No Tins today?


So I saw on Pokebeach, the home page that the new Tins will be released today, the 27th of February. I've been excited for awhile. And today, I went to Wal-Mart, no tins. Went to Target, no tins. Went to Toys R Us, no tins. What's up with that? Am I missing something? o_O So I bought 6 packs to make up for my trips back and forth. Got NOTHING. lol RH Lapras and RH Cards like Wingull and Skarmory. Wooopeee. =[ Did anybody get the tins today?
No...on my bright side though, I got darkrai lv x to take up the position of the tin darkrai
Not EVERY store has them yet. Sheez, talk about hurrying, you got a few days till states y'know.
The Darkrai LV.X does look wicked! I'm hoping my Wal-Mart starts getting in the decks!
I think, honestly, GE is the best set so far in the D/P series.

So many deck types introduced, Pachy, Claydol, the LV.X's, Houndoom, Beedrill, decent decks...
You'll have to wait a few days for the stores to get their shippment and stock. It took a week before I could get my hands on the Infernape Lv.X, Torterra Lv.X, and Empoleon Lv.X tins. Lets hope thats not the case here.
didnt find them at my nearest target, so i went to another about 10 minutes away from the first one and found them there ! i got a darkrai tin but didnt pull anything really good. it came with 1 ge, 2 sw, and 1 mt booster for those who whant to know . i wonder if the boosters inside are random though ? i kind of thought it would have had more ge boosters than anything else....
I went to Target today and they had all three.
I haven't seen any yet but then I haven't looked that hard, I went to target yesterday(none there) TRU today(had the first DP tins) and called my favorite card shop(received Naruto instead of pokemon) so I'm going to give up for now.