some of you might know, I am from Croatia. I will tell you, it (edited) being a croatian pokemon fan. You can only play TCG tournaments in Zagreb (capital city) and there are only 10 players. 10 players! We don't even have a sponsor! There are no city or state tournaments, we can't even go to the Worlds. We don't even have Prereleases. Those who play pokemon are called geeks. Do you know when did hg and ss came to Croatia? Septemer! We don't even have the anime any more! We stopped in season 7! Oh, and how happy were we when they were removed to make place for yu-gi-oh and bakugan (if you could here me you wold know I was being sarcastic). I remeber, when I was little, pokemon were the best thing ever. Pokemon movies in the cinemas, children on the sidewalk playing pokemon, pokemon costumes, everyone singing the team rocket song. Now, it's all gone. So think for a second: what if that was your town, your country, wouldn't you be sad? I guess what I want to say... Don't take pokemon for granted.