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Not trading at this time.

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RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

Underdawg said:
I saw Raikou EX, but I wouldn't trade Tornadus FA for it alone. Do you see anything else that you want of mine?

I'd like to get your 2 Raikou EX DEX, I'd prefer not to trade Tornadus for either of them, but the Groudon is tradeable. Also on your thread I noticed you wanted Mewtwo EX, I could trade that as well.

I was mainly interested in the Tornadus EX, trying to complete my set. If you change your mind feel free to let me know. Thank you [have a playset of Mew2's lol. working on updating my list.]
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

numberonewill said:
I was mainly interested in the Tornadus EX, trying to complete my set. If you change your mind feel free to let me know. Thank you [have a playset of Mew2's lol. working on updating my list.]
Your thread says you want to Mewtwos...
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

Would I be able to do a Mewtwo ex, terrakion NOV, and a zoroark DE. For your Mewtwo EX FA?
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

Darkscyther said:
Would I be able to do a Mewtwo ex, terrakion NOV, and a zoroark DE. For your Mewtwo EX FA?
Not interested. Do you have any DEX EXs?
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

It hasnt been updated. im in the process of rebuilding my binders and updating my thread. Thats what I was saying. I dont want Mew2's personally. I have my set. Only reason I would trade for them would to trade them to my friends for things they have that I need. And they dont have what I need. So like I said, if you change your mind about the Tornadus EX FA, feel free to let me know. Thanks for your time.
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

numberonewill said:
It hasnt been updated. im in the process of rebuilding my binders and updating my thread. Thats what I was saying. I don't want Mew2's personally. I have my set. Only reason I would trade for them would to trade them to my friends for things they have that I need. And they don't have what I need. So like I said, if you change your mind about the Tornadus EX FA, feel free to let me know. Thanks for your time.
Will do, thanks.
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

2x Pokemon Catcher
8x Pokemon Collector
FA Shaymin EX
FA Regigigas EX
FA Zekrom EX
FA Zekrom
3x FA Thundurus
Celebi Prime
2x Coballion FA

Interested in Darkrai, any possibility?
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

Dark Aero said:
2x Pokemon Catcher
8x Pokemon Collector
FA Shaymin EX
FA Regigigas EX
FA Zekrom EX
FA Zekrom
3x FA Thundurus
Celebi Prime
2x Coballion FA

Interested in Darkrai, any possibility?
No offence, but I don't want even one of those cards.
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

Terrakion NV

1 RH Accelgor DEX
1 NH Accelgor DEX
I would also like any RH Gothita's you have (Hypnotic Glare) and Ability Gothitelles, thanks :)
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

alexmf2 said:
How much do you value the Darkrai at?

Martini said:
Terrakion NV

1 RH Accelgor DEX
1 NH Accelgor DEX
I would also like any RH Gothita's you have (Hypnotic Glare) and Ability Gothitelles, thanks :)
Deal, and I don't have any of the cards you asked about. PM to confirm.
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

Would you do the Darkrai for 2 Raikou EX and a Terrakion NV? If not CML for other stuff.
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

um, that's like trading in your favor 5-6$
Terrakion - 8$

Accelgor RH 0.50
Accelgor NH 0.25

That's like 7.25 in your favor, do you have any of my wants??
RE: H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: A LOT!

alexmf2 said:
Would you do the Darkrai for 2 Raikou EX and a Terrakion NV? If not CML for other stuff.
I'm sorry dude, the Raikou EXs are $40 total, and the Terrakion is a lower want. I don't want to trade an expensive EX for it. As far as your list, I saw nothing. Sorry man, hope you find a Darkrai!

Martini said:
um, that's like trading in your favor 5-6$
Terrakion - 8$

Accelgor RH 0.50
Accelgor NH 0.25

That's like 7.25 in your favor, do you have any of my wants??
No, then I guess no deal.
RE: INSTANT DEALS! H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: Entei EX and Darkrai EX!

would you do
tornadus ex
entei ex fa
terrkion nv
darkrai ex
RE: INSTANT DEALS! H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: Entei EX and Darkrai EX!

jgreen said:
would you do
tornadus ex
entei ex fa
terrkion nv
darkrai ex
That totals to you getting $60, me getting $46... Not fair; no thanks.
RE: INSTANT DEALS! H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: Entei EX and Darkrai EX!

my mistake didnt see tornadus dropped from 33 for reg...can i add anything to make the difference?
RE: INSTANT DEALS! H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: Entei EX and Darkrai EX!

jgreen said:
my mistake didnt see tornadus dropped from 33 for reg...can i add anything to make the difference?
Nah, sorry.
RE: INSTANT DEALS! H: Dark Explorers EXs! W: Entei EX and Darkrai EX!

Your: Groudon EX and Tornadus RH
My: Entei EX FA?
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